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OBJECTIVES The overall objective of this project is to build the private sector’s capacity in CDM project activities and related carbon trading concepts.

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Presentation on theme: "OBJECTIVES The overall objective of this project is to build the private sector’s capacity in CDM project activities and related carbon trading concepts."— Presentation transcript:

1 OBJECTIVES The overall objective of this project is to build the private sector’s capacity in CDM project activities and related carbon trading concepts. This would facilitate an active and major participation on the part of the private sector in flexible mechanisms proposed by the Kyoto Protocol that aims to alleviate global greenhouse gas emissions. This project plans to produce promotional and analytical tools as well as conduct capacity building events specifically designed for the private sector that will describe the implications as well as the achievement of high environmental standards (especially for urban areas) and new economic opportunities linked to CDM projects. The target beneficiary groups that have been identified for this project are private enterprise and industry, because they will be good partners for full or small scale reduction projects for European investors. Their involvement is important because they represent the necessary outlet and investment opportunity for European industry involved in the GHG reduction market. Partners: University Of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) Interuniversity Research Centre On Sustainable Development – CIRPS - htttp:// Contact: Francesca Farioli – Project Coordinator - CIRPS Email: GEI Global Environmental Institute (China) - Contact: Jin Jiaman – Project Manager - GEI Email: Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development – Contact: Marcos Alexandre Teixeira Email: HELIO International (France) - Contact: Robert L. Gould Email: SCHEDULED EVENTS Targeted training to Chinese entrepreneurs on the functioning of the CDM and its respective opportunities. November 26th-30th – Beijing / China Capacity building event, also focused in share experience and approaches in the development of ERPAs in China Bilateral Meetings between Chinese Industries and European Carbon Market actors. Dec.1st and/or Dec.2nd – Beijing / China. Final project results’ dissemination workshop in China. September 2007 – Beijing / China Project CDM China Capacity Building on Business Opportunities for CDM Projects in China Project Consortium at Kick Off Meeting in Rome - IT METHODOLOGY The project aims at addressing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reduction and consequently contributes to promote a healthier urban environment in China through capacity building primarily offered to local industry stakeholders. The capacity building process and the promotion of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) will be developed through a collaborative set of activities involving local authorities and a local environmental NGO. This collaboration is expected to provide a delivery model for the facilitation of private industry participation in CDM implementation in China and other Asian contexts with similar needs. ON GOING ACTIVITIES  Editing Chinese CDM project development handbook  Organising training activities  Developing potential CDM project database As part of the project activities a fixed number of CDM ideas are been nursed from PIN stage up to a Draft PDD format. The majority of the Projects are been developed within SMEs in China, and the main areas addressed are: Renewable energy Energy Conservation with Waste Heat Recovery and Power Production in Cement Plants Coal bed Methane Development and Utilization  Disseminating project results and CDM market information This poster was produced by Marcos Alexandre Teixeira RGESD – Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development Mec. Eng. Dep. - IST / Lisbon – PT

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