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 Girondists & Jacobins  G=A member of the moderate republican party formed in the French legislative assembly in 1791. The Girondists were so called.

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2  Girondists & Jacobins  G=A member of the moderate republican party formed in the French legislative assembly in 1791. The Girondists were so called because their leaders were deputies from the department of La Gironde.  Jacobin-A radical or extreme leftist.  Montganards(the Mountain) Radical Jacobins!! Radical, radicals!  Controlled National Assembly  Advocated for government reform of constitutional monarchy

3  Sans-Culottes-A revolutionary extremist.  Favored democratic republic  Nation of small farmers & shopkeepers  Voice of common man could be heard  Best form of govt. was the one which governed the least  Wanted laws to prevent extremes of both wealth & property

4  Maximilien-Francois- Marie-Isodore De Robespierre  1758-1794  Lawyer  Prominent member of Jacobin Club (radical political organization)  Dominant in National Convention  (revolutionary assembly 1792-1795)  Honore-Gabriel Riqueti, Comto De Mirabeau  1749-1791  Soldier & well-known political essayist  Most celebrated orator of revolutionary period  Advocate of constitutional monarchy for France

5  May 1789  Elected to Estates-General as deputy for 3 rd Estate  July 1793  Joins nine- member Committee of Public Safety  April-July 1794  Virtual dictator of France  Largely responsible for Reign of Terror 1793- 1794

6  1791  Appointed president of National Assembly  Fails to convince radicals or King Louis XVI to create constitutional monarchy based on British model  April 1791  Dies of ill health

7  Georges-Jacques Danton  1759-1794  Lawyer  Founder member of Cordeliers’ Club (radical revolutionary party & an influential element in National Convention)  Marie-Joseph, Marquis De Lafayette  1757-1834  Soldier in American Revolution  Becomes French national hero  Strong advocate of political reform  Advocate of royal authority to prevent anarchy during the period of reform  Hated by Jacobins for his moderation

8  September 1792  Elected to National Convention  April 1793  Original member of Committee of Public Safety & opposes excesses of the Terror  April 1794  Plotted against & denounced as a counterrevolutionary by Robespierre  Tried & executed

9  May 1789  Elected to Estates General as deputy for 2 nd Estate  Sympathetic to 3 rd Estate  August 1789  Helps draft Declaration of the Rights of Man (bill of rights) based on America’s  October 1789  Protects Louis XVI during march of Parisian citizens on Versailles  June 1791  Aids Louis XVI’s unsuccessful attempt to escape France  August 1792  Leaves France for Austria  Imprisoned & later released in 1797

10  Jean-Paul Marat  1743-1793  Physician & Scientist, practicing in Paris during Revolution  Member of Cordeliers’ Club  Editor of influential & controversial revolutionary newspaper L’ami du Peuple (The Friend of the People)  Arrested several times for publicly announcing prominent members of the assembly  Louis-Philippe-Joseph, Duc D’Orleans  1747-1793  Known as Philippe Egalite (Equality)  Member of Bourbon family  Popular & known for liberal views  Advocate of government reform

11  September 1792  Elected to National Convention  Advocates radical reforms  July 1793  Assassinated by Girondist activist Charlotte Corday  Hailed as a martyr

12  May 1789  Elected to Estates General as deputy for 2 nd Estate  September 1792  Given title Citoyen Egalite (Citizen Equality) by Paris Commune  Recognition of his support of the Revolution  April 1793  Arrested after his son becomes an émigré  October 1793  Executed as a counterrevolutionary

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