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Online Testing Success The District Literacy Team April 2013.

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1 Online Testing Success The District Literacy Team April 2013




5 3 rd Grade Blueprints Reporting Category 2 nd Gr. SOL 3 rd Gr. SOL Number Word analysis Word reference materials 2.5 c 2.6 a-c 2.7 a-c, e 2.10 a-d 3.3 b 3.4 a-d, f-g 3.7 a-b 7 Comprehension of fictional texts 2.8 a, c-i3.5 c-j, l17 Comprehension of nonfictional texts 2.9 a-b, e-g3.6 a, c-i16 Excluded from test 2.5 a-b, 2.6 d, 2.7 d, 2.8 b, j, 2.9 c-d, h 3.3 a, 3.4 e, 3.5 a-b, k, m, 3.6 b, j- l Number of Operational Items 40 Field Test Items7 Total Number47

6 4 th Grade Blueprint Reporting Category SOL Number of Items Word analysis Word reference materials 4.4 a-c, e 7 Comprehension of fictional texts 4.5 a-e, g-j17 Comprehension of nonfictional texts 4.6 a-h16 Excluded from test4.4d, 4.5f, k-l, 4.6 i-l Number of Operational Items 40 Field Test Items7 Total Number47

7 5 th Grade Blueprints Reporting Category SOL Number Word analysis Word reference materials 5.4 a-e, g 7 Comprehension of fictional texts 5.5 b-c, e-k16 Comprehension of nonfictional texts 5.6 a, c-j17 Excluded from test5.4f 5.5a, d, l-m 5.6 b, k-m Number of Operational Items 40 Field Test Items10 Total Number50

8 VDOE - Demonstration Information Click here for the Audio Version of the Tabbed Reading Passages Demonstration.Audio Version of the Tabbed Reading Passages Demonstration Click here for the answers to the questions in the Tabbed Reading Passages Demonstration.answers Reading Passage Scrolling Demonstration: Demonstrates how a scroll bar can be used to display a reading passage in an online reading test. No practice items will appear in this scrolling demonstration. Reading Passage Scrolling Demonstration View a narrated demonstration with examples of various technology- enhanced item types that appear on the spring 2013 Reading SOL tests. These new SOL tests may consist of approximately 15 percent technology-enhanced items. To download this narrated demonstration as a MOV file, right-click here. MOV video files require the free Apple QuickTime player plug-in.narrated demonstrationright-click hereQuickTime player plug-in

9 Questions to Ask Before Testing Before you answer any questions you need to know: 1. What are the test authors asking you? 2. How can you answer? 3. How many parts do I need to answer?

10 Items to Teach – Online Testing O Teach: Tests are their own genre with their own Test Authors O TEI = Test Enhanced Item O Teach the graphic organizers from TestNav: What are they? What are they used for? Venn Diagram, Flow Chart, Sequencing, etc. O Activate Schema: Look at title, picture, read first & last paragraphs for main idea = Use highlighter/pencil O Identify the genre of the passage O Teach these Test-taking Strategies: Dot the possibilities for “Maybe” with highlighter

11 Teach these New Test-taking Strategies: Everything OLD is NEW Again! O Dot the possibilities for “Maybe.” Use pencil or highlighter. O Slash the Trash = Eliminator. Places an X next to the answer. O Jail the Detail = Use highlighter or pencil to identify the Test Author’s clues in passage or questions O Read and Reread: boxed text or charts/ graphs

12 Strategies Continued … O Marginalia, write summary or main idea of each paragraph: Create a grid on scratch paper by writing numbers to identify each paragraph. Skip 1 or 2 lines. Write notes about each paragraph next to each number. O Plug it in = Hovering over answer choices will plug it into a fill in the blank O Flag for Review:

13 Online Testing Vocabulary Hot SpotDrag & Click Fill in the Blank Bar Graph HistogramEliminatorHighlighter Pencil Flag for Review PointerEraserPrevious/ Next HelpLeft Screen Right Screen Screen Siesta

14 Online Resources O ms/index.shtml ms/index.shtml O O / (RPS Technology Resources) / O O O worksheets/online-reading-tests/ worksheets/online-reading-tests/ O O O (4 th grade)

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