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Paper A : World history( a.d.)

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1 Paper A : World history(1500-1870 a.d.)

2 1. The renaissance and reformation

3 Feudalism Feudalism was the way of life in Europe during the middle ages. It controlled the politics, the financial affairs, the government an the society of times. The feudal form of society vegan to appear in Western Europe around the middle of 9th century and reached its height in the early 12th and 13th centuries. It continued to wide a considerable influence in the continent even up to the beginning of nineteenth century. Feudalism had its roots in early German and Roman institutions, the word feudal comes from a Latin word feudum which means a landed estate or group of estates held by a person in return for military services to the recognized owner of the land. Feudalism was the system by which the nobles of the Middle ages kept the ownership and control of their lands.

4 Chief Features of Feudalism
King the owner of land Barons o lords Serfs Oath of allegiance and investiture Manor Church

5 Causes of Decline of Feudalism
Rise of strong monarchies Maintenance of standing army Use of gun powder Crusades Rise of cities and towns Rise of middle class Beginning of state Crrency Black death, Decrease in the power of the Popes Spread of Education Destruction of feudal lords in mutual warfare & European wars Revolts of Farmers Rise of Nationalism Rise of capitalistic Economy Development of Democracy

6 Renaissance Causes of Renaissance Crusades Capture of constantinople by the Turks Rise of Mongolian Empire Decline feudalism Invention of printing press Developments of cities and towns Role of wealthy influential individuals Role of the clergy Emergence of a new concept- humanism Development of science Geographical discoveries Conclusion

7 Renaissance on the social, cultural, political and economic life of people
Social effects Rise of the spirit of Humanism The spirit of enquiry and rational thinking Increase in the status of women Development of new manners and etuquettes Moral chaos Cultural effects Development of literature Progress of modern education Development of fine arts Development of science Emergence of archeology and development historiography Geographical discoveries

8 Economic effects New thoughts in economic field Rise of capitalism Development of new rich class Political effects Rise of absolute monarchy Rise of middle class Rise of nationalism Corruption in politics Religious effects Weakened the authority of church

9 2. Rise of the Absolutist state

10 Causes of the rise of absolute monarchy and its main features
Impact of the crusades Established of national state Renaissance Reformation Use of gun powder by the king Need of powerful monarchy Growth of trade and towns Mercantilism Influence of contemporary scholars and thinkers Jean Bodin( ), Niccolo Machiavelly ( ), Thomas Hobbes ( ). Role off the powerful despots

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