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Towards a Global LME Sustainability-Science Knowledge Network Suzanne Lawrence Workshop: Semantics of Sustainability in the CCLME Oregon State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards a Global LME Sustainability-Science Knowledge Network Suzanne Lawrence Workshop: Semantics of Sustainability in the CCLME Oregon State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards a Global LME Sustainability-Science Knowledge Network Suzanne Lawrence Workshop: Semantics of Sustainability in the CCLME Oregon State University September 7-8, 2011

2 Overview of Presentation Define: Thinking Inside the Box – New Partnerships A Global LME Sustainability Science Knowledge Network Thinking Outside the Box – New Opportunities Discuss: The Way Forward Potential Partnering Events

3 Thinking INSIDE the Box New Partnerships for the CCLME

4 What IS the Box? Box = The Human Networks Associated With: LME Governance LME Science, Synthesis, Assessments LME (Sustainable) Management LME Knowledge Structure / Informatics

5 WHO is inside the Box? Who = The Human Networks Associated with: New ICSU Earth Systems Sustainability Initiative New ICES LME Best Practices Working Group NGO Conservation Science Community GEF-IW LME Community of Practice Initiative UNESCO-IOC CMSP and EBM Initiatives Others

6 What Does The Box Look Like?

7 Towards a Global LME Sustainability-Science Knowledge Network

8 What is an LME-Based Sustainability- Science Knowledge Network?

9 What is a Large Marine Ecosystem?

10 Large Marine Ecosystems Are: Regions of the world's oceans characterized by distinct bathymetry, hydrography, productivity, and trophically dependent populations. Developed by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) A tool for enabling sustainable ecosystem-based management in ecologically bounded transnational areas Threats to LMEs require coordinated actions by governments and civil society LMEs produce 95% of the world's annual marine fishery biomass yields

11 East Bering Sea Gulf of Alaska California Current Gulf of California Gulf of Mexico Southeast U.S. Continental Shelf Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Scotian Shelf Newfoundland-Labrador Shelf Insular Pacific- Hawaiian Pacific Central-American Coastal Caribbean Sea Humboldt Current Patagonian Shelf South Brazil Shelf East Brazil Shelf North Brazil Shelf West Greenland Shelf East Greenland Shelf Barents Sea Norwegian Shelf North Sea Baltic Sea Celtic-Biscay Shelf Iberian Coastal Mediterranean Sea Canary Current Guinea Current Benguela Current Agulhas Current Somali Coastal Current Arabian Sea Red Sea Bay of Bengal Gulf of Thailand South China Sea Sulu-Celebes Sea Indonesian Sea North Australian Shelf Northeast Australian Shelf/Great Barrier Reef East-Central Australian Shelf Southeast Australian Shelf Southwest Australian Shelf West-Central Australian Shelf Northwest Australian Shelf New Zealand Shelf East China Sea Yellow Sea Kuroshio Current Sea of Japan Oyashio Current Sea of Okhotsk West Bering Sea Chukchi Sea Beaufort Sea East Siberian Sea Laptev Sea Kara Sea Iceland Shelf Faroe Plateau Antarctica Black Sea Hudson Bay Arctic Ocean The LME Network - 64 LMEs of the World

12 What is Sustainability Science?

13 Sustainability Science is Problem Driven Research (

14 What are the Origins of Sustainability Science? This new field of science was officially introduced with a "Birth Statement" at the World Congress, "Challenges of a Changing Earth 2001”, in Amsterdam organized by: International Council for Science (ICSU) International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP) World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

15 What is the Goal of Sustainability Science? to advance basic understanding of the dynamics of human- environment systems to facilitate the design, implementation, and evaluation of practical interventions that promote sustainability in particular places and contexts to improve linkages between relevant research and innovation communities on the one hand, and relevant policy and management communities on the other

16 What are the broad objectives of Sustainability Science? Knowledge structuring of issues Coordination of data Interdisciplinary approaches

17 What is a knowledge network? (Knowledge) Networks are a “combination of persons [or organizations], usually dispersed over a number of geographically separate sites, with appropriate communications technology.” The purpose is to foster change in specific policies and practices to support sustainable development. A benefit of a knowledge network is that each member becomes stronger. An underlying premise of a knowledge network is that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. (

18 The Team Leaders: To Date Oran Young, Earth Systems Governance Hal Batchelder, Science / Synthesis / Assessment Peter Fox, Knowledge Structure / Informatics Suzanne Lawrence, Policy and Practice

19 Network Structure Discipline-Based Best Practices Knowledge Networks for: LME Governance (Framework for Sustainability Science) Ecosystem Based Management (Policy and Practice) Science, Synthesis, Assessment (Scenarios) Knowledge Network (Full Cycle Informatics)

20 Network Structure Thematic Earth System-Based Knowledge Networks for: Upwelling Systems High Latitude Systems Coral Reef Systems (What Else?)

21 Network Structure Science-Based Knowledge Networks to include: Basic Earth Systems Science / Global Change Research Community (ICSU / ESSI) Fisheries and Marine Ecosystem Science Research Community (ICES / PICES / NOAA, etc) Conservation Science and Marine Conservation Research Community (IUCN, TNC, WWF, CI, etc.) International Science to Governance Capacity Building and Leaders (UNESCO-IOC) Regional Ocean Governance Practitioners and Managers (GEF-IW LME, US NOC, CIRSO, WGCA, BCC, ASCLME etc.)


23 New Opportunities Proposed Organizational Partnerships NOAA LMEs of the World Community of Practice: ICSU ESSI: system-research-for-global-sustainability/ system-research-for-global-sustainability/ ICES Working Group LME Best Practices: http://ices- IOC CMSP / EBM: Conservation Science Community LME efforts: TNC, WWF, CI, IUCN, etc. Regional Network Affiliates: Such As Benguela Current Commission / West Coast Governors Agreement

24 New Opportunities Potential Funding Partners IGFAGCR: NSF SEES Initiative: Conservation Science Community Funders & Foundations: Packard / Moore / etc. Funders of Regional Networks; eg. Benguela Commission, West Coast Governors, etc. UNDP / GEF-IW LME CoP

25 New Opportunities Potential Funding Partners International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research:

26 New Opportunities Potential Funding Partners National Science Foundation Science Engineering and Education for Sustainability Initiative:

27 New Opportunities NSF SEES Initiative NSF SEES initiative is designed to: “focus on supporting research that facilitates global community sustainability, specifically through building connections between current projects, creating new nodes of activity, and developing personnel needed to solve sustainability issues.

28 New Opportunities NSF SEES Initiative SEES RCN: Research Coordination Networks for Sustainability: Developing infrastructure for a global research network SEES PIRE: Community Building activity thru the Partnership for International Research and Education SEES CNH: Couples Natural and Human Systems - Advancing assessment activity thru coupled natural and human systems The SEES initiative supports:

29 New Opportunities NSF SEES Initiative A California Current Best Practices Network The GEF-IW LME Community of Practice Network IOC-UNESCO Capacity Building, MSP, and EBM Networks ICES Working Group for LME Practices Network ICSU ESSI + Earth Systems Governance Network Central to the proposition is a partnership between:

30 New Opportunities Partnering Events ASLO / AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting February 2012 Session: Governing Across Scales: Innovative Stewardship of Earth Systems: “Creating a Global Large Marine Ecosystem Knowledge Network.”

31 New Opportunities Partnering Events Planet Under Pressure Conference March 2012 London Session: Toward a Sustainability Science Knowledge Network of Marine Ecosystems: achieving innovation, trans- disciplinary stewardship across multiple scales

32 Discussion The Way Forward Partnership Events and Funding Proposals

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