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Because You Can’t Scare Kids Straight Today Michael DeLeon.

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Presentation on theme: "Because You Can’t Scare Kids Straight Today Michael DeLeon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Because You Can’t Scare Kids Straight Today Michael DeLeon

2 Cultural Diversity “We All Wear Shoes” Motivating Students Michael DeLeon

3 What We Do A New Jersey 501(c)(3) non-profit Organization Drug & Alcohol Awareness Seminars * Most requested Seminar topic in 2009 Gang Violence Prevention Programs * Most requested Seminar topic in 2010 Bullying Prevention Seminars * Second most requested in 2010 * Now #1 subject matter in 2011 Recreational & Educational Activities After School / Smaller Group Seminars

4 Life doesn’t come with a GPS

5 The Reality of Their Lives Generational Incarceration Poverty Cultural Separatism and Isolation Racism and Prejudice Drugs and Gangs People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care

6 Motivating Students in 2013 Gregariousness Autonomy Status Inquisitiveness There are 8 Basic Motivational Forces that inspire human beings to action and sustained effort Aggression Power Recognition Affiliation

7 Motivating Students in 2013 Gregariousness – The Need To Belong Never Happier than when they are in a crowd Many friends and enjoys relationships Both a joiner and a leader This can manifest itself positively (popularity, friendliness) or negatively (joining gangs, challenging authority)

8 Motivating Students in 2013 Autonomy – The Need For Independence Relishes Opportunities to work independently Dislikes group projects, loves solitary projects Decision makers Less effective in a group This can manifest itself positively (leadership, pride in self) or negatively (loner, lack social skills, self-medicate)

9 Motivating Students in 2013 Status – The Need To Be Important Motivated by status Self-esteem intricately tied to opinions of others Eager to please others Extremely sensitive to criticism This usually doesn’t manifest itself positively (concerned about feelings of others) but mostly negatively (teen pregnancy, joining gangs, addiction)

10 Motivating Students in 2013 Inquisitiveness – The Need To Know Has a NEED to learn and know Learning NEW things Want to learn social, personal and professional information about other people Can manifest itself positively (intelligent, good memory) or negatively (In everyone’s business, overly curious, need to know the how and why by challenging authority)

11 Motivating Students in 2013 Aggression – The Need To Assert Can be channeled into positive activities Assertive behavior if raised by active parents and teachers Addresses conflicts, doesn’t avoid confrontation This can manifest itself positively (would challenge bullies, stand up for victims) or negatively (disruptive behavior, negative behavior, BULLYING)

12 Motivating Students in 2013 Power – The Need For Control Greatly concerned with control and influence Power driven Sometimes insecure or low self-esteem This can manifest itself positively (leadership) or negatively (violent, bullying, domestic violence)

13 Motivating Students in 2013 Recognition – The Need For Acknowledgement Recognition-driven Has a need for recognition Strives for awards, honors This can manifest itself positively (success in sports, competition) or negatively (braggarts, constant need for attention, class clown)

14 Motivating Students in 2013 Affiliation – The Need To Associate & Belong Strong need for connections Joins/Volunteers for organizations Seeks approval of and association with teachers This can manifest itself positively (involved in many things) or negatively (joining gangs, addiction)

15 Children Need Role Models Adam Gaines, right, who spent over 13 years in prison, with his sons, Shane, left, and Adam Jr. “ I didn ’ t have a role model, ” said Adam Jr., who quit high school.

16 Children of the Incarcerated Children Face Significant Uncertainty in nearly every aspect of their lives. Children face STIGMA unlike any other Parent’s Incarceration is TRAUMA Emotional and Behavioral Development is affected

17 Children of the Incarcerated Parentail Incarceration affects the child in different ways depending on a number of factors: Maternal incarceration Paternal incarceration Both parents incarcerated Honesty of parents as to where they are Caregivers – relative or not, previously in their life or not Financial situation – urban vs. suburban Age of child when parent goes away

18 Children of the Incarcerated Infancy Toddler Pre-School Early School Age Pre-Adolescent Adolescent Young Adult

19 Children of the Incarcerated Demographics As Gang population increases, so does the population of children of gang members and children of incarcerated gang members.

20 Contact information Steered Straight, Inc. 856-691-6676

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