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SEO. Self Exploding Organs SEO Search Engine Optimisation By Joey Cannon.

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2 Self Exploding Organs

3 SEO Search Engine Optimisation By Joey Cannon

4 How Google Works Relevancy Popularity Trust

5 Relevancy The location frequency of keywords used on a web page aka on-page SEO

6 Popularity Google uses a formulae called PageRank which calculates a page’s reputation on the internet. The more links you have to a page from others the more credible and popular the page being linked to and your site is deemed to be aka off-page SEO

7 Trust Google also looks for ‘signals’ that are both positive or negative about your site. By having more significant positive signals, search engine trust can be built.

8 Good - Age - Who links to you - User data signals Bad (noise) - Who links to you - Break Google’s guidelines - Duplicate content

9 Google’s PageRank Google’s PageRank is a formula which looks at the ‘popularity’ part of the ranking algorithm. Every time a page receives a link from another page this counts as a ‘vote’ of importance. External links from other websites tend to count more as they are impartial but internal links also have value. The total volume of links is important but the quality of links is more important


11 Vid of Matt Kutts


13 Successful SEO is visibility Discoverability Search Engine Friendliness Site Structure

14 Discoverability HTML links external best Getting indexed XML Sitemap 2011 update: it is now possible to get indexed through social sites like Twitter too.

15 Discoverability Crawling copies content ⇛ follows links to new pages ⇛ repeats the process ⇛ revisits to check it has an up-to-date version

16 Discoverability how to check if a single page is indexed insert into the search bar how to check how many pages are indexed insert into the search bar

17 Discoverability Where crawling struggles: poor use of robots.txt broken links bad site structure server & redirection errors no sitemaps complex urls limiting access to content using: flash, javascript, dropdown forms & ajax

18 Search Engine Friendliness Google webmaster tool this tool provides a detailed report about your pages visibility on Google technical seo http response codes, robots.txt & site speed, also in webmaster tools in the Labs section duplicate content & redirects

19 Duplicate Content Same content different url Data feeds Scraper sites

20 Duplicate Content - solution Update internally Redirect http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.c om/2009/02/specify-your-canonical.htmlhttp://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.c om/2009/02/specify-your-canonical.html

21 Duplicate Content on your site & another The Panda Update (released April 2011) Check “sample text“ into google

22 Site Structure bad site structure good site structure keyword themes internal linking & popularity

23 Site Structure bad site structure homepage Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

24 Site Structure gooder site structure homepage Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

25 Site Structure keyword themes Eg: reef/cairns/pages/default.aspx reef/cairns/pages/default.aspx More info : homepage

26 Site Structure internal linking & popularity Each time you link to a page you are voting that this page receive a little more popularity or enhanced reputation You should try and limit the amount of outbound links to around 100 per page More links the better is a little simplistic these days

27 Xenu Link Sleuth It can spot broken links Checks the status of your pages In-link and out-links Tells you what level your pages are File size

28 Keyword Research Content Site Structure how you encourage other sites to link

29 Keyword Research who are your customers potential customers identifying key phrases they use in search engines when they want to find you

30 Keyword Research How to pick the best keywords A combination of highly relevant keywords Consider different types of customers Brainstorm

31 Keyword Research Targeting Brainstorm Analysis Selection Keyword Mapping If a page isn’t ranked in Google. This is how to check which page it see’s as being the most relevant keyword keyword

32 Link Building Increasing your site’s popularity Search engines trust more what others (links) say about your website that what you do on it Relevancy 30% Content & keywords Popularity 70% links

33 What makes a boss link Quality How did you get it Location (where in the page) Format Coding Anchor text Link destination Relationship Topic

34 NOT all links are equal!

35 Link Building Links higher up the code cast more votes External are more influential than internal Keywords in text have more value than in alt of linked images Links from more important, popular, trusted sites (even from less important pages) Burst of new links may enable a document to overcome competition

36 Keeping up to date - -http://www.searchenginejournal.com -http://www.seroundtable.com -http://sphinn.com - -http://searchenginewatch.com -http://www.seobook.com -http://analytics.blogspot.com - - -Google reader feed -

37 SEO Was brought to you by a lad By Joey Cannon @bosskax@bosskax Bye bye until we meet again some sunny day

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