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Speech, Language and Human-Computer Interaction Cambridge University Johanna Moore Martin Pickering Mark Steedman William Marslen-Wilson Steve Young.

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2 Speech, Language and Human-Computer Interaction Cambridge University Johanna Moore Martin Pickering Mark Steedman William Marslen-Wilson Steve Young

3 Contents  Background and motivation  State of the Art  Speech recognition and understanding  Cognitive neuroscience  Computational models of interaction  The Grand Challenge  Research Themes 2

4 Spoken language and human interaction will be an essential feature of truly intelligent systems. For example, Turing made it the basis of his famous test to answer the question “Can machines think?” (Computing Machinery and Intelligence, Mind, 1950) Spoken language is the natural mode of communication and truly ubiquitous computing will rely on it.... but we are not quite there yet! 3 The Vision Apple’s Knowledge Navigator The Reality A currently deployed flight enquiry demo Introduction

5 Human Language System Current situation: Engineering Systems Development of neuro- biologically and psycholinguistically plausible accounts of human language processes (comprehension and production) Cognitive Sciences Automatic speech recognition, synth- esis and language understanding (e.g., via statistical modelling and machine learning) Statistical Speech Processing Symbolic and statistical models of human language processing (e.g., via parsing, semantics, generation, discourse analysis) Computational Language Use Observe Collect data 4 Introduction

6 State of the Art: Speech Recognition Goal is to convert acoustic signal to words Acoustics: “He bought it” Words: Y W Solution is to use classic pattern classification 5 This just leaves the problem of building these probability models State of the Art: Speech Recognition

7 Sentences -> Words Heboughtit N-Gram Language Model Words -> Phones … 0.2ix tit 0.8ih tit … 1.0b ao tbought … Dictionary Phone HMM Phones -> States -> Features 6 General Approach: Hierarchy of Markov Chains State of the Art: Speech Recognition

8 ... h iy b the president ate 0.003 the president said 0.01 the president told 0.02..... He said that... Acoustic ModelsLanguage Model about 100 hours of speech about 500 million words of text Speaking from the White House, the president said today that the nation would stand firm against the.... Model Building 7 State of the Art: Speech Recognition

9 Recognising Dictionary.... HE h iy HIS h ih s..... Phone Models... h iy b Decoder He bought... Grammar N-gram Feature Extractor 8 250 –1000 hours acoustic training data 10000 states shared by 40 logical phone models Around 20,000,000 parameters Acoustics 1G word training data 100,000,000 parameters 128k words Language Model Typical state of the art system State of the Art: Speech Recognition

10 9 Progress in Automatic Speech Recognition State of the Art: Speech Recognition Easy Hard Word Error Rate

11 Current Research in Acoustic Modelling Hidden Markov Model Quasi-stationary assumption a major weakness Switching Linear Dynamical System  dynamic Bayesian networks  support vector machines  parallel coupled models Plus significant effort in applying new ideas in machine learning 10 State of the Art: Speech Recognition

12 State of the Art: Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech and Language  Scientific understanding of human speech and language in state of rapid transformation and development  Rooted in cognitive/psycholinguistic accounts of the functional structure of the language system.  Primary drivers now coming from neurobiology, new neuroscience techniques 11 State of the Art: Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech and Language

13 12 Neurobiology of homologous brain systems: primate neuroanatomy and neurophysiology (Rauschecker & Tian, PNAS, 2000) State of the Art: Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech and Language

14 13  Provides a potential template for investigating the human system  Illustrates the level of neural and functional specificity that is achievable  Points to an explanation in terms of multiple parallel processing pathways, hierarchically organised State of the Art: Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech and Language

15 14  Requires an interdisciplinary combination of neurobiology, psycho-acoustics, acoustic- phonetics, neuro-imaging, and psycholinguistics  Starting to deliver results with high degree of functional and neural specificity  Ingredients for a future neuroscience of speech and language Speech and language processing in the human brain State of the Art: Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech and Language

16 15 Hierarchical organisation of processes in primary auditory cortex (belt, parabelt) noise-silence fixed-noise pitch change-fixed Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere (from Patterson, Uppenkamp, Johnsrude & Griffiths, Neuron, 2002) State of the Art: Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech and Language

17 16 Hierarchical organisation of processing streams State of the Art: Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech and Language Activation as a function of intelligibility for sentences heard in different types of noise (Davis & Johnsrude, J. Neurosci, 2003). Colour scale plots intelligibility-responsive regions which were sensitive to the acoustic-phonetic properties of the speech distortion (orange to red) contrasted with regions (green to blue) whose response was independent of lower-level acoustic differences.

18 17  Essential to image brain activity in time as well as in space  EEG and MEG offer excellent temporal resolution and improving spatial resolution  This allows dynamic tracking of the spatio- temporal properties of language processing in the brain  Demonstration (Pulvermüller et al) using MEG to track cortical activity related to spoken word recognition State of the Art: Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech and Language

19 700 ms 720 ms 740 ms750 ms760 ms770 ms780 ms 790 ms800 ms 18 State of the Art: Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech and Language

20  Glimpse of future directions in cognitive neuroscience of language  Importance of understanding the functional properties of the domain  Neuroscience methods for revealing the spatio-temporal properties of the underlying systems in the brain

21 State of the Art: Computational Language Systems Modelling interaction requires solutions for:  Parsing & Interpretation  Generation & Synthesis  Dialogue management  Integration of component theories and technologies 20 State of the Art: Computational Language Systems

22 Parsing and Interpretation  Goal is to convert a string of words into an interpretable structure. Marks bought Brooks … (TOP (S (NP-SBJ Marks) (VP (VPD bought) (NP Brooks)) (…)))  Translate treebank into a grammar and statistical model 21 State of the Art: Computational Language Systems

23 Parser Performance  Improvement in performance in recent years over unlexicalized baseline of 80% in ParsEval Magerman 1995:84.3% LP 84.0% LR Collins 1997:88.3% LP88.1% LR Charniak 2000:89.5% LP89.6% LR Bod 2001:89.7% LP89.7% LR  Interpretation is beginning to follow (Collins 1999: 90.9% unlabelled dependency recovery)  However there are signs of asymptote

24 Generation and Synthesis Spoken dialogue systems use  Pre-recorded prompts Natural sounding speech, but practically limited flexibility  Text-to-speech Provides more flexibility, but lacks adequate theories of how timing, intonation, etc. convey discourse information Natural language (text) generation  Discourse planners to select content from data and knowledge bases and organise it into semantic representations  Broad coverage grammars to realise semantic representation in language

25 Spoken Dialogue Systems  Implemented as Hierarchical Finite State Machines or Voice XML  Can:  Effectively handle simple tasks in real time  automated call routing  travel and entertainment information and booking  Be robust in face of barge-in  e.g., “cancel” or “help”  Take action to get dialogue back on track  Generate prompts sensitive to task context 24 State of the Art: Computational Language Systems

26 Limitations of Current Approaches  Design and maintenance are labour intensive, domain specific, and error prone  Must specify all plausible dialogues and content  Mix task knowledge and dialogue knowledge  Difficult to:  Generate responses sensitive to linguistic context  Handle user interruptions, user-initiated task switches or abandonment  Provide personalised advice or feedback  Build systems for new domains 25 State of the Art: Computational Language Systems

27 What Humans Do that Today’s Systems Don’t  Use context to interpret and respond to questions  Ask for clarification  Relate new information to what’s already been said  Avoid repetition  Use linguistic and prosodic cues to convey meaning  Distinguish what’s new or interesting  Signal misunderstanding, lack of agreement, rejection  Adapt to their conversational partners  Manage the conversational turn  Learn from experience 26 State of the Art: Computational Language Systems

28 Current directions  1M words of labelled data is not nearly enough  Current emphasis is on lexical smoothing and semi- supervised methods for training parser models  Separation of dialogue management knowledge from domain knowledge  Integration of modern (reactive) planning technology with dialogue managers  Reinforcement learning of dialogue policies  Anytime algorithms for language generation  Stochastic generation of responses  Concept-to-speech synthesis 27 State of the Art: Computational Language Systems

29 To understand and emulate human capability for robust communication and interaction. To understand and emulate human capability for robust communication and interaction. Grand Challenge  To construct a neuro-biologically realistic, computationally specific account of human language processing.  To construct functionally accurate models of human interaction based on and consistent with real-world data.  To build and demonstrate human-computer interfaces which demonstrate human levels of robustness and flexibility. Goals: 28 Grand Challenge

30 Three inter-related themes: 1.Exploration of language function in the human brain 2.Computational modelling of human language use 3.Analysis and modelling of human interaction Research Programme 29 The development of all three themes will aim at a strong integration of neuroscience and computational approaches Grand Challenge

31 Theme 1: Exploration of language function in the human brain  Development of an integrated cognitive neuroscience account  precise neuro-functional mapping of speech analysis system  identification/analysis of different cortical processing streams  improved (multi-modal) neuro-imaging methods for capturing spatio- temporal patterning of brain activity supporting language function  linkage to theories of language learning/brain plasticity  Expansion of neurophysiological/cross-species comparisons  research into homologous/analogous systems in primates/birds  development of cross-species neuro-imaging to allow close integration with human data  Research across languages and modalities (speech and sign)  contrasts in language systems across different language families  cognitive and neural implications of spoken vs sign languages 30 Grand Challenge

32 Theme 2 : Computational modelling of human language function  Auditory modelling and human speech recognition  learn from human auditory system especially use of time synchrony and vocal tract normalisation  move away from quasi-stationary assumption and develop effective continuous state models  Data-driven language acquisition and learning  extend successful speech recognition and parsing paradigm to semantics, generation and dialogue processing  apply results as filters to improve speech and syntactic recognition beyond the current asymptote  develop methods for learning from large quantities of unannotated data  Neural networks for speech and language processing  develop kernel-based machine learning techniques such as SVM to work in continuous time domain  understand and learn from human neural processing 31 Grand Challenge

33 Theme 3 : Analysis and modelling of human interaction  Develop psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience of interactive language  Integrate psycholinguistic models with context to produce situated models  Study biological mechanisms for interaction  Controlled scientific investigation of natural interaction using hybrid methods  Integration of eye tracking with neuro-imaging methods  Computational modelling  Tractable computational models of situated interaction e.g., Joint Action, interactive alignment, obligations, SharedPlans  Integration across levels  in interpretation: integrate planning, discourse obligations, and semantics into language models  in production  semantics of intonation  speech synthesizers that allow control of intonation, timing 32 Grand Challenge

34 1.Greater scientific understanding of human cognition and communication 2.Significant advances in noise-robust speech recognition, understanding, and generation technology 3.Dialogue systems capable of adapting to their users and learning on-line 4.Improved treatment and rehabilitation of disorders in language function; novel language prostheses Summary of Benefits To understand and emulate human capability for robust communication and interaction. To understand and emulate human capability for robust communication and interaction. Grand Challenge 33 Grand Challenge

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