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Towards Ad-hoc Situation Determination Graham Thomson, Paddy Nixon and Sotirios Terzis.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards Ad-hoc Situation Determination Graham Thomson, Paddy Nixon and Sotirios Terzis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards Ad-hoc Situation Determination Graham Thomson, Paddy Nixon and Sotirios Terzis

2 Pervasive and Global Computing Introduction  PlaceLab has been successful in making location information freely available for use in experimental ubiquitous computing applications.  We envisage a need for tools that can deliver a much richer set of contextual information.  The high-level situation of the current environment is a key contextual element.

3 Pervasive and Global Computing Scenario  Jane captures a ‘coffee break’ snapshot on her smartphone and instructs it that both calls and messages should be announced audibly when she is in that situation.  Historical snapshot of ‘formal meeting’ captured from context server.  In a partner company’s building her smartphone is unable to determine the situation. The local context server reveals it is ‘formal meeting’, and the previously associated behaviours are applied.

4 Pervasive and Global Computing Drawbacks of the state of the art  Require an environment expert.  Reasoning mechanisms must be manually constructed and maintained.  Difficult to specify sensor to situation correlations on a large scale.  Situation specifications will suffer from the subjective bias of the expert.  Reasoning is performed by a single oracle which cannot exploit non-public knowledge.  Once programmed, situations are fixed.

5 Pervasive and Global Computing Drawbacks of the state of the art  Require an environment expert.  Reasoning mechanisms must be manually constructed and maintained.  Difficult to specify sensor to situation correlations on a large scale.  Situation specifications will suffer from the subjective bias of the expert.  Reasoning is performed by a single oracle which cannot exploit non-public knowledge.  Once programmed, situations are fixed.

6 Pervasive and Global Computing Representing the situation  Contextual information is captured as a relation between two instances of a class.  Ubiquitous computing environments are open - any number and variety of people, devices, and software may appear within them.  Contextual information they produce are therefore also open, as the instances of a relation are drawn from a potentially infinite set.  Reasoning about contextual information is then made difficult, as many machine learning techniques make strict demands on the structure and constraints of the data, e.g. the C4.5 algorithm.

7 Pervasive and Global Computing Representing the situation  Text classification aims to automatically assign documents to a given set of categories.  Documents may exhibit no regular structure.  The set of known terms used in the documents may grow with each new document that is classified.  Easy to see similarities between the task of text classification and that of situation determination.

8 Pervasive and Global Computing Situation as a document  Document  Bag of terms.  Situation  Bag of relations.  A relation is expanded to facilitate reasoning at an abstract level. JaneRobert works with

9 Pervasive and Global Computing Situation as a document Person JaneRobert works with Robert works with Jane works with Person

10 Pervasive and Global Computing Situation as a document  To reason about snapshots, we must transform them into a representation suitable for machine learning algorithms.  Use vector space model - considers a document to be a vector in a multi-dimensional Euclidean space, with each axis corresponding to a term.  Extra time axis added to vector, scaled from 0 (midnight), to 1 (just before midnight).  Approach based on Support Vector Machines (SVM), which are currently the most accurate classifiers for text.

11 Pervasive and Global Computing Determining the situation + + + + + + - - - - -

12 Pervasive and Global Computing Determining the situation + + + + + + - - - - -

13 Pervasive and Global Computing Determining the situation + + + + + + - - - - -

14 Pervasive and Global Computing Determining the situation + + + + + + - - - - -

15 Pervasive and Global Computing Determining the situation + + + + + + - - - - -

16 Pervasive and Global Computing Drawbacks of the state of the art  Require an environment expert.  Reasoning mechanisms must be manually constructed and maintained.  Difficult to specify sensor to situation correlations on a large scale.  Situation specifications will suffer from the subjective bias of the expert.  Reasoning is performed by a single oracle which cannot exploit non-public knowledge.  Once programmed, situations are fixed.

17 Pervasive and Global Computing Process of interaction  Determining the situation within an environment is a cooperative effort between each participant (device) within it.  Each participant’s view is the union of its private, privileged, and public relation sets.  Make simplifying assumption that participants are in the same situation if they are in the same room.  Interaction proceeds as in the following five steps:

18 Pervasive and Global Computing Process of interaction Stage 1 – Proposal of current situation Formal meeting Formal meeting Formal meeting Formal meeting Coffee break

19 Pervasive and Global Computing Process of interaction Stage 2 – Sharing of relevant snapshots + + + + + + + + + - - - - - - -

20 Pervasive and Global Computing Process of interaction Stage 3 – Correction (freshness, confidence, accuracy, derivation algorithm) P = 2.3 P = 2.35 P = 1.8 P = -34 P = ?

21 Pervasive and Global Computing Process of interaction Stage 4 – Heuristic selection (strongest non- obvious indicator) Formal meeting

22 Pervasive and Global Computing Process of interaction Stage 5 – Learning (dynamic adaptation to drift) Formal meeting - + - - + +

23 Pervasive and Global Computing Drawbacks of the state of the art  Require an environment expert.  Reasoning mechanisms must be manually constructed and maintained.  Difficult to specify sensor to situation correlations on a large scale.  Situation specifications will suffer from the subjective bias of the expert.  Reasoning is performed by a single oracle which cannot exploit non-public knowledge.  Once programmed, situations are fixed.

24 Pervasive and Global Computing Preliminary results  Situations:  Formal group meeting  European project meeting  Informal meeting  Coffee break  Private study  Movie night  Ubicomp environments are highly dynamic - new situations will continually appear, while current situations will cease to recur.  The system must achieve an acceptable determination accuracy using as few snapshots as possible.

25 Pervasive and Global Computing Preliminary results

26 Pervasive and Global Computing Preliminary results  Almost all misclassifications occurred between the three meeting situations.  THANK YOU!

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