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1 Designing & Developing Web- Based Solutions in ASP.NET Week 3 Website Navigation & Resources.

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1 1 Designing & Developing Web- Based Solutions in ASP.NET Week 3 Website Navigation & Resources

2 Today’s Agenda Web Site Navigation MultiView-Wizard SiteMaps TreeView-Menu Controls SiteMapPath Control Resources Text Localization Graphic & Other Asset Localization Lab: Finish MasterPage & Populate Site with pages Website Navigation Localized Text Strings Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET2

3 MultiView & Wizard Controls Purpose  Single web page -- Multiple views Lists ( Surveys Alternate views of data (Raw text, chart, image, …) Good  Single page keeps navigation simple Bad  Data / State can make for large page if sloppy. Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET3

4 MultiView vs. Wizard Wizard has more features  State restrictions  Extra navigation controls  Submit control Submit each step OR Submit on final Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET4

5 Site Maps Purpose  Define page Heirarchy  Define page URL, Friendly Name, Tooltip Description  Use in a Navigation control Types  Files:.sitemap  Code/DB: via SiteMapProvider Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET5

6 Default.sitemap file  Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET6

7 Nested Site Map files   Can restrict menu display to child sitemaps Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET7

8 Site Map Restrictions URL’s must be unique Work Arounds  Use a custom SiteMapProvider (more work)  Add dummy query strings to identical URLs (BEST) URL=“~\About.aspx?id=1” URL=“~\About.aspx?id=2”  URL Mapping: Alias URLs in web.config   NOTE: stops the bogus query string from appearing Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET8

9 Security Trimming Auto enable/disable private pages in.sitemap web.config   <add name=“SecureSiteMapProvider”  siteMapFile=“Default.sitemap”  securityTrimmingEnabled=“true”/> Turn OFF security  Default.sitemap // All allowed Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET9

10 SiteMapDataSource Provides the link:  References a.sitemap  Hooked to one or more Navigation controllers Control Hierarchy Visibility  SiteMapDataSource.ShowStartingNode  SiteMapDataSource.StartFromCurrentNode  SiteMapDataSource.StartingNodeOffset Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET10

11 Menu &/|| Treeview Both highly configurable  Orientation: horizontal/vertical  Colors, images, fonts  Dummy vs. clickable nodes  Spacing  Styles for different levels of the hierarchy Add the SiteMapDataSource to the property Can have multiple menus & SiteMapDataSrc’s Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET11

12 SiteMapPath Purpose:  Displays the current pages hierarchy. “You are HERE”  Can allow user to select a parent page Can set styles, clickable links, tooltips, …  Home > About > Contact Us > Directions ParentLevelsDisplayed = 1  Contact Us > Directions Does NOT use siteMapDataSource. Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET12

13 Localization – Resource files App_LocalResources  Page Specific About.aspx  About.aspx.resx About.aspx  About.aspx  About.aspx.sp.resx App_GlobalResources  Site wide Resources.resx Content  ID=Text Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET13

14 Localization - Code String.Format() // localized by default  “0:c” // currency  Additional special symbols localized (date/time,…) DateTime.ToString() // localized by default Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET14

15 Homework Readings  Chapter 15 – User Controls Project  Menu, BreadCrumb, Localization, Wizard… Designing & Developing Web-Based Solutions in ASP.NET15

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