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Institute for Strategic Management of Universities (ISMU) Administration 26 November, 2012.

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2 Institute for Strategic Management of Universities (ISMU) Administration 26 November, 2012

3 TEMPUS Tempus – the program financed by the European Union, directed on support of processes of modernization of the higher education in the partner countries from Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Western Balkans and the Mediterranean. Main goal of the program - assistance to cooperation development in the field of higher education between the European Union and the partner countries in a realization context of Lisbon strategy and Bologna Process

4 Partners: Turin Polytechnical University, Italy; Royal Polytechnical University, Sweden; D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University, Kazakhstan; M. Tynyshpayev Kazakh academy of transport and communication; Kyrgyz National University; Management academy at the President,Kyrgyz Republic; Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan; State University of Bukhara, Uzbekistan; Tajik State University of trade; Institute of Economy of Tajikistan; Ministry of Education of Tajikistan. INSTITUTE ON STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF UNIVERSITIES Coordinator: Polytechnical University of Catalonia, Spain

5 Aim: Improvement of management and management of higher educational institutions by means of providing with highly skilled managers of the average and highest level through creation the international institute on strategic management of universities. Project goals: 1. To define competences and needs of Central Asia. 2. To open Institute on strategic management of universities (ISMU) in each higher education institution of the partner countries and on regional electronic (online) platform. 3. To offer universities courses of average and top managers, on mixed and f2f approaches from ISMU 4. To create a regional platform on an exchange of the best practice in the field of management of universities in Central Asia Aim and goals of project

6 1.Operating system of strategic management of Higher education institutions in EU and Central Asia, Michele Dzhirotto 2.Organizational structure and management of Higher education institutions 3.Quality of strategic management, Shchavye Lyinas 4.Strategic management in scientific researches and innovations. 5.Financial models, Josephine Auladel 6.Process of strategic planning, Marissa Zhuste 7.Quality management, Gabriel Bugeda Seminar program 5-13 November 2012

7 Who we are? Where we are situated? Where do we go? Where are we from? 1. Mission 2. vision 3. SWOT- analysis Actions Task indicators 4. Directions Aim

8 Strategic directions VALUES


10 UPC –public institution of the higher education which is engaged in training of highly qualified technical specialists in such spheres as: architecture and construction, design, trade navigation, health care, agrotechnology, telecommunications, information technologies, sea researches, applied mathematics. Polytechnical University Catalonia

11 People 2 396 teachers and scientists 1 694 administration and office staff 29 687 students 2 581 undergraduates (30% foreign) 3 070 doctoral candidates (49% foreign) Programs 69 specialties of a bachelor degree 62 specialties of a magistracy (23 in English) 48 specialties of doctoral studies 3 142 student's training Science 17 research centers 2 033 realized research projects 2 070 articles published in scientific magazines 101 scientific and technical awards 274 defense of doctoral dissertations

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