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Multiple Organisation Interconnection for Collaborative Advaced Network Experiments IST 2000 25137 MOICANE Pietro Polese Serenate Workshop, La Hulpe (Brussels),

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1 Multiple Organisation Interconnection for Collaborative Advaced Network Experiments IST 2000 25137 MOICANE Pietro Polese Serenate Workshop, La Hulpe (Brussels), 17 - 18 September 2002

2 MOICANE Serenate workshop 17-18 /09/2002 2 Summary  The Moicane Project  Cooperation with Geant  Cooperation with NRNs  IST 2002 Event  Conclusions

3 MOICANE Serenate workshop 17-18 /09/2002 3 Multiple Organisation Interconnection for Collaborative Advanced Network Experiments  Reference:IST-2000-25137  Timing: January 2001- December 2002  Coordinator:Alcatel Italia S.p.A.  Partners:  Manufacturers & Technology Suppliers: Alcatel Italia, Flextel, Temex Tekelec  Telecom Operators: Wind, OTE, RomTelecom  Research Institutes & Universities: University of Athens (ICCS- NTUA), University of Bucharest (UPB), Institute de Engenharia Sistemas e Computadore (INESC), Consorzio Pisa Ricerche (CPR)

4 MOICANE Serenate workshop 17-18 /09/2002 4 Moicane Trial Geographical Scenario Athens Bucharest Pisa Milan Ivrea Paris Lisbon Milan Moicane pilot network is made up of 6 islands Three of them: Pisa, Bucharest and Athens, are composed by 2 different DiffServ Domains

5 MOICANE Serenate workshop 17-18 /09/2002 5 Moicane Trial Physical Topology MOICANE ISLAND NTUA Athens NTUA Athens OTE Athens OTE Athens UNIPI Pisa UNIPI Pisa CPR Pisa CPR Pisa INESC Lisbon INESC Lisbon INFO Ivrea INFO Ivrea ALA Vimercate ALA Vimercate ROM Bucharest ROM Bucharest UPB Bucharest UPB Bucharest NRN POP GRNET GARR PI MI AT LI FCCN ROEDUNET BU GEANT POP ATHENS MADRID LISBON 10 Gbps 2,5 Gbps622 Mbps 2,5 Gbps HU 34-155 Mbps AT 2,5 Gbps CH 10 Gbps DE/UK MILAN 10 Gbps

6 MOICANE Serenate workshop 17-18 /09/2002 6 Moicane island GEANT National NREN SLA Integration with GÉANT and NRNs Scenario:  AF traffic tunnelled into EF at the in/egress borders t Possible tests with pure EF traffic only AF traffic tunneled into EF traffic AF traffic

7 MOICANE Serenate workshop 17-18 /09/2002 7  Objectives  Realization of a QoS enabled pilot connecting different islands  Perform joint tests on IP QoS  Joint participation and demonstration at IST 2002 Expected BenefitsExpected Benefits Test performances of SEQUIN IP Premium ServiceTest performances of SEQUIN IP Premium Service Experience QoS provision in a multi-admin. domainExperience QoS provision in a multi-admin. domain Investigate mechanisms to preserve QoS parameters through different domains (PHBs, SLS, ecc)Investigate mechanisms to preserve QoS parameters through different domains (PHBs, SLS, ecc) Compare collected data and resultsCompare collected data and results Cooperation with GÉANT

8 MOICANE Serenate workshop 17-18 /09/2002 8  Comparison of approaches to QoS  MOICANE will provide delay - sensitive traffic for QoS test  Feed-back to IP Premium service  Investigation of tunnelling for dynamic QoS signalling  Experience about definition of SLS Mutual benefit will be achieved Mutual benefit will be achieved Significant experience will be shared Significant experience will be shared Cooperation with GÉANT

9 MOICANE Serenate workshop 17-18 /09/2002 9 Cooperation with National Research Networks (NRENs)  NRENs involved in the MOICANE trial: 1.GARR (Italy). 2.FCCN (Portugal). 3.GRNET (Greece). 4.ROEDUNET (Romania).  Objectives of collaborations: 1.Provision of network connectivity (2 Mbps) between MOICANE islands and the nearest Géant POPs. 2.Provision of IP Premium Service.

10 MOICANE Serenate workshop 17-18 /09/2002 10 Achievements of Cooperation with NRENs (1)  GARR  Connect GEANT POP in Milan with CPR Moicane island in Pisa  Provides 2 Mbit/s bandwidth with no IP Premium service (QoS guarantee through an ATM PVC link)  FCCN  Connect GEANT POP in Lisbon with INESC Moicane island in Lisbon  Provides 1,5 Mbit/s bandwidth with IP Premium service  GRNET  Connect GEANT POP in Athens with NTUA Moicane island in Athens without QoS (due to hardware equipment unavailability)  ROEDUNET  Connect GEANT POP in Bucharest with UPB Moicane island in Bucharest  Provides 2 Mbit/s bandwidth with IP Premium service

11 MOICANE Serenate workshop 17-18 /09/2002 11 Achievements of Cooperation with NRENs (2)  Full support given by the different NRENs’ Representatives to Moicane:  Technical implementation details  Formal agreement  Technical realisation of local loops quickly accomplished: all connections to Moicane islands are now operational  The only open issue is the lack of QoS provision in Athens (local connection) due to:  Unavailability of a suitable local loop and  Overload in GRNET network (GRNET2 deployment delayed)

12 MOICANE Serenate workshop 17-18 /09/2002 12 Future Plans  Carry out joint demonstration at IST 2002 (Copenhagen) event in order to:  Demonstrate the impact of QoS on interactive real time very demanding services delivered through IP network  Connect the Moicane island on the IST booth to their sister islands deployed in the European countries involving GÉANT, Nordunet and NRNs

13 MOICANE Serenate workshop 17-18 /09/2002 13 Conclusions Important Mutual Benefit are being achieved Important Mutual Benefit are being achieved Significant experience will be shared Significant experience will be shared Seeds for future fruitful collaborations are being put Seeds for future fruitful collaborations are being put Moicane Cooperation with GEANT and NRENs successful and beneficial:

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