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Published byTracy Greer Modified over 9 years ago
This work is supported by the National Science Foundation’s Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM program within the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (DUE-1245025). I NTRO TO GETSI-I N T E G RATE C URRICULUM D EVELOPMENT M ODEL & G UIDING P RINCIPLES The webinar begins at: 10 am PT | 11 am MT | 12 pm CT | 1 pm ET For audio, call: 1-877-668-4490 (or 1-408-792-6300) Access Code: 579 377 159 Press *6 to mute and unmute (but hopefully we won’t need any muting) Headphones give less feedback than speakerphone.
W EBINAR G OALS Introduce everyone Overview relationship between GETSI and InTeGrate GETSI guiding principles Introduction to GETSI website Consider examples of how the Guiding Principles might be met in the Year 2 GETSI modules Data processing that could be done by student summer intern
I NTRODUCTIONS PIs – Facilitator--Beth Pratt-Sitaula (UNAVCO) – Introductory--Becca Walker (Mt SAC) – Majors--Bruce Douglas (Indiana U) SERC Assessment/Evaluation – Ellen Iverson (SERC) – Stuart Birnbaum (UTSA) Year 2 Co-authors – Sarah Hall (College of Atlantic) – Eric Small (U of Colorado)
A five-year community effort to improve geoscience literacy and build a workforce prepared to tackle environmental and resource issues An NSF STEP Center DUE-1125331 InTeGrate supports the teaching of geoscience in the context of societal issues both within geoscience courses and across the undergraduate curriculum.
Collaborative project w/ SERC as the lead institution
Geoscience must come together with other disciplines as our nation and the world struggle with significant environmental and resource challenges. Meeting these challenges will require a savvy public, a new kind of workforce, and a broader understanding of geoscience by all who engage these issues USGS Barefoot Photographers of Tilonia Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future
Implicit in this model is that InTeGrate supports transformation of teaching in higher education to support engaged learning.
Example modules under development (all Intro)
Global climate system - link together many of the topics on the basis of the most recent modeling for future trends Climate patterns - short-term time scales (seasonal, decadal), implications for severe weather events, ocean/atmosphere Hydrologic cycles – supply and demand, contamination, landscape change Infectious diseases - environmental factors may affect distribution, transmission, severity of diseases Biological diversity - biomes, geological past, implications for future Biogeochemical cycles - movement of key elements (e.g., C, N) Land use - ecosystem changes (e.g., deforestation) and implications for biological diversity and biogeochemical cycles Energy resource availability - balance between energy security and development of less environment-friendly sources in North America Hazard awareness - preparation for future natural disasters, predictions, cost/benefits Mineral resource development - population, wealth distribution, technology, limited supplies, recycling, waste management Grand Challenges - InTeGrate Jones Kershaw, P., 2005, Creating a disaster resilient America: Grand challenges in science and technology. Summary of a workshop. National Research Council, National Research Council, 2001, Grand Challenges in Environmental Sciences. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 106 p. Zoback, M, 2001, Grand challenges in Earth and Environmental Sciences: Science, stewardship, and service for the Twenty-First Century. GSA Today, December, p.41-47.
The Geoscience Literacy Documents
G RAND C HALLENGES G EODESY /GETSI --subset of these of particular societal importance
Constructive Alignment Literacy Big Ideas Module Goals Learning Objectives Assessments
GETSI-SERC RELATIONSHIP GETSI largely uses the InTeGrate model for development (as practical) GETSI largely uses InTeGrate assessment process for module quality and student learning evidence GETSI site is hosted by SERC Ellen Iverson (SERC) is our project evaluator and lead assessment consultant Stuart Birnbaum also serves as InTeGrate assessment consultant
Developed and tested by 2-person teams 1-1.5 year commitment to development, testing, revision and publication Supported by assessment consultant to meet design rubric, develop embedded assessments for use in testing $7,500 stipend for co-authors; equivalent buy-out salary for PIs Call for proposals GETSI M ATERIALS D EVELOPMENT T EAMS
D ESIGN G OALS – G UIDING P RINCIPLES Address one or more geodesy-related grand challenges facing society Make use of authentic and credible geodesy data to learn central concepts in the context of geoscience methods of inquiry Improve student understanding of the nature and methods of geoscience and developing geoscientific habits of mind Develop student ability to address interdisciplinary problems and apply geoscience learning to social issues Develop systems thinking * Referred to as Guiding Principles for Curriculum Design
P EDAGOGIC G OALS Engaged, student centered, research based pedagogy supports higher order learning Alignment of goals, materials and assessments supports and documents learning Develops scientific thinking and an understanding of the process of science Materials can be used successfully in multiple settings
I MPLEMENTATION G OALS Materials are used widely by faculty across the country Learning by students can be documented to show increased higher level understanding of sustainability and geoscience Materials are used in courses outside geoscience departments
L INKING G OALS AND P ROCESS : T HE M ATERIALS D ESIGN R UBRIC 1.Guiding Principles 2.Learning Goals and Outcomes 3.Assessment and Measurement 4.Resources and Materials 5.Instructional Strategies 6.Alignment 7.GETSI-specific Instructional Strategies
L INKING G OALS AND P ROCESS : P ART 2: T ESTING AND P UBLISHING Collection of assessment data Revision of materials Publication of teaching materials and supporting information for faculty Case studies document implementation at your institutions
D EVELOPMENT P ROCESS (+1 YEAR ) 1.Materials in Development 2.Pass Assessment Rubric 3.Classroom Pilot & Data Collection 4.Review and Revision 5.Publishing
GETSI W EBSITE Webinar switched to looking at components of the – GETSI website – “For Team Members” pages s/index.html s/index.html
L INKING G OALS AND P ROCESS : T HE M ATERIALS D ESIGN R UBRIC 1.Guiding Principles 2.Learning Goals and Outcomes 3.Assessment and Measurement 4.Resources and Materials 5.Instructional Strategies 6.Alignment 7.GETSI-specific Instructional Strategies
G UIDING P RINCIPLES FOR M ATERIALS D EVELOPMENT A.Address Grand Challenges B.Interdisciplinary problems (geoscience applied to social issues) C.Nature and methods of science (geoscientific habits of mind) D.Authentic geodesy data and inquiry E.[System thinking]
G RAND C HALLENGES G EODESY /GETSI --subset of these of particular societal importance
A. G RAND C HALLENGES – GETSI Y EAR 2 Intro level – surface process hazards Majors level – water resources
B. I NTERDISCIPLINARY PROBLEMS ( GEOSCIENCE & SOCIAL SCIENCE TIED TOGETHER ) Using GETSI Year 2 module topics, what are some possible ties to societal issues or social science that could be included? Majors – General too-much/too-little issues; how to share-Who owns it? Wetlands? Urban? Farmers? Ranchers? Hydropower? Endangered species? Ecosystem health considerations? – Political issues – who has legislative powers to make decisions? – City growth and development is entirely tied to water in some locations. – Much of the country the relationship between snow and water availability is critical. New applications of GPS multipath and water measurements; GRACE data; InSAR for subsidence; GPS vertical positions Intro – Hook – looking at surface hazards from a city planning perspective – Why are there significant slope failure hazards in some places over others – Encourage students how to read the landscape themselves – look at different landscapes to see where they may be more prone to sliding. – Perhaps also include climate elements as a components of level of hazard – Bruce mentioned that IU PhD student (Anna Nowicki) is currently working with USGS on surface hazards issues. Number of case studies globally. (also including earthquake slope failure issues as well as physical slope parameters and climate)
C. N ATURE AND METHODS OF SCIENCE Integrating Geoscientific thinking into learning materialsGeoscientific Single most important thing you can do is to simply make your thinking explicit Think aloud to students as you reason through a geoscientific question Ask students to explore the uncertainty in data rather than just the data itself Add reflective prompts to existing activities that involve open- ended inquiry or research projects Ask students how and why they would address a problem rather than solve the problem (Ex. designing a field investigation)
C. N ATURE AND METHODS OF SCIENCE 1.What are ways you help your students learn geoscientific ways of thinking? 1.Very important to have students think about and interact with uncertainty. For example, not all proxies agree with each other. Getting students to think about this uncertainty takes time. Sacrificing amount content covered for more time on uncertainty has been valuable. 2.Think about and state assumptions (especially hidden ones) they have to make in order to move forward. 3.Have students make simple in-class calculations. They have to simplify system to get an answer. Realize they don’t know the answer exactly but it helps them see uncertainty. May also help them identify needed data for input. Or they may need to prepare or reorganize data. 4.Tell students to bring intuition to science. 2.What are possible ways to included this in the identified GETSI topics? 1.Intro – show student of pictures of active processes and paleo-slides and have them try to apply their intuition as to what happened 2.Majors – see ideas above; sort out various kinds of data available; perhaps have them look at what can be measured geodetically and more traditional methods; see advantages/limitations/correlations/calibration of each As soon as you start comparing data sets, the uncertainties & challenges become much more obvious.
D. A UTHENTIC GEODESY DATA AND INQUIRY Particularly critical aspect of GETSI Good resources (esp. for Intro level) are at Teaching with Data on SERCTeaching with Data Thoughts/ideas on how you will use/present data in your modules? WHAT SKILLS should summer intern have? Majors-level – General computer skills – Matlab or programming; – May be the non-geodetic data that requires more time (Ex. lots of excel work to process stream measurements) – PBO H2O is already in spreadsheet format so again excel might be most needed Intro – Used ArcGIS; DEMs; can build/extract data from DEMs – LiDAR, SRTM, Google Earth format Both – Ability to find/arrange non-geoscience data – ex. population, population change – Literature searches for imagery or data sets that would be best examples – Build or manage data base of data & literature & images
E. [S YSTEMS T HINKING ] Earth is a complex and dynamic system Students need to understand that changes in one part of the system can affect other parts Systems thinking strategies – Explicitly highlight connections in discussions/lecture – Concept maps – Case studies – Simple models Have you used these strategies? How? Eric teaches and Earth System Sci course which discusses feedbacks throughout with mostly simple models and case studies Ways of identifying various feedback loops or have students think about different forcing factors and their frequencies or thresholds
Identify Module Learning Goals Identify learning outcomes for individual units Determine how to assess and measure student success on goals and outcomes Design teaching resources and materials to match assessments Plan Instructional Strategies to implement teaching resources T HE A PPROACH
F OLLOW UP WORK Finish Participant Checklist as needed – BARSTL survey – Review “Information for New Authors”, GETSI rubric, literacy principles March 6 – each team gives intern skill list to Beth March 13 – next webinar (Eric & Sarah) March 15 - travel plans for April Meeting finalized (let Melissa know)
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