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Project 7 Mastering Digital Media: Audio and Video Files.

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1 Project 7 Mastering Digital Media: Audio and Video Files

2 2 Chapter Objectives  Launch Windows Media Player in full mode  Search for and play audio and video files from the Internet  Change views in Media Player  Play tracks on an audio CD  Choose a visualization and apply a skin

3 3 Chapter Objectives  Switch between full mode and skin mode  Understand licensing and content protection  Copy tracks from an audio CD to Media Library  Display album information and artist profile  Create and view a playlist

4 4 Chapter Objectives  Copy tracks to a playlist  Burn a CD using the tracks in a playlist  Listen to an Internet radio station  Launch Windows Movie Maker  Import a video file into Movie Maker

5 5 Chapter Objectives  Play and rename video clips  Add and edit video clips in the workspace  Preview and save a project  Save a movie

6 6 Project Overview  This project is an introduction to Windows Media Player and Windows Movie Maker.  Using Media Player and Movie Maker, you play music files located on the Internet, copy music from an audio CD to Media Library, burn a CD, listen to Internet radio stations, import video files into Movie Maker, play and edit video clips, preview and save a project, and save a movie.

7 7 Music to Go: The Digital Media Revolution  Timeline of the various music delivery media. the earliest -- car radio eight-track tape compact cassettes CDs Windows Media Player.  What is your experience with any of these older media?  What exposure have you had with to the latest media technologies (e.g., Internet radio, MP3 players, etc.)?

8 8 Digital Media  Digital media includes audio, video, and images  Digital media is stored in audio files, video files and picture files  A single song on an audio CD is referred to as a track.

9 9 Windows Media Player 9  Seven Main Features of Windows Media Player view digital media that is currently playing download and play audio and video files from the internet copy music from an audio CD to the computer organize and play audio and video files listen to Internet radio stations copy audio files to a CD or portable music device change the visual appearance of Windows Media Player

10 10 Launching: Windows Media Player 9  Click the Start button, point to All Programs on the Start menu, and then click Windows Media Player.

11 11 Windows Media Player 9  Full Mode allows access to the Media Player features allows you to display or not display the outer frame  Status pane displays messages  Video – copyright, playing message, video clip name, author name  Audio – copyright, transfer speed, track title, artist name displays elapsed playing time

12 12 Windows Media Player 9  Hide/Show Taskbar button along the right side of the taskbar display or not display the features taskbar  Features taskbar contains seven (7) buttons along the left side  Media Guide is selected by default and the Media Guide view is displayed  Media Guide Pane home page  Search for and play audio and video files  Retrieve current news and entertainment stories  Listen to radio stations  Display other digital media site

13 13 Windows Media Player 9: Features Taskbar

14 14 Windows Media Player 9: Outer Frame  Outer Frame includes: Windows Media Player window Title bar Menu bar  Click the Show menu bar button to display the Windows Media Player outer frame.

15 15 Playlist Selection Area  Playlist Selection Area allows you to perform basic operations that you would perform if the menu bar in the outer frame were visible

16 16 Playback Controls Area  Playback Control Area displays along the bottom of Media player and contain the playback controls  Common CD and VCR symbols are used

17 17 Playback Controls Area  Playback Controls  Play and Pause  Stop  Play next or previous  Sound on/off  Fast forward  Increase/decrease volume

18 18 Windows Media Player 9: Skin Mode  Switch to Skin Mode button  to the right of the playback controls  used to change form full mode to skin mode  Skin Mode  customize the appearance and functionality  apply visual design  odd shapes  bright colors  unusual designs  Full mode features are not available in Skin mode

19 19 Windows Media Player 9: Media Guide View  icons  speaker icon identifies audio links  filmstrip icon identifies video links  Streaming – file is copied (streamed) from its location on the Internet to the computer  Streaming is a method of delivering a continuous flow of data from a Web site (server) on the Internet to another computer without interruption  Streaming allows the audio to begin playing immediately without waiting on the entire file to be received

20 20 Windows Media Player 9: Media Guide View  Buffer – is an area of computer memory reserved for holding data being transferred between two locations  Buffering  protects against the interruption of data flow from a Web site to the computer  is affected by the speed of the Internet connection

21 21 Playing a Video File on the WindowsMedia.Com Home Page  Filmstrip icon identifies each video link on the Web site  Now Playing view allows you to view the video and listen to any audio associated with the file  Locate a video link on the home page and then point to the video link  Clicking a video link may display one or more open windows on the desktop…Do not close them…they are used in the streaming process

22 22 Now Playing View  Now playing view displays Visual pane  has three types of visual information that can display one at a time Video Visualizations - is an animated design color of and geometric shapes that change with the frequency and volume of the music Album cover art  Playlist pane displays the current playlist

23 23 Playlist  A playlist is a list of links to various digital media files on a computer, network, or Internet  Current item in playlist is highlighted  Total time (minutes and seconds) to play the entire playlist displays to the right of the current item and at the bottom of the Playlist pane.  A vertical bar separates the Visual pane from the Playlist pane Drag left to right to change the size of one of the panes

24 24 Changing the Media Player View  Media Guide allows you can search for audio files on page and play the audio file  Click the Media Guide button on the Features taskbar

25 25 Playing an Audio File on the Home Page  Speaker icons identifies each audio link  Audio links do not change the view of Now Playing, however you can change it  Audio links may open one or more windows on the desktop

26 26 Playing an Audio File on the Home Page  Visualizations are grouped into 8 collections Album art Ambience (default - Ambience: Random) Bars and Waves Battery Particle Plenoptic Spikes Musical color  Additional collections are available on the Internet  Presets are variations in the collections

27 27 Playing an Audio File on the Home Page  Click the audio link on the home page and listen to the tracks  Visual pane includes Artist name, track title, and the album name at the top of the pane Visualization plays in the middle A toolbar displays at the bottom of the pane and has three buttons  Select visualization or album art  Previous visualization  Next visualization Toolbar also includes the Visualization name  Playlist pane includes An entry for artist name and album name List of tracks on the album Play length is displayed

28 28 Playing an Audio CD  If your computer is connected to the Internet when you play the CD your computer will connect to All Music Group through Windows Media Player to retrieve the metadata about the CD  Metadata – is the information about the CD Album name, artist name, track title, track length  Insert an audio CD into the CD-ROM drive  View Full screen button expands the visualization to display across the entire desktop

29 29 Select a Visualization  Make the changes while the CD is playing  Right-click the Select visualization or album art button, and then click on the desired visualization  Clicking the Album Art command at the top will display the picture of the album cover in the Visual pane

30 30 Applying a Skin  Media Player has more than 20 skins to customize your Windows Media Player  Click the Skin Chooser button on the Features taskbar. Click the desired skin in the list of skins. Click apply.  There are three buttons at the top of the pane Apply Skin Button – apply skin and change to skin mode More Skins Button – download skins from Delete Button – delete a skin from the list  Switch to Full Mode – this button allows you to switch back to full mode

31 31 Copy from CD View  Copy from CD view allows you to: copy a single track or an entire audio CD to the computer Edit the text and picture information Read information about the artist View a list of similar artist  Default setting is digital copying (best sound) Reproduces the original sound exactly  Analog copying coverts the audio to analog to use with sound card then coverts it back to digital to be copied to the hard drive. (sound not as good)  Default setting stores files as Windows Media Audio (WMA), however, this can be changed to more popular formats (MP3)

32 32 Licensing and Content Protection  License is associated with a media file and protects the owner of the media against illegal distribution how media can be used time period for use  Content protection is the license that protects the use of media  Default setting is to protect content can only be played on that computer can be copied to a recordable CD  You can change the default setting, however, Windows Media Player will try to obtain the license and you may be ask to register or pay for the license.

33 33 Copying an Entire CD  You can copy a single track, a group of tracks, or an entire CD to the hard drive  Stored in the My Music folder and referenced to the Media Library (artist folder, album folder, tracks)  Click the Copy from CD button. Point to the Copy Music button. If the Windows Media Player dialog box appears, click the Do not protect content check box and then click the OK button. Click the Copy Music button  CD-ROM drive, Computer, and CD being used affect the speed and quality of the coping process

34 34 Copying an Entire CD  Toolbar contains the artist name, album name, and three buttons Copy Music – copies selected tracks from CD Get Names – searches the internet for the album name and track titles and stores the information in Media Player Album Details – displays the album and artists information in Media Player  Check marks indicate that a track is selected and will be copied  Status pane shows the number of tracks to be copied and the location where they will be copied.

35 35 Display Album Information And Artist Profile  While the tracks are being copied, point to the Album Details button  Album information includes a picture of the album cover, a list of tracks on the CD, and a review of the album  Artist Profile includes a biography of the artists, a discography (chronological listing of albums, singles, and boxed sets), and a list of related artists

36 36 Displaying the Folders in the My Music Folder  Click the Start button, click My Documents on the Start menu, and then double-click the My Music icon in the My Documents window  You can play any track in the folder by double-clicking its music icon. Media Player will launch and play the track

37 37 Media Library  Media Library organizes the audio and video files on your computer and the links to audio and video files on the Internet in a hierarchical structure  Media Library is divided into five categories Audio Video My Playlists Radio Tuner Presets Deleted Items

38 38 Media Library  Audio category is a database of links to audio files on the computer and the Internet and is organized into four categories All Audio Album Artists Genre – a particular style (Rock, Jazz, Classical, Country, etc.)  Video Category is a database of links to video files and is organized into two categories All Clips Author

39 39 Media Library  My Playlists Category contains playlists of audio and video content. create add rename delete  Radio Tuner Presets Category contains radio presets to stations on the Internet. listen to a station add and remove stations search for new stations visit web page for a station  Deleted Items Category contains deleted playlist and items deleted from a playlist and is permanently removed

40 40 Viewing the Media Library  Click the Media Library button on the Features taskbar. If necessary, scroll the Library Explorer pane to the left to display the contents of the pane. There are eight buttons on the toolbar Plus sign – indicates additional folders are available Minus sign – indicates additional folders are displayed below the icon

41 41 Search For and Adding Media Files to Media Library from the Hard Drive  Point to an area above the Media Player to display the Windows Media Player outer frames (window, title bar, and menu bar). Click Tools on the menu bar and then click the Search For Media Files command

42 42 Searching for a Track Title using the Media Library  Search button on the Media Library toolbar allows you to search the Media Library for a word or phrase in the track title, artist name, album name, genre, or file name  Click the Search button. Type the track title in the Search for items matching the words text box. Click the Search button in the Search Media Library dialog box. Click the View Results button

43 43 Expanding a Folder  Media Library displays a hierarchy of items in the Library Explorer pane and the contents of the highlighted folder in the Library Detail pane  To expand a folder click the plus sign in the small box to the left of the folder in the Library Explorer pane

44 44 Viewing the Contents of a Folder  To display the contents click the desired icon in the Library Explorer pane  To close the expanded folder click the minus sign to the left of the icon  Navigating the Library Explorer is an important skill to know because as your collection grows it will be easier to organize and play your files

45 45 Creating a Playlist  Media Library stores the tracks you select in a playlist so that they can be copied to a CD  Click the New playlist button on the toolbar. Type the desired name for the playlist in the Enter the new playlist name text box. Click the OK button

46 46 Copying Tracks to a Playlist  Click the album name in the Library Explorer pane that contains the tracks you want to copy to the playlist. Click the Add to playlist button on the toolbar. Click the playlist in the Add to playlist menu

47 47 Displaying the Tracks in a Playlist  Click the playlist in the Library Explorer pane

48 48 Copy to CD or Device View  Burning a CD is a three step process of copying tracks to a CD 1. Media Player inspects each track to be copied for errors 2. Media Player converts each track and then stores the tracks in a temporary location on the computer (quality level and compression rating) 3. Media Player copies each track to the CD-R or CD-RW  CD-R (recordable compact disk) – cannot change the content - you must copy all tracks at the same time  CD-RW (rewritable compact disk) – copy and delete tracks – cannot add to used CD-RW without deleting its content first  Click the Copy to CD or Device button on the Features taskbar

49 49 Copy to CD or Device View  Track List pane includes Status messages  Ready  Converting  Converted  Copying to CD  Complete  Closing disc Insert a blank CD into the drive Copy Music button

50 50 Burning a CD using a Playlist  Insert a blank CD in the CD-ROM drive. Click the Copy Music button  The time it takes to copy depends on how many files are being copied and the speed of the CD drive

51 51 Portable Devices  There are several portable devices you can use to store and play audio tracks Packet and Handheld PC’s Digital Audio Players CD Recorders  The device has to be connected to the computer in order to copy tracks to them

52 52 Radio Tuner View  Radio Tuner view allows you to search for and play radio stations from around the world  Click the Radio Tuner button on the Features taskbar

53 53 Listening to a Radio Station  The default number of Radio stations is 10 in the Featured Stations area  Click the green right arrow to the left of the radio station name in the Featured Stations area to listen to that station  Click the radio station name or the double down arrow to view details about the radio station

54 54 Deleting a Playlist  Click the Media Library button on the Features taskbar  Select the album name in the Library Explorer pane  Select all the tracks in the Library Details pane  Click the Delete media from the playlist or library button on the toolbar

55 55 Deleting a Playlist  Click Delete from Library on the shortcut menu  Click the playlist in the My Playlists section in the Library Explorer pane  Click the Delete media from the playlist or library button on the toolbar  Click Delete Playlist on the shortcut menu

56 56 Closing Media Player  Click the Close button in Media Player

57 57 Windows Movie Maker  transfer recorded digital media from and analog or digital video camera to the computer  import existing audio and video files  combine audio and video clips to create a movie  edit the movie  e-mail a finished movie  post a finished movie to the World Wide Web

58 58 Creating a Movie  The first step in creating a movie is to record the source material  Source material is the original audio and video content recorded into Movie Maker. Stored with a.wmv file name extension  Recording is the process of converting the audio and video to the digital Windows Media format

59 59 Creating a Movie  Collection files is a database file that stores information about a collection and the clips in the collection. Stored with a.col file name extension  Capture device converts analog content to digital content

60 60 Creating a Movie  Source file is the original file that is imported into Movie Maker the three types are Audio source file name extension include.mp3.asf and.wma Video source file name extension include.wmv.asf.avi and.mpg Still image source file name extension include.jpg and.gif

61 61 Creating a Movie  The second step in creating a moving is to edit the project file  Project is the rough draft of a movie and is the file created when you save the results of adding various clips to the workspace  Workspace is an area in Movie Maker that contains the recorded source material

62 62 Creating a Movie  Editing is the process of rearranging clips, trimming clips to hide unwanted areas, creating transitions between clips and adding narration and is done in the workspace  Projects have a file name extension of.mswmm

63 63 Creating a Movie  The third step in creating a movie is to preview the project  You can preview a single clip or the entire project  The fourth step in creating a movie is to save the project as a movie on your hard drive and to distribute the movie by sending it in an e-mail. Movies are saved with a.wmv file name extension  Movie file is a file created by combining the audio, video, and still images contained in the project

64 64 Launching: Windows Movie Maker  Click the Start button, point to All Programs on the Start menu, point to Accessories, and then click Windows Movie Maker on the Accessories submenu

65 65 Windows Movie Maker  Standard toolbar contains buttons to start a new project, open an existing project, save a project, edit clips, delete a project and display clip properties  Project toolbar contains buttons to save a movie, send a movie, and record audio or video  Collection toolbar contains buttons to move up one level in the Collections area, add a new collection, display or remove the collections area and select a view  Location toolbar contain the Collection box

66 66 Windows Movie Maker  Storyboard view displays the sequence of clips in a project, allows you to look at the sequence of the clips and rearrange the clips  Timeline view displays the timing of the clips and allows you to review or modify the timing of the clips  There are five buttons to the left of the workspace in the storyboard and timeline view. Change the view Zoom in Zoom out Record narration Adjust the audio levels

67 67 Importing a Video into Movie Maker  Markers divides a Window Media file into manageable pieces, each of which describes a specific portion of the file or a separate event within a video  Click File on the menu bar and then click Import. Double-click the My Videos entry in the Select the File to Import dialog box. Select the Windows Movie Maker Sample File (or Sample if using the XP Home Edition) icon, and then Click the Open button

68 68 Renaming a Video Clip  Right-click the clip identified by the number 1. Point to Rename on the shortcut menu  Click Rename, type the new name in the icon title text box, and then press the ENTER key

69 69 Playing a Video Clip  Click the desired clip to select the clip and then click the Play button below the monitor

70 70 Adding a Collection to the Workspace  Workspace is an area in which you can work with the recorded or imported source material (clips) before saving the project  Click the Windows Movie Maker Sample File (or Sample) entry in the Collections pane of the Collections area to select the entry, click Clip on the menu bar, and then point to Add To Storyboard/Timeline

71 71 Editing the Project  You can add clips, remove clips, rearrange clips, trim clips to hide an unwanted segment of the clip, create the transition between two clips to move smoothly from one clip to another, and add narration that synchronizes with the clips.  You can preview the changes to the project in the monitor on the right side of the screen

72 72 Deleting a Clip from the Workspace  Click the desired clip on the storyboard to select the clip and then click the Delete button on the Standard toolbar

73 73 Rearranging and Coping a Clip in the Workspace  Right-drag the desired clip to the left along the storyboard until a black vertical bar appears to the left of the clip where you want to insert the clip on the storyboard.  Release the right mouse button.  Click copy

74 74 Previewing a Project  Click Play on the menu bar  Click Play Entire Storyboard/Timeline

75 75 Saving a Project  Click the Save Project button on the Standard toolbar.  Type the desired name of the project in the File name box.  Click the Save button

76 76 Saving a Movie  Click the Save Movie button on the Project toolbar.  Type the desired name in the Title text box.  Click the Author text box and then type your name in the Author text box.  Click the OK button in the Save Movie dialog box  Click the Save button.  Click the Yes button in the Windows Movie Maker dialog box

77 77 Deleting a Collection Folder, Project File, and Movie File  Click the desired File in the Collections pane  Click the Delete button on the Standard toolbar and then click the Yes button in the Windows Movie Maker dialog box  Click the Start button, point to My Documents, and then double-click the My Videos folder  Select the desired project icon and desired movie icon in the My Videos folder

78 78 Deleting a Collection Folder, Project File, and Movie File  Click the Delete the selected items task in the File and Folder Tasks area  Click the Yes button in the Confirm Multiple File Delete box  Close the My Videos window

79 79 Closing Movie Maker  Click the Close button in Movie Maker

80 80 Chapter Summary  Launch Windows Media Player in full mode  Search for and play audio and video files from the Internet  Change views in Media Player  Play tracks on an audio CD  Choose a visualization and apply a skin

81 81 Chapter Summary  Switch between full mode and skin mode  Understand licensing and content protection  Copy tracks from an audio CD to Media Library  Display album information and artist profile  Create and view a playlist

82 82 Chapter Summary  Copy tracks to a playlist  Burn a CD using the tracks in a playlist  Listen to an Internet radio station  Launch Windows Movie Maker  Import a video file into Movie Maker

83 83 Chapter Summary  Play and rename video clips  Add and edit video clips in the workspace  Preview and save a project  Save a movie

84 Windows XP - Project 7 - HOMEWORK  Read and complete steps for Project 7  Learn It Online # 3, page 7.69  In the Lab # 1, page 7.72 – 7.74  In the Lab # 2, page 7.74 – 7.76  In the Lab # 3, page 7.77  In the Lab # 4, page 7.78 – 7.80

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