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WHAT DO STATES SHARE IN COMMON? PURSUING ECONOMIC SECURITY Why should we care about the third world (is it better to use the concept/category of developing.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT DO STATES SHARE IN COMMON? PURSUING ECONOMIC SECURITY Why should we care about the third world (is it better to use the concept/category of developing."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT DO STATES SHARE IN COMMON? PURSUING ECONOMIC SECURITY Why should we care about the third world (is it better to use the concept/category of developing world)? Morality politics: E. Africa lives on $850 PPP; N. America on $31.2 K PPP Is development always a good thing? Are some regimes better at growing than others? What does it mean if non-democratic regimes are better?

2 IS THERE A CULTURE OF UNDERDEVELOPMENT? Traditional societies, ascriptive status, and the role of merit in advancement Is “modernization” really about access to capital and know-how? Is the first world losing the “right” culture? Evidence from Japan and US Is globalization going to change everything?

3 IS THE FIRST WORLD RESPONSIBLE FOR UNDERDEVELOPMENT? Marxist-Leninist theory and Imperialism: – 15 th C. Latin America and the “race for Africa’ (1890s) Dependency theory – The structure of the international economy: The IMF, the World Bank, and debt management How are globalization, energy, & state capitalism changing things? – The real problem is now intrastate inequality and growth

4 BAD POLITICS = BAD ECONOMICS? Why do some states put growth at a low priority? India until recently, N. Euro., & Iran Why aren’t resource endowed countries rich? Corruption and rent seeking/populism Why doesn’t protecting markets make your rich? Protectionism and import substitution strategies Why is political development so important? Is it better to grow or become democratic before trying to be rich? A false dichotomy

5 WHAT ELSE DO ALL STATES SHARE IN COMMON? THE PURSUIT OF SECURITY Why do even nice states put their own interests first? Anarchy, the security dilemma, and realism When is the world most in danger? Periods of where equilibrium (balance of power is out of wack) When do states work together? Under hegemony or to balance powers How do states work together to protect security: Collective security vs. great power concerts Why do idealists think we have a brighter future: When their economic and value interests are the same or when an intl. gov. emerges Why might all states want WMDs?

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