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A Task for NRENs: Application Support and Services UbuntuNet-Connect 2008, Lilongwe, Malawi 11th November 2008 Gerti Foest, DFN-Verein.

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Presentation on theme: "A Task for NRENs: Application Support and Services UbuntuNet-Connect 2008, Lilongwe, Malawi 11th November 2008 Gerti Foest, DFN-Verein."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Task for NRENs: Application Support and Services UbuntuNet-Connect 2008, Lilongwe, Malawi 11th November 2008 Gerti Foest, DFN-Verein

2 Application Support and Services Lilongwe, 11.11.20082 What are NRENs for? Priority Task: Provide connectivity for the research and education community

3 Application Support and Services Lilongwe, 11.11.20083 What we learned Good connectivity is necessary – but not enough Powerful networks and excellent national, regional and international connectivity are the basis for advanced communication and cooperation for research, education and societal benefit NRENs and RRENs can provide a framework to ensure the benefit of networks for researchers, educators and society

4 Application Support and Services Lilongwe, 11.11.20084 A Task for NRENs/RRENs Promote, coordinate and support compelling network applications on national, regional and international level –Technical issues –Organizational issues Existence and usage of such applications - and the related content - demonstrate the value of research and education networks –to funding bodies –to potential participants (universities, research institutes etc)

5 Application Support and Services Lilongwe, 11.11.20085 FEAST and Applications Feasibility Study for African – European Research and Education Network A FEAST activity – Applications planning Identify applications relevant for the African partners Identify African and European partners for further development of existing applications or for setting up new applications Set up a program to stimulate the use of network applications –Create awareness of new possibilities –Encourage national and inter-regional usage of specific applications Produce case studies to illustrate the value of the network and successful applications

6 Application Support and Services Lilongwe, 11.11.20086 Application areas eLearning Health Care Climate Research Grid Computing … and many others Applications need supporting services

7 Application Support and Services Lilongwe, 11.11.20087 A Task for NRENs - Services Provide generic services –Usable for many organisations (universities, research labs etc.) –Usable for many applications Provide support for usage of services –Establish competence centres –Organise workshops –Offer training for trainers –Help with organizational issues

8 Application Support and Services Lilongwe, 11.11.20088 Services for Applications Incidence Response Teams –General network usage, all applications Videoconferencing –Working group meetings, Interviews (jobs etc.) –eLearning – e.g. remote attendance, tests and examinations PKI - Authentication –Grid Computing –Secure communication and secure access to content (many applications) AAI - Authentication and Authorisation –eLearning, Grid Computing, …

9 Application Support and Services Lilongwe, 11.11.20089 Lessons learned One of the benefits of an NREN for the research and education community is – besides the provision of excellent network connectivity - the provision of services that help applications If services are build according to the needs and possibilities of the target groups, they are very well accepted Only central components of a service should be operated by the NREN, the others should be operated locally

10 Application Support and Services Lilongwe, 11.11.200810 Conclusion Parallel to building networks and providing worldwide connectivity Support the usage and development of compelling applications by providing supporting services Consider the cost of services when calculating the budget –For funding bodies –For customer charges

11 Application Support and Services Lilongwe, 11.11.200811 Thank you! Contact: Gerti Foest, DFN-Verein

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