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 Cardiac Arrest Video Game Design by: Oskar Otoya Drew Dopson Chris Ho Kekoa Taitt.

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Presentation on theme: " Cardiac Arrest Video Game Design by: Oskar Otoya Drew Dopson Chris Ho Kekoa Taitt."— Presentation transcript:

1  Cardiac Arrest Video Game Design by: Oskar Otoya Drew Dopson Chris Ho Kekoa Taitt

2 Problem Statement  Most video games today are one-dimensional in terms of user interaction (don’t rely on user biofeedback within the game itself).  Our objective is to design an inexpensive video game that incorporates real-time feedback from the player in order to fully immerse the player into the game.

3 Project Background  Boston Children’s Hospital created a video game to teach kids with anger issues to control their emotions. Asteroids- like game that disables your ability to shoot if your heart rate exceeds a certain limit.

4 Architecture

5 Innovative Solution  Our goal is to extract biofeedback from a heart rate monitor attached to the player and use that data to modify the video game in real time.  The game will become more or less intense based on the feedback it receives.  Creates a solution for people who become terrified more easily (higher heart rate = less intense).

6 Unity Specifications  Uses C# implementation to program game logic  Features  Asset – objects (even imported from blender), sounds, cameras, character actions, etc.  Prefabs – like templates – can create once and use it in multiple sections  Scene – like a level. Where you put assets/prefabs and also design the scene/level  Has many other features. This is just scratching the surface of Unity.

7 Blender  Open source 3D modeling software used for creating visual effects, objects, etc.  Python scripted for tool creation, importing/exporting formats, etc.

8 Major Technologies  USB Heart Rate Monitor

9 I/O Implementation of Heart Rate Monitor  Unity has a built-in library specifically for Input/Output from serial ports.  Ex. Using a statement such as:  SerialPort stream = new SerialPort(“COM4”, 9600);  COM4 is the port your want to access  9600 is the data transmission rate in bps (standard for most devices)

10 Challenges and Uncertainties  Becoming proficient with Blender and Unity in order to use them collaboratively  Integrating heart rate monitor with Unity  Lack of personnel given the time allotted and scope of the project

11 Expected Outcomes  Be able to successfully incorporate a heart rate monitor into a fully functional video game  Become more proficient with Unity and Blender  Have a marketable product that is cheap and entertaining

12 Project Plan  Blender software to create individual objects  Unity software to create game and integrate all objects together into a single program  Use Unity to extract data from heart rate monitor during game execution  LOTS OF TESTING!!!

13 Component Procurement  Purchase USB Heart Rate Monitor - $20 plus shipping  Unity and Blender software download - free

14 Conclusion  Although the gaming industry has begun to involve human interaction, if used at all, biofeedback has been very limited.  We hope to revolutionize and create a stepping stone for the use of biofeedback and change the way people interact with video games.

15 References   114010?tc=USD&gclid=CJKCxunu27oCFTBnOgodZHYA Sw 114010?tc=USD&gclid=CJKCxunu27oCFTBnOgodZHYA Sw

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