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T OPIC #2 D EMOCRATIC S TATES S OUTH A FRICA T ERMS Remember: IB looks for: Nature & Structure of Government, Economic & Social Policies, & PSE Challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "T OPIC #2 D EMOCRATIC S TATES S OUTH A FRICA T ERMS Remember: IB looks for: Nature & Structure of Government, Economic & Social Policies, & PSE Challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 T OPIC #2 D EMOCRATIC S TATES S OUTH A FRICA T ERMS Remember: IB looks for: Nature & Structure of Government, Economic & Social Policies, & PSE Challenges

2 B ACKGROUND Massive shift with end of apartheid Keep focus on the why and how of changes between 1989-1991 AND Mandela’s contributions. Affected to a lesser degree by the Cold War Mandela trained as a lawyer, co-founded the Youth League of the ANC, and later the military wing of the ANC (MK) Previously 3 classes: White, Coloured, African

3 N ATURE & S TRUCTURE OF D EMOCRACY Mandela freed 1990 CODESA (Convention for a Democratic South Africa) – 1991 de Klerk & 1992 referendum Joe Slovo & Sunset Clauses Local ethnic recognition: 9 provinces, 11 languages, customary law Federal authority: bicameral legislature, president chosen by legislature, proportional representation, court system, power sharing until ‘99, universal suffrage, gender equality, social & economic rights, Bills of Rights, NO white veto Elections held in April 1994 – Mandela inaugurated in May 1994

4 P OLITICAL, E CONOMIC, & S OCIAL C HALLENGES Transition to majority rule Racism & ethnic conflict Divisions over the treatment of women Political extremism & violence (“Third Force”) Poverty, wealth & unemployment Education gap AIDS = orphans, crime, etc. Murder rate 10x the US

5 P RE -1994 P OLICIES March 1992 Referendum Sunset Clause The Rule of Law

6 M ANDELA P OLICIES Truth & Reconciliation Commission (‘95) Shift from planned economy to Capitalist model Reconstruction & Development Plan (RDP), 1994-96 Growth, Employment, & Redistribution (GEAR), 1996-99 More rural hospitals, but little done for those in cities Continuing divide on gender equality

7 M BECKI P OLICIES “The Rainbow Nation” Centralized power (“one-party democracy”) National Party gone & Inkatha absorbed into government Power sharing of interim constitution gone

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