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An Introduction to Vocational Rehabilitation for Educators June, 2014 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors.

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1 An Introduction to Vocational Rehabilitation for Educators June, 2014 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors

2 That was then, this is now…

3  WHO is VR / WHO do we serve?  WHAT is VR?  WHEN to access VR services?  WHERE is VR?  WHY partner with VR?  HOW to make the partnership happen. ULTIMATE GOAL: EMPLOYMENT OUTCOMES Today’s Goal: 5Ws & H of VR

4  Mission “To assist Oregonians with disabilities to achieve and maintain employment and independence.”  We believe individuals that experience disabilities are: -Motivated to work -Capable, talented, and can achieve on par with their peers -Deserve the opportunity to achieve their potential -Have skills that are needed in the world of work WHO is VR?

5 Historical Perspective:  The Disability Rights Movement resulted in the 1973 Rehabilitation Act.  Amendments in the 1990s increased the role of the consumer. This increased consumer choice and resulted in better options for high quality jobs.  Today, Executive Order is fostering better partnerships with ODDS, ODE, and VR for coordinated team approach to transitioning students experiencing disability. WHO is VR?

6 Who are Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors?  Counselors have extensive knowledge in community resources and available workforce programs  Counselors have expertise in and know what disability accommodations are necessary for a particular client. They can help match jobs to a clients specific skill set.  Counselors help clients to determine what a “reasonable accommodation might be and how to ask for it.  Counselors can act as part of a transition team to help determine a job goal and steps required to get there. WHO is VR?

7  Individuals experiencing a documented disability  The disability is a barrier to employment  There is a service VR can provide to address barrier  The individual wants to work WHO does VR serve?

8 WHAT VR Does? Eligible Documented disability Disability related barriers to employment are identified VR services expected to reduce/eliminate barriers

9 WHAT VR Does? APPLICATION Meet with a VR Counselor (VRC) for an intake appointment Give your VRC your completed Personal Information form Discuss your disability and problems with getting or keeping jobs Sign an application and other forms to open a VR file & send for records ELIGIBILITY Work with your VRC to discuss & evaluate your barriers to employment Assess your unique interests, needs, capacities & concerns to develop a realistic and achievable job goal Explore the labor market (if not currently working)-- narrow your choices for a job goal PLAN Identify a Job Goal to get or keep a job Work with your VRC to determine what services will be needed to achieve the goal Develop a written Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) to get or keep the job Follow your IPE until you’ve obtained or maintained your job goal EMPLOYMENT (Closure) Found or kept a job! Maintained employment for 90 days! SUCESSFULLY REHABILITATED! VR file closed

10  From IEP to IPE Student + IEP = Path to Graduation Student + IPE = Path to Employment VR will become part of the student’s team to assist in building upon the work that the student and school have done. Build on identified PINS --Preferences, Interests, Needs, Strengths-- WHAT VR does?

11 …All services based on student’s VR Eligibility Employment Services and supports can remove barriers so a student can meet his/her job goal  Counseling and Guidance Assist with understanding barriers to employment, with a focus on disability related barriers, and personal strengths/attributes  Job Accommodations  Training  Job Development  Job Coaching/Support WHAT VR Does?

12  Student has an interest in gaining employment  Student’s disability appears to have the potential to impact employment success  At least 1 year prior to the student exiting the school system (hopefully school staff and VR are discussing case loads on a regular base) Note: VR Counselors can come to the school but it is helpful to have at least a month notice  Student is connected, if applicable, with County Developmental Disability Services and/or Brokerage (intending to seek employment) WHEN to Access VR?


14 WHERE is VR?  14 VR branch offices statewide  Many offices have multiple outstations  123 VR counselors statewide  12 counselors serve Lane County

15 Metro Area Branches:  Beaverton – 503/277-2500  Clackamas - 971/673-6130  Central Portland – 971/673-2555  East Portland – 971/673-5858  North Portland – 971/673-3055  We can come to you. WHERE is VR?

16 WHY Partner with VR?  Opportunities for employment, training, and education during this time can establish a foundation for adult income and occupational achievement.  Without careful planning and supports, individuals might be tracked into low paying or unsatisfying jobs, or no jobs at all. Lack of opportunities for advancement Lack of motivation for advancement

17 WHY Partner with VR? Young adults with disabilities in their early career years are more likely to be: – Unemployed – Underemployed – Living below the poverty line Percentage of individuals between 18-34 years old earning wages that placed them below the federal poverty line. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010)

18 WHY Partner with VR?  Limited knowledge/awareness potential job opportunities & career paths  Lack of exposure to work experiences Job Shadowing Mentorships Higher Annual Income Stable Employment Full Time Work Cooperative Education School-Based Businesses Work Based Internships Higher Hourly Wages Likelihoods of Benefits

19  Team Approach = Better Employment Outcomes  VR is a lifelong resource for student employment needs related to disability barriers  Teachers have a rich history and knowledge that is invaluable to VR counselors  Benefits Planning WHY Partner with VR?

20 The students and families need your help to connect with adult service agencies such as VR  We (Schools, VR, Brokerages, County Development Disability Services) can partner with students to provide help in them reaching their goals  Transition goals can be meaningful  United front  Benefits of a team approach WHY Partner with VR?

21 Facilitate referral to VR  Identify Students who many benefit  Connect Student to YTP specialist and/or VR Counselor HOW to Partner with VR

22 Intake Session Overview  What to expect  Who to invite  Timelines  Eligibility criteria Medical Diagnosis vs. School Eligibility HOW to Partner with VR

23 Before the referral:  Career Exploration & Person Centered Plans  Career Goal Development  Real Life Skill Building  Work Experiences Job Interest Inventories Job Shadows Informational Interviews HOW to Partner with VR

24  School Partnership Local Teacher : VRC Connection, Set up meeting for all Special Ed providers, Meeting for Parents and Students, facilitated individual intake sessions at school, ongoing collaboration  Example of partnership HOW to Partner with VR

25 That was then, this is now… Questions?

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