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Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar The Cool Science Institute Educational Robotics A Glimpse on Robotics Tutorial Material.

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Presentation on theme: "Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar The Cool Science Institute Educational Robotics A Glimpse on Robotics Tutorial Material."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar The Cool Science Institute Educational Robotics A Glimpse on Robotics Tutorial Material

2 Overview What is a robot? Characterization Examples Anatomy Why do computer scientists care about robots? Survey of Educational Robotics Technology Lego Mindstorms Boards for Use with Lego Technics Tetrixx

3 Autonomous Mobile Robots Machines capable of moving about their environment and demonstrating some kind of intelligent behavior Permanent Perception-Cognition-Action cycle Autonomy is the degree to which an agent's decisions are determined by its own observations and experience

4 LEGO-Bots

5 Kheperas

6 Truck

7 Sparrows

8 Stanislav B21 from RWI 2 DoF omnidrive Pan-Tilt Unit 56 Bumper 48 IR Sensors 24 Sonars 1 Laser Scanner 2 Microphones 2 Cameras

9 Robot Anatomy Effectors mobile bases manipulators (arms, hands, grippers, kickers) other Sensors Electronics Software operating systems programming languages programming environments programming methodology Robot control architectures

10 Robotics Software Technology State-of-the-art mobile robots use networked hardware Software is distributed across available hardware stanleft laser stantalk stanbook stanright sonar base L-cam PTU R-cam Show me room H20! GUI

11 Robotics is AI-complete Complex autonomous mobile robots must represent various kinds of knowledge knowledge representation spatiotemporal representations make inferences from knowledge and plan their action inference; deduction, abduction planning and scheduling perceive their environment sensor interpretation and sensor fusion pattern recognition, computer vision interact with humans speech, natural language processing adapt to changing environments and tasks machine learning neural network learning, reinforcement learning evolutionary learning

12 Three Laws of Robotics

13 Role of Kinematics kinematics and manueverability kinematics and control

14 Robot Motion Wheeled robots Tracked robots Legged robots Humanoid robots Exotic robots

15 Wheeled Robots easy to build easy to control need flat terrain cannot climb stairs

16 Tracked Robots more difficult to build easy to control good on rough terrain cannot climb stairs

17 Legged Robots hard to build hard to control good on rough terrain can climb stairs in principle

18 Cog

19 Humanoid Robots

20 Exotic robots hard to build hard to control stabilization is a major issue solutions for virtually all environments

21 Ackermann

22 Tricycle Drive

23 Differential Drive

24 Synchro Drive

25 Role of Shape

26 Sturdy Lego Structures

27 Lego Mathematics

28 Lego Gearbox

29 Lego Gearing

30 Sensor Principle

31 Analog Sensors

32 Digital Sensors

33 Active Sensing

34 Sensor Uses

35 Microswitches

36 Photo Resistors

37 IR Reflectance Sensor

38 Breakbeam Sensor

39 Shaft Encoders

40 IR Beacon

41 Sharp IR Sensor

42 DC Motors

43 Servo Motors

44 Motor Characteristics

45 Pulse-Width Modulation

46 H-Bridge

47 Memory Map

48 6.270 Board


50 Handyboard

51 Programming Setup

52 c165key

53 LCD Display Example

54 Multiboard Example

55 Control Theory

56 Open-Loop Control

57 Closed-Loop Control

58 Subsumption Example

59 Behavior Wander-About

60 Behavior Escape-from-Traps

61 Behavior Look-for-IR

62 Subsumption

63 Arbitration

64 Discussion of Tutorial Concepts Technology Course Material

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