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5 th Grade Science Amanda Sax Click to continue  Click on an environment to learn more about it: Tundra Coral ReefMountains Savanna Grasslands Desert.

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2 5 th Grade Science Amanda Sax Click to continue

3  Click on an environment to learn more about it: Tundra Coral ReefMountains Savanna Grasslands Desert Tropical Rainforest Taiga Click the light bulb for a review question

4   Approximately 20% or of the surface of the Earth falls into this category.  The temperatures are very low in the tundra. In the winter time they can be as low as -70 degrees. In the summer it is rarely about 40 degrees.  There are lots of rocks too but not very much vegetation. There are almost no trees at all found in this particular biome. Tundra Click the arrow to return to the main menu

5   The temperature in the coral reef is usually 70 degrees to 85 degrees.  Warm water temperatures are required for a coral reef to exist. That is why they are in the water that is shallow. In the deeper locations of water, the sun isn’t able to shine due to the depths of it.  There are many various small animals that live in all parts of the coral reef.  The largest corral reef in the world is found in the Northeast of Australia. It is called the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reef Click the arrow to return to the main menu

6   Savannas are found in the lower latitudes.  The largest place where you will find the savanna is in Africa. In fact, 46% of the land there is a savanna.  There is both a dry and a rainy season that occur in the savannah biome. These each last for extended periods of time. As a result the supply of food can be very high at some times of the year. Then they are very low at others.  There are only a few scattered trees found in the savanna. Savanna Click the arrow to return to the main menu

7   Mountains cover about 20% of the Earth's surface and are found on all continents and in all oceans.  The movement of the earth's crust by folding, breaking into large blocks, lifting upwards to form a dome, or cracking due to volcanic activity forms mountain ranges.  In certain mountain ranges, the temperature could drop within about 10 minutes, a thunderstorm may come over a hill without warning, or a forest might open into a large meadow. Mountains Click the arrow to return to the main menu

8   You will find grasslands in the middle latitudes. Those that have oceans close by get more rain. They also have colder winters.  The temperatures can be from -40 degrees in the winter to about a comfortable 70 degrees in the summer.  There are two seasons here – the growing season and the dormant season. During the dormant season nothing is able to grow due to the very cold temperatures. Grasslands Click the arrow to return to the main menu

9   Annual rainfall in the desert is less than 10 inches and, in some years, may be zero.  Because of the extreme dryness of the desert, its colonization is limited to plants and very few animals. Desert Click the arrow to return to the main menu

10   It is a land dominated by conifers, especially spruces and firs.  It is dotted with lakes, bogs, and marshes.  It is populated by a limited variety of plants and animals.  In North America, the moose is such a typical member that it has led to the name: "spruce-moose" biome.  Before the winter sets in, many of the mammals hibernate, and many of the birds migrate south.  Although the long days of summer permit plants to grow luxuriantly, net productivity is low. Taiga Click the arrow to return to the main menu

11   The vegetation is so dense that little light reaches the forest floor.  The tropical rain forest exceeds all the other biomes in the diversity of its animals as well as plants. Most of the animals — mammals and reptiles, as well as birds and insects — live in the trees. Tropical Rainforest Click the arrow to return to the main menu

12   Which of these environments receives the least amount of rainfall every year? A. Tropical Rainforest B. Desert C. Tundra Review Question

13   The Tropical Rainforest actually gets the most precipitation annually! It receives an average of 50-260 inches of rain yearly. Incorrect Try again! Back to question

14   The yearly precipitation in the tundra is about 6 to 10 inches. There is another environment that receives even less. Incorrect Try again! Back to question

15   Annual rainfall in the desert is less than 10 inches and, in some years, may be zero. Correct! Click to continue

16   You have completed this lesson on the environments! Congratulations! Click on the image below to return to the title slide for the next student:

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