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Making the Right connections: Linking Career Goals to Contacts through Social Exploration John-Paul Hatala.

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Presentation on theme: "Making the Right connections: Linking Career Goals to Contacts through Social Exploration John-Paul Hatala."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the Right connections: Linking Career Goals to Contacts through Social Exploration John-Paul Hatala

2 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 Introduce participants to the next generation of networking – Social Exploration Demonstrate that “networking” or “Social Exploration” is a learnable skill with seven distinct competencies Set personal and career related goals Determine which network members can help accomplish those goals Create an action plan to accomplish goals Follow a step-by-step systematic relationship building process 2 What we’ll be looking at today

3 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 Let’s try some networking…… 3

4 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 Networking Activity 1. How many of you found this difficult? 2. How many of you found it easy? 3. Is it possible to become a better networker or is it a skill your born with? 4. What does it take to be a good networker? 5. How did it help that you were told what information to collect? 4

5 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 Network Quiz 5 1. The key to networking is to know many people? AgreeDisagree 2. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know? AgreeDisagree 3. It’s easier to network when you have set goals? AgreeDisagree 4. Structuring your network activities will maintain your motivational level? AgreeDisagree 5. Resources exist in every network? AgreeDisagree

6 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 The Networked Perspective We all have something in common  Goals  Objectives  Dreams  Aspirations 6

7 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 The Networked Perspective There are many resources that are at our finger tips  Backgrounds  Connections  Skill level  knowledge 7

8 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 The Networked Perspective We live in a networked world  Social networking sites (Facebook, etc.)  Network organizational structures (Amazon)  Associations  Community programs  Recreational activities 8

9 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 The Networked Perspective Developing and articulating goals are important  Goals are not just created for us, they are intended to be shared with the network 9

10 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 The Networked Perspective A better network position yields more information  Central members get more timely information  Reciprocity is key to a continued flow of information (what you give is what you get) 10

11 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 What is Social Capital (SC)? Social capital is simply the relationships an individual possesses and the resources that exist within them. 11

12 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 What is Social Exploration? Researched based “next generation” understanding of what has commonly been called social networking The process of systematically exploring a social network for resources which may improve goal attainment. Making networking a conscious activity 12

13 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 What is Social Exploration? Networking is about developing life-long mutually beneficial relationships through which all network members can accomplish specific goals. Social Capital withdrawals and deposits Ability to articulate goals and objectives 13

14 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 Social Exploration SC(KAU)=SI 14

15 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 Social Exploration K = Knowledge of Self / Knowledge of Network A = Accessing social resources U = Utilizing social resources to accomplish goals 15

16 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 Social Exploration Learning Form (SELF) 16

17 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 Social Explorer Profile – Phase 1 17 K

18 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 18 K 4=

19 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 SELF – Phase 2 After self-knowledge and action plans for improvement have been developed, the next area to be examined in the SELF © is in the development of specific goals. 19

20 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 SMART Method of Goal Setting 20 S pecific M easurable A ction-oriented R ealistic T ime sensitive K

21 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 21 Specific Not – part-time job – rather 15 hours a week @ $6.00 an hour, in the hospitality sector MeasurableNot only get a job – but get the right job Action Search network for leads, contact friends, etc. Realistic Right skills for the type of job – high school student who wants to moonlight as a neurosurgeon is not a likely fit Time Set parameters for completing goal – i.e. get job within 6 weeks

22 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 Now that self-knowledge and goal development are complete, examine your network for individuals who can assist in the accomplishment of the specific goals. 22

23 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 Network Mapping 23 K

24 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 SELF – Phase 3 Connection Strategy:  (1) Plan to contact individuals assigned to specific goals should be developed  (2) Strategize on how you will get to know Individuals not assigned to specific goal(s)  (3) Examine goals not assigned to a contact to ensure enough detail has been developed to realistically complete the goal. 24 A

25 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 Putting the Connection Strategy into Action 1. Identify Opportunities 25 U Where are you looking? Who are you speaking too? Who are you existing connections? Who do your contacts know?

26 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 26 Putting the Connection Strategy into Action 2. Make Contact 26 U How are you connecting? What’s your plan? Are you leveraging referrals? What will you say?

27 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 27 Putting the Connection Strategy into Action 3. Begin to Explore Relationship 27 U What does the individual do? How do they do it? What are the gaps? What do you have to offer? What is your plan/goal?

28 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 28 Putting the Connection Strategy into Action 4. Start to Strategize 28 U What needs to be done to make this work? What’s the timing look like? Who needs to be involved? What information is still required?

29 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 29 Putting the Connection Strategy into Action 5. Negotiate the Win/Win 29 U How will both parties accomplish what they need? What is the plan? When will this happen?

30 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 30 Putting the Connection Strategy into Action 6. Reach a Solution 30 U Has the goal been reached? How close am I to reaching my goal? What other opportunities exist?

31 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 31 Putting the Connection Strategy into Action Social Income! 31 SC(KAU)=SI

32 ©Copyright Flowork International, LLC 2007 Let’s Reflect Exploration of self and your perceived ability to access network resources. Goal setting. Linking contacts to goals. Developing strategies to access resources in your network. Following a process each step of the way. 32

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