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Lesson 20 Slideshow By: Gabriela Acebal Julia Toro Clarianne Moscoso Chris Arnold.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 20 Slideshow By: Gabriela Acebal Julia Toro Clarianne Moscoso Chris Arnold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 20 Slideshow By: Gabriela Acebal Julia Toro Clarianne Moscoso Chris Arnold

2 Accrue v. –To increase, accumulate, or come about as a result of growth.

3 Arbiter –A person chosen to judge or decide a disputed issue; a person who has the power to judge at will arbiter

4 Audit –To examine, verify, or correct the financial accounts of; to attend a course without requesting or receiving academic credit

5 Cartel –A group of independent businesses formed to control production, pricing, and marketing goods.

6 Collateral –Property that is pledged as security for a loan if the loan is not repaid, the property is taken. Subordinate, Serving to support.

7 Commodity –Someone or something valuable and useful. An item of trade or commerce, especially a mining product.

8 Conglomerate –A corporation made up of a a number of companies that operate in different fields

9 Liquidate –To settle a debt, claim, or other obligations by selling property or goods; to convert assets into cash. They went out of business due to debts.

10 Lucrative – Producing wealth; profitable.

11 Security –A document showing ownership or something owed; something given as assurance of the fulfillment of an obligation

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