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Computer Science Interviewing skills. Developed by and borrowed from The Career Management Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Science Interviewing skills. Developed by and borrowed from The Career Management Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Science Interviewing skills. Developed by and borrowed from The Career Management Center

2 Preparation for a Job Fair: Making a GREAT First Impression! Computer Science

3 MSU Career Fair - 2013 Wednesday, March 20Wednesday, March 20 –Bolin Science Hall –10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. –Attendance is REQUIRED Computer Science

4 What to Take?  Résumés (and LOTS of them!)  A general Resume works well in this situation.  Portfolio  Your 9"x12" leather-bound or vinyl-bound portfolio will be used to store your résumés and for taking notes after talking with each company.  A BIG Smile and a Positive Attitude Computer Science

5 What to Say? Hello, (as you offer your hand for a shake) My name is Joe Smith. (first & last) I am a senior at MSU majoring in Computer Science. ( can mention minor) Does your company have any job opportunities for computer science graduates? Wait for response. Can I leave my resume with you? How do I apply or find out more? Computer Science

6 Top 10 List for a Successful Job Fair #10 – Dress for Success. #9 – Your Attitude determines your Altitude. #8 – Scan the environment. #7 – Target the companies you want to talk with and visit them first! #6 – If you have to stand in line to talk with a recruiter, make sure that you are reading the company’s material. Computer Science

7 Top 10 (continued) #5 – Be assertive, but polite and flexible. #4 – Your time with a recruiter is actually an interview. #3 – Be ready for their rapid-fire questions with your rapid-fire responses! #2 – Make sure you get a business card for follow-up. #1 – Take the event seriously! Computer Science

8 The Absolutely Critical Last Step Follow-up! Send a "thank you" card by mail to confirm your ongoing interest.  Thank you for taking time to meet with me today.  I feel I would be an valuable employee for your company...  I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you further.  I will call you next week to arrange a time when we can meet and further discuss how my skills can benefit your organization Computer Science

9 The Other Absolutely Critical Last Step Follow-up! If you need to contact someone else.  I met with … at the MSU job fair. He recommended I contact you.  I feel I would be an valuable employee for your company...  I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you further.  I will call you next week to arrange a time when we can meet and further discuss how my skills can benefit your organization Computer Science

10 Awesome interviewing skills: Getting the position! Developed by and Borrowed from The Career Management Center

11 Before the Interview Research the Company What questions will I be asked? Develop questions to ask. Practice, Practice & more Practice. What should I wear? What should I take with me? Clean up your internet presence. Develop a web site. Computer Science

12 Researching the Company Internet Career Management Center Trade Magazines Things you need to know: Positions available for you The company's products Types of Customers & Competitors Principle locations & number of employees Sales & profit trends Any additional information you can think of! Computer Science

13 What questions will they ask? Tell me about yourself… Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? If I were to ask a teacher/employer about you, what would they say? What are your greatest strengths? What are your weaknesses? Why do you wish to work at this company? Why should we hire you for this position? See 12 Interview Questions Link12 Interview Questions Computer Science

14 Focusing on the Question Remember PAR When answering questions! P - Problem A - Action R – Result Brief – to the point! Just a few sentences on each! Computer Science

15 Developing your own questions Always be prepared to ask a few questions!! What type of person are you looking for to fill this position? What type of projects would I be working on? What long term employment opportunities does your firm offer? What is the rate of employee turnover? What do employees seem to like best and least about the company? What are the long-term goals of this company? Who are your major competitors? Computer Science

16 Practice, Practice, Practice!!! Have your mom/dad/friend or anyone ask you some questions about YOU! Develop practice questions related to the particular interview you are going to! Develop technical questions to practice! –Ask others for suggestions. Focus on answering the question! (PAR) Write out answers. Practice, don’t memorize. Computer Science

17 Practice, Practice, Practice!!! Emphasize previous work experience. Be yourself ~ Do Not LIE! Practice saying positive statements about yourself! If you have a video camera, use it! Use a mirror! When you have done this… Computer Science Practice some MORE!!!!

18 What should I take with me? A SMILE! A positive attitude! A Leather-look Folder or a Notebook With a tablet of paper (take notes) A pen/pencil Extra copies of your resume List of References Computer Science

19 Clean up your Internet Presence Google Yourself Check your Facebook page, etc. –Remove questionable images –Remove offensive comments Take stupid videos off YouTube Attempts to correct inaccuracies Computer Science

20 Develop a Web Site Include Professional Information Contact information Resume Expanded information –Description of work experience –Course work Sample work/projects Computer Science

21 Make sure you do the following Maintain good eye contact Always smile and be congenial Be positive about yourself, past employers and the future Make sure the interviewer knows you are excited about the position and the organization Computer Science

22 Make sure you do the following Be aware of your –Posture –Hands –Expression –Nervous habits Never say never Computer Science

23 Things to avoid in an interview Answers that are too short. More detail or information than is necessary. Personal information. Becoming frustrated or uneasy when asked stressful questions. Making derogatory or negative statements about former employers or positions. Discussions regarding politics, religion, company problems, and (during the first interview) salary information or benefits. Computer Science

24 Close the Deal! Send thank you card Determine when you will hear back Firm handshake Thank the interviewer for his/her time Computer Science

25 Questions? If you have further questions or would like help with any aspect of your job search, please contact: Career Management Center Hardin 211 940.397.4473 Computer Science

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