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SOEN 6011 Software Engineering Processes
Section SS Fall 2007 Dr Greg Butler
Week 11 Software Architecture 4+1 Views Siemen’s Approach
Software Architecture: Definitions
… for a system is the structure … which consist of elements, their externally visible properties, and the relationships among them. The fundamental organization of a system [as] embodied in its components, their relationships to each other, and to the environment, and the principles guiding its design and evolution. (IEEE ). Definitions from Clements et. al. “… or structures of the system, …” Documentation includes rational.
Architecture: Benefits?
Contributes to elicitation of requirements. First design: can already assess / determine satisfaction of requirements. Work allocation / distribution (schedule). Instructional: useful to learn about system. Initial development & maintenance. Reuse of the architectural style / framework. Also … Architectural design activity: Architecture / Architecture documentation
Conceptual Integrity …
… is central to achieving product quality. Also called Architectural Integrity. Coherent conceptual (design) model makes product easier to understand, hence easier to … Develop (e.g. Design, test), Learn to use: customer, I&C, sales & marketing Maintain. How to achieve conceptual integrity? … Central argument: Conceptual integrity (unity) of the product is paramount. [… or developing a test suite offering optimal / appropriate coverage.]
System Architect Custodian of product ensures Design coherence.
Also, to some extent, Interface coherence (esp. UI). Architect: However a straightforward approach to conceptual integrity is often impractical for industry. E.g. Market pressures Complexity of the product.
System Architect Full-time job!
Separation of architecture from implementation. Project size hierarchy of architects. “Single mind” Having a system architect is an effective means of achieving conceptual integrity. Architect: However a straightforward approach to conceptual integrity is often impractical for industry. E.g. Market pressures Complexity of the product.
Components S/W entities … Physical
Systems (e.g. COTS), subsystems, frameworks, packages, layers, libraries, modules, classes, objects, executables, DLLs, plug-ins, … Processes, tasks. Physical Network elements. Processing elements. Databases.
Interrelationships Static: Dynamic:
Interface dependencies: e.g. uses/import. Containment, inheritance, subtype, … Data dependencies (database applications). … Dynamic: Thread of control. Dataflow.
Documentation: Putting it all together
How best to capture all of these different kinds of components and their interrelationships? Consider …
View Based Documentation of Architectures
Architecture Document = View A + View B + View C + … View X + “Beyond Views”
“4+1” View Model of Architecture
By Philippe Kruchten [Kruchten95] (URL to paper given on web site.) Rational Unified Process.
“4+1” View Model Implementation/ Deployment/
References Kruchten95, becoming a bit dated. RUP documentation
Available in lab. Also includes samples. To access RUP from lab machines Launch the Rational Unified Process. From the Overview page … Select Analysis and Design At the top of this page select “Artifacts” Select “Software Architecture Documents” You will see links to the examples … . Note that I do not consider the examples complete.
“4+1” VM (Alternate names)
Excerpt from Kruchten95. Shows alternate names for the two right views. Kruchten’s suggested main stakeholders for each view.
“5+1” View Model = 4 + 1 + data view.
Other combinations of views are possible.
“4+1”: Let us look at each view
Implementation/ Deployment/
Use Case View Main goal: present architecturally significant use cases either: Duplicated from req. doc. Named and reference given to req. doc. These use cases are to help highlight main Architectural decisions / choices
Logical View: Main Goals
Convey … Overall structure and Interfaces to the environment, in a manner that is conceptually as simple as possible Challenge: find right level of detail. Class diagrams: which can show more than just classes, of course. Rational Rose like structure diagrams.
Logical View & Requirements
Main focus: functional. It should be possible to assess (up to a certain level of detail) whether requirements will be satisfied by the proposed architectural design.
Logical View: Components & …
active classes, classes, modules, packages, subsystems, … Connectors (interrelationships): Usage. Containment, aggregation. Inheritance, instantiation.
Logical View: How Presented?
Mainly UML “class” diagrams, including Package diagrams. Component structure (UML2) Explanatory text, including design rational Class diagrams: which can show more than just classes, of course. Rational Rose like structure diagrams.
Logical View, Example You have seen many examples of class and package diagrams. UML 2 component diagrams you have seen as well …
Logical View (e.g. Kruchten)
Process View Components: processes, tasks, … Interrelationships:
group of tasks : single exec. unit. Control: start, shutdown, recover, restore Primary / secondary (redundancy) Interrelationships: Communication Allocation of Logical view components to processes/tasks. Synchronization mechanisms
Process View – e.g. (Kruchten)
Logical View Components
Process View – ex.
Implementation (Development)View
Actual S/W organization. Components: Libraries, subsystems, exec., object files, … Most common top-level arch. style: layers Connectors: containment, dependencies, … Allocate logical components to impl. comp. Reuse: Off-the-shelf. “To-the-shelf”: sharing with other projects.
Implementation View – illustration
Deployment (Physical) View
Components: processors, processing nodes, … Network topology. Usually several topo’s are supported. S/W should be relatively independent of topo. Allocation of process view elements to H/W (processing nodes). Examples: Network elt: Process mapping into application cards. Network Mgmt: one or more NOCs. What are the components and their interrel.?
Deployment View - illustration
Deployment View - illustration
Siemens Four View Model
Reference: Applied Software Architecture by C. Hofmeister, R. Nord and D. Soni.
Siemens Four View Model: Overview
S/W Architecture Here are the four views and their interrelationships. Arrows indicate how one view influences or contributes input to another view. Bold arrow heads are direction of main dependency. Other notes: H/W arch and Source Code are separate from the S/W arch.
Comparing the View Models
4+1 Logical Implementation (Development) Process Deployment (Physical) (Use Case) S4VM Conceptual Module Execution Code There is no one-to-one mapping.
S4VM: in more detail. Notice activity groups in each view are the same …
S4VM Overview
S4VM Activities Groups in each view
For each view perform Global analysis (Mostly the same for each view.) Central design tasks. (Specific to each view.) Final design tasks.
Global Analysis: Purpose
To identify issues (early) so that strategies can be proposed to resolve them. (Architectural) Factors can be seen merely as a means of organizing (group) issues.
Global Analysis Activities: Analyze Factors. Identify Issues.
Develop Strategies.
1. Analyze Factors - purpose
Identify and describe factors that can influence the system architecture. Document the factors.
1. Analyze Factors Use given factor categorization / list to kickoff.
For each factor consider: How it relates to the project. Flexibility and changeability. Impact.
Factor Categorization (e.g. SFVM)
Organizational Technological Product
Organizational Factors
Top-level grouping of factors: O1: Management O2: Staff skills, interests, strengths, weaknesses. O3: Process and development environment. O4: Development schedule. O5: Development budget.
O1: Management, further refined …
Build vs. buy. Schedule vs. functionality. Environment. Business goals.
Ex. Project Factor Analysis Output
O1: Management O1.1: Build vs. buy There is a mild preference to build. Flexibility & changeability: organization will consider buy if justified. Impact: moderate impact on meeting schedule. O1.2: Schedule vs. functionality Preference for meeting schedule over some features… Flex.&chng: negotiable for some features … …
Technological Factors
T1: General-purpose hardware E.g. processors, memory, network, disk, … T2: Domain-specific hardware T3: Software technology E.g. OS, UI, prog. lang., design patterns, … T4: Architecture technology E.g. arch. Styles, patterns, frameworks. T5: Standards
Product Factors P1: Functional features P2: User interface
P3: Performance P4: Dependability P5: Failure detection, reporting, recover P6: Service P7: Product Cost
What is an Issue? A (potential) problem.
2. Identify Issues Key issues influencing architectural design which are to be resolved. Consider influencing factors.
Issue: Skill Deficiencies
Influencing factors: O2: Staff skills O2.3 (Experience with multithreading): only one developer has multithreading experience. O2.4 (Experience with multiprocessor systems): only two developers …
3. Develop Strategies What is a strategy?
What is a Strategy? A means by which one or more issues are to be resolved, partially or totally.
3. Develop Strategies For each issue:
Develop strategies to address issue. Identify related strategies.
Ex. Issue: Changes in Hardware
Changes in both general-purpose and domain-specific hardware are anticipated on a regular basis. The challenge is to reduce the effort and time involved in adapting the product to the new hardware. Influencing factors: T1 (General-purpose H/W), T2 (Domain-specific H/W). Solutions: … ?
Ex. Strategies Encapsulate hardware
S4VM: Conceptual View
Conceptual View – Documentation
Structure Configurations of: components, connectors, ports, roles, protocols. Behavior State diagrams. Sequence diagrams. Natural language.
Conceptual View – Activities
Global analysis. Central design tasks. Final design task.
Conceptual V.: Central Design Tasks
Create conceptual Components, Connectors (and ports, roles, protocols) Configuration. Global evaluation
Conceptual V.: Final Design Tasks
Resource budgeting Resources used by the software, but Resources themselves can be H/W or S/W. Examples of resources include: Memory, CPU time, Bandwidth, … .
Global Evaluation Evaluate design decisions
Continually, relative to results of global analysis. Periodically, w.r.t. interactions among themselves. During central design tasks.
Module View – Activities
What is the top level grouping of activities?
Module View – Activities
Global analysis. Central design tasks. Final design task.
Module View, Central Design Tasks
Definition of Subsystems. Layers Modules Allocation of conceptual elements to the above. Global evaluation.
Module View, Final Design Tasks
Design of (key) module interfaces Operations: name, signature (return type, parameter type). Behavior (via specification).
What is a “Module”? You can think of this as a UML package.
Does not imply that code will be non OO. In execution view, will eventually “hold” either OO (classes,…) or non OO code.
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