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Your Pathway to Success! Student Support Services and Programs at Riverside City College Presented by: Riverside City College Counseling Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Pathway to Success! Student Support Services and Programs at Riverside City College Presented by: Riverside City College Counseling Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Pathway to Success! Student Support Services and Programs at Riverside City College Presented by: Riverside City College Counseling Department

2 Riverside City College provides services and programs to help you succeed!! STUDENT SERVICES:  Admissions & Records  Counseling  Disabled Student Services  Extended Opportunity Programs & Services  Health & Wellness Center  Job Placement  Student Activities  Student Financial Services  Transfer & Career Center  Tutorial Services  Veterans Services  Workforce Preparation STUDENT SUCCESS PROGRAMS:  CAP Program  Honors Program  Puente Program  Teacher Preparation Program  Ujima Project

3 Admissions & Records  Adding and dropping classes  Late start classes  Payments for registration and parking permits.  Academic Renewal –Permits previously recorded substandard course works, which is not reflective of a student's demonstrated ability, to be eliminated in calculation the RCC grade point average.  Extenuation Circumstances Petition (ECP) –Students who encounter situations involving extenuating circumstances or emergencies that may affect their educational records & fall outside the realm of normal college policy and procedures.  Credit-By-Exam –Credit may be granted to any student who satisfactorily passes an examination approved or conducted by the appropriate department chairperson.

4 Counseling Office  Counseling orientation  Student Educational Plan (SEP) A list of the classes you need to achieve your educational goals Lays out the sequence of basic skills classes  Career development  Transfer information  Guidance classes (GUI 45, 46, 47, and 48)  Information on graduation requirements  Probation/Dismissal

5 Disabled Student Program & Services DSP&S  Priority registration  Class note takers  Adaptive technology  Books-on-tape  Appropriate accommodations for test taking  Learning disability assessments

6 Extended Opportunity Programs & Services EOP&S  Must be full-time student (12+ units)  Eligible for BOGW A or B  Have an educational disadvantage (determined by RCC assessment scores or other factors)  Academic, career, & personal counseling  Priority registration  One-on-one tutoring  Transfer information  Supplemental textbook service

7 Health & Wellness Center  Emergency care  First aid  Health counseling  Health education  Psychological counseling  Immediate care for common health problems  Low cost X-rays  Medical testing available  Referrals

8 Job Placement  Job referrals/search for part-time and full time employment  Resume critique  Interviewing techniques & mock interviews  Job counseling  Internet search for jobs online  Job Placement services for life (after graduation and/or transferring)

9 Student Activities  Clubs  Student government (ASRCC)  Community service  Scholarships  Special Events

10 Student Financial Services  Grants –FAFSA –Cal Grant –Pell Grant  Scholarships  Fee waivers  Work study jobs  Loans (payback)

11 Counseling Department Transfer/Career Center Transfer Center:  University representatives  Transfer information  Applications for CSU and UC systems  Computer programs  Reference materials  Internet access Career Center:  Career exploration and assessment  Resume/cover letter critique  Interviewing techniques  Workshops  Computer programs

12 Tutorial Services  Free peer tutoring  Call ahead or walk-in for appointments  All course areas (except English, ESL, & Reading)  The Writing & Reading Center available for English, ESL, & Reading (Location- Martin Luther King Building)  Get an on-campus job, become a tutor!!

13 Veterans Assistance  In order to request the Montgomery G.I. Bill, you must first: –Complete assessment testing, –Request all of your high school, college, and military transcripts be sent to RCC, and –Meet with a counselor to choose your program of study. After choosing a program of study, report it to the Veterans Services Office and they will have your Student Education plan (SEP) prepared for you.

14 Workforce Preparation  Career & academic counseling  Skill-building courses  Computer lab  Priority registration  Support services  Community resource referrals  Online GED

15 C ommunity for A cademic P rogress CAP Program  Take grouped or paired courses that share common themes and assignments (learning community)  “Priority” registration in CAP classes  Counselors to help you stay on track  Access to laptops to use at home & in class  SI Leaders to help in class  UC & CSU campus tours, plus on-campus activities!

16 Honors Program  Small classes & academic preparation  Assigned counselor  One-on-one mentoring  Leadership opportunities  Transfer agreements with 4-year universities  Participate in Building Bridges Student Research Conference

17 Puente Program  Academic and community leadership program (Emphasizing Chicano/Latino issues, but open to all students)  Transfer to 4-year colleges  Obtain their bachelor’s degree  Become community leaders and mentors  Two semesters of English composition classes. (Beginning at English-50 in the Fall)

18 Teacher Preparation Program  CBEST preparation  CBEST information packets  Career networking  Transfer information  AmeriCorps (Scholarship programs)  Field trips & workshops  Development of leadership skills –Pooh corner –Children’s Literature club –Latino Educators of Tomorrow (LET)

19 Ujima Project  An academic achievement program focused on curriculum, culture, and civic engagement.  Services provided include: –African American history & culture discussions –Mentoring & counseling –Leadership training –Rights of Initiation & Harambee –African American graduation ceremony

20 Your Pathway To Success….What is Next? Visit the counseling department to schedule your appointment to develop a student educational plan (SEP)! This will provide you with all the classes needed to reach your educational goal at RCC!! 951-222-8440 REMEMBER….IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN… YOU ARE PLANNING TO FAIL!

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