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Uploading movies from the Web and Embedding into Power point and adding Audio Mary Clarke-Miller Integrating technology into lessons using power point.

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Presentation on theme: "Uploading movies from the Web and Embedding into Power point and adding Audio Mary Clarke-Miller Integrating technology into lessons using power point."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uploading movies from the Web and Embedding into Power point and adding Audio Mary Clarke-Miller Integrating technology into lessons using power point.

2 Audio – play across slides You need to download free tool MP3 AddIn x.php?id=66 x.php?id=66 This will allow you to embed an MP3 file into your powerpoint – without the need to make sure you bring your music from home in a separate folder.. Once plugin is added follow the next steps.

3 Audio Before loading audio got to File Menu and click on Tools – options- General tab. Change file size of link sounds – up to the size of the file you are embedding.. From 20 kb to 7000 -10000 kb

4 Audio Once plugin is installed – go to Insert Movies and Sounds MP3 from file. Browse and select music Your music is now embedded not linked in your power point. Right click on speaker – go to custom animation option. Right click on audio file – you now have access to options to play music across slides..

5 Alternative audio.wav Audacity is a free audio program that allows you to record and adjust sound. You can also import MP3 files and edit the length and export as a.wav file which can then be embedded directly into your power point. This can help keep down the size of your final presentation.. It is a little more work – but is a valid option and easy to use.

6 is a great way to upload videos from Youtube or other school blocked websites. It is a free service unless you want to manage a lot of files..

7 Tabs are your friend Open up your browser Got to You tube – find the video you want to upload and click on play.. While playing highlight the full address bar and hit ctrl +C to copy. Open up second tab or window and go to – paste URL into Step 1 box after clicking on URL link.. Step 2 choose mov Step 3 email Step 4 convert

8 Purchase Quicktime pro = $30 While Zamzar says it can convert web videos to avi or wmv – I have had trouble with these formats not playing. I upload any movie as file and then export through QT to create an.avi or.wmv so that the movie WILL play in Power point. QT allows you to perform simple edits and is worth the cost.

9 Embedding video into Power Point Special thanks to Diana Kenney for all her help

10 Summary – recap on video Instead of insert movie – Insert object Select Windows Movie player. Once Player is added to slide right click to access properties. Click on Custom option to browse for video file ( that is an avi or a wmv)

11 End Card Thank you – please help me improve on this presentation by emailing I have permission to use music from the Meridians Album by Valerie Mih –Download available from itunes –Search Meridians – Val Mih

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