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Kitakyushu’s Challenge to Promote the Development of Green Industry Kenji Kitahashi Mayor, City of Kitakyushu, Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "Kitakyushu’s Challenge to Promote the Development of Green Industry Kenji Kitahashi Mayor, City of Kitakyushu, Japan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kitakyushu’s Challenge to Promote the Development of Green Industry Kenji Kitahashi Mayor, City of Kitakyushu, Japan

2 Today’s Points 1 Pillars of Kitakyushu’s environmental policies 2 Action taken on behalf of Kitakyushu’s environment (1) Overcoming severe environmental pollution (2) Development of eco-industries (3) International cooperation with cities overseas ( 4 ) New challenges for city’s “Green Growth” strategy 1 Pillars of Kitakyushu’s environmental policies 2 Action taken on behalf of Kitakyushu’s environment (1) Overcoming severe environmental pollution (2) Development of eco-industries (3) International cooperation with cities overseas ( 4 ) New challenges for city’s “Green Growth” strategy Compatibility of environment and economy

3 Population: 975,000 (Oct 2011) Area: 487.89km 2 (Oct 2010) GDP: 3.52 trillion yen (2008) Development of an Industrial City Supporting the Modernization of Japan Major businesses in the Kitakyushu area NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION YASKAWA Electric TOTO Four major Industrial areas Japan Kitakyushu

4 Mainstay of Kitakyushu’s Environmental Policies Kitakyushu’s Basic Concept & PlanEco-Model City Paving the way for economic development through environmental action World Capital of Sustainable Development Technology Capital of Asia Create city brand Approved July 2008 Encouraging the city’s people and culture to create an environmentally- and technology-rich city hand-in-hand with the world Objective of city development Based on the principle of a resource-based society Creation of low carbon society CO2 reduction target (2050) Citywide: 50% 150% decrease in Asia Living together, creating together Enhance the city’s sustainability

5 “Dokai Bay, the Sea of Death” Water pollution in the bay disintegrated screws on ships and even E. coli could not be detected. Kitakyushu, the site of Japan’s most deplorable air pollution, saw nearby elementary schools close down due to the pollution Overcoming Severe Pollution: Kitakyushu’s Experience 1960s

6 Overcoming Severe Pollution: Kitakyushu’s Experience 1960s Today

7 Partnership Residents observing a private company Environmental supervision & environmental infrastructure Local Government Private Enterprises Cleaner Production & pollution control equipment Study session on air pollution measures with university professors 5 Key Factors: Partnerships among Multi-Stakeholders Residents

8 Source: World Bank, MEIP Report, 1993 Compatibility of Environmental Improvement and Economic Growth Economic Development (Value of shipments: 100 billion yen) 1960 1968 1980 Environmental pollution (Sulfur oxide) (mg-SO 3 /100cm 2 /day) Achieving economic development together with environmental improvement

9 Approved 1997, Started operations 1998 No. business facilities: 29 No. research facilities: 16 Collection/treatment of rare metals Automobile recycling R&D on recycling technologies for solar power systems Fluorescent lighting recycling ・ Investment ~66 billion yen ・ Employees ~1,300 ・ Visitors ~940,000 (1998-March 2011) Japan’s Largest Eco-Town Taking on the Challenge of a Resource Recycling Society Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project

10 Mitsubishi Materials 15 types of waste treatment and recycling, such as metal waste and sludge Yaskawa Electric Energy saving, inverters Mitsubishi Chemical Processable organic photovoltaics Next-generation flexible and lightweight photovoltaic modules Low-Carbon Technologies in Kitakyushu Nippon Coke & Engineering CDQ (Coke Dry Quenching Process) Supply power and steam to neighboring factories Power generation capacity: 27,900kW Eco-Techno Western Japan’s largest eco-technology expo that displays the latest eco- technologies, products and information

11 Outline started in 2004 Technologies and products (eco-products), as well as services (eco-services) within the city that reduce impacts on the environment are selected as “Eco-Premiums,” which then promote the environmental activities of local industries through their expansion and penetration into various markets. Focal points:Resource conservation, energy saving, long-lasting, simple maintenance, leasing, reusing, etc. Thick boards manufactured in electric arc furnaces using steel scrap 75% reduction in CO 2 emissions Eco-friendly sanitary ceramic products (with tank) Reduces amount of water flushed to 4.8 liters Next-generation lighting CCFL Long-lasting (similar to LED). Energy savings of 20-40% compared with fluorescent lights. Creating a low-carbon economy through eco-products and services (Select eco-premium goods) Kitakyushu Eco-Premium

12 Core science and research focal point in Asia Create new industries, advance technology Promoting local industries and academic institutions, such as universities that apply “knowledge” Continuous “Collection of Knowledge” ~ Kitakyushu Science and Research Park ~ Graduate School, Waseda University Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems Information, Production and Systems Research Center Kyushu Institute of Technology Graduate School of Life Science and System Engineering Center for Human Quality of Life Through IT University of Kitakyushu Faculty of Environmental Engineering Graduate School of Environmental Engineering Graduate School, Fukuoka University Graduate School of Engineering Open in April 2001 Environment & Information

13 Contributing to the improvement of the global environment with the experience and know-how acquired in the process of environmental improvement International Cooperation with Cities Overseas Trainees: 6,207 persons, 138 countries Experts sent overseas: 160+ persons Kitakyushu International Techno- cooperative Association (KITA) Japan International Cooperation Agency Kyushu International Center (JICA Kyushu)

14 Environmental Cooperation (China) 19942000 ※ Dalian received the Global 500 award in 2001 Japan-China Recycling Society Cooperation Project (Eco-Town) Cooperation for actions to create resource- recycling cities in China, using Kitakyushu’s Eco-Town Project as reference 2007-08 Qingdao 2008-09 Tianjin 2009-10 Dalian Environmental Improvement Project in Dalian At the Prime Minister’s official residence (May 2008)

15 The People’s Daily (Dec 17, 2009) reported that Kitakyushu’s rich experiences in environmental protection and development of advanced technologies deserve to be used as a model for application to China today. Kitakyushu’s actions attract attention from international society Xi Jinping (Vice-President of PRC) made a formal visit to Kitakyushu on Dec 16, 2009 Leading Figures from China Visiting Kitakyushu

16 International Environmental Cooperation (Indonesia) Environmental improvement in Surabaya, Indonesia’s 2 nd largest city Spread of organic waste composting techniques from Kitakyushu to over 20,000 households in Surabaya 30% reduction of waste Koji Takakura of JPEC teaching about the composting technique City in 2001 Streets overrun by garbage Surabaya’s streets today Increased greenery in parks and along roads using compost

17 A joint statement was made in March 2011 on a strategic environmental partnership between Surabaya and Kitakyushu. (Left: The Honorable Tri Rismaharini, Mayor, City of Surabaya) International Environmental Cooperation (Indonesia)

18 International Environmental Cooperation (Cambodia) Kitakyushu staff providing on-site technological guidance Since cooperation began in 1999, there has been rapid improvement in Phnom Penh’s water supply October 2011 A friendship award was granted to staff involved in cooperation activities by the Government of Cambodia to commemorate the many years of cooperation. (1996 ⇒ 2006) Water supply diffusion rate: 25%=>90% Water supply time: 10h => 24h %of non-revenue water: 72% => 8%

19 Water Business with Hai Phong, Viet Nam October 2011 A comprehensive MoU on water projects was concluded between the two cities based on past exchange and cooperative agreements Hai Phong authorized the introduction of the water block system adopted by Kitakyushu and is targeting improvement within five years Development of new water-based business in Hai Phong April 2009 MoU with Hai Phong for exchange and cooperation Carrying out cooperation, such as enhancing support for businesses, implementing governmental exchange activities, and developing human resources (L: Mr. Trinh Quang Huy, Chairman of the People’s Committee Hai Phong) (L: Deputy Chair, Hai Phong Diet Affairs Committee) Achievementsof agreement

20 Sea 100 m ① Sewage membrane treatment area ② UF/RO membrane system area (2F: Observation Bldg. ) ② UF/RO membrane system area (2F: Observation Bldg. ) ③ Test bed Seawater intake Sewage discharge Product water from sewage: 1,000m 3 /day Product water from seawater: 400m 3 /day Water Plaza: The Water Plaza is a demo plant for recycling water, integrating the processes of sewage membrane treatment (sewage reuse system) and seawater desalination. (Capacity: 1,400m 3 /day) ・ Development/testing of world class technology ・ Showroom disseminating info ・ Used for on-site training for overseas trainees Started operations in April 2011 New Challenges ① Water Plaza (Water recycling demo plant) Water Plaza

21 New Challenges ② Kitakyushu Smart Community Development Project Creating a new lifestyle with locally produced and locally consumed energy Selected as one of four bases in Japan in April 2010 新エネルギー等 等 Smart buildings Smart housing Power grid Hydrogen network Wind power Natural gas co-generation Next-generation SS Solar panels IT grid Smart schools Installing a large quantity of smart meters Local power conservation center Hydrogen by-products Fuel cells

22 Establishment of “Kitakyushu Asian Center for Low Carbon Society” (Asia Green Camp), the country’s first, in June 2010 with an objective to promote low-carbon societies and create environmental business in Asia. Promote in Asia! Hiroshi Komiyama, President (Former President, Tokyo University) New Challenges ③ Development of Eco-Business in Asia Energy business Recycling business Water business Environmental impact control business

23 Aims of Asian Center for Low Carbon Society Needs of newly emerging economies: Not only the simple export of technology, but going beyond to create green cities Order-made system City (area) export + Asian region’s Focal point for demonstrations and development of human resources GHG reduction Bilateral credit Focal point for environmental business in the Asian region Experience in overcoming pollution Collective strength as a top eco-city (Kitakyushu) Leading social system (Eco-Town, other) Standout eco- technologies Respond to the diverse needs of Asian cities and businesses “Eco-cities” and “Smart Communities,” other Respond to the diverse needs of Asian cities and businesses “Eco-cities” and “Smart Communities,” other +

24 Projects Aiming Towards Bilateral Mechanisms Yaskawa Electric (World’s largest share in industrial robots, inverters) METI project promoting wider use of technologies to counter global warming (October 2010) This project tested the potential for energy savings and reducing GHG emissions, based on the data collected from past trials and research, in three factories in Beijing where existing equipment had been updated with highly efficient motor systems and inverters. TOTO (Global leader in home equipment and fixtures) MOEJ feasibility study on new mechanisms (July 2011) ○Creation of measuring technique to reduce CO 2 emissions from water use ○Intercity/bilateral credit system ○Examine introduction of measures to expand use of water saving equipment ・ Low-interest financing ・ Introduction of certification system for water saving equipment, other

25 MoU with UNIDO Conclusion of MoU with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on mutual collaboration for the realization of a low-carbon society in June 2010 (L : Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, Director General of UNIDO )

26 Asian Center for Low-Carbon Society Beijing Environment Exchange Creation of information platform as a channel for both Japan and China MoU with China Beijing Environment Exchange (August 2011) Promoting eco-business between companies in China and Japan

27 Fostering Environmental Power in Residents Certified as a regional centre of expertise for ESD by UNU Environment Museum (Focal point for environmental education and learning) Hibiki Biotope: Formally open in fall 2012 Tree planting (NGO “Green Corridor with Birds Singing”)

28 Kitakyushu: Eco-City of the Future Creating a city in which the brilliant light of its people lead to a prosperous, peaceful and energy-filled city ~Harnessing the city’s experience overcoming pollution and its unceasing innovation~ ●Formation/expansion of low-carbon areas implementing local energy management system ・ Smart Community project ●City Forest Project ~ Creating a city symbiotic with nature~ ・ Planting 1 million trees (city greening) ・ Multi-generational farming exchange activities on idle landOther ●Maintaining/improving health through local connections ・ Prevention of lifestyle-related diseases and serious illnesses ・ Local “GO!GO! Health” project (local community health project) ●Educational plan for children’s futures ・ Providing school helpers ・ Promoting school education linking with the business community, other ●Asian Center for Low Carbon Society ・ Smart Community project, overseas development of Eco-Towns ●Exporting water infrasructure overseas ●Supporting reconstruction of disaster-affected areas ・ Expanding output from smart community project to Kamaishi city (reconstruction support) Environment Response to unprecedented aging society ・ Int’l eco-business ・ Reconstruction support, risk reduction Concept Water Plaza

29 Selected as OECD Green Growth Model City The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) selected Kitakyushu as a green growth model city in July 2011, having been evaluated for its activities and achievements in international environmental cooperation and the city’s Eco-Town project. Other cities selected include Paris, Chicago, Stockholm L: Ms. Yoshie Nakatani (Director, OECD Tokyo)

30 Creation of a WIN-WIN Relationship Kitakyushu’s environmental technology making the world a better place

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