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Human resource MANAGEMENT
Human resources - the field of business concerned with recruiting and managing employees Human resource MANAGEMENT Ensures that the company has a high-quality work force and enough people to fill important management roles. 3/7/10
Human Resource Management Process
- Activities necessary for staffing the organization and sustaining high employee performance ENVIRONMENT Human Resource Planning Recruitment Selection Identify and select competent employees Decruitment Orientation Training Provide employees with up-to-date skills and knowledge Performance Management Compensation and Benefits Career development Retain Competent and high-performing employees 3/7/10 ENVIRONMENT
Factors that influence HRM Process
HRM practices are governed by country’s laws, which vary from country to country. a part of a population identified as a group, especially as a target for sales or advertising Employee Labor Unions Government Laws and Regulations A labor union is an organization that represents workers and seeks to protect their interests through collective bargaining. Demographic Trends Factors that influence HRM Process 3/7/10
Human Resource Planning
The process by which managers ensure that they have the right number and kinds of capable people in the right places and at the right times. Human Resource Planning consists of 2 Steps: Assessing Current Human Resources Meeting Future Human Resource Needs 3/7/10
Current asseSsment Managers begin HR Planning by reviewing the organization’s current Human Resource Inventory. Human Resource Inventory - created from forms filled out by employees with information such as name, education, training, prior employment, languages spoken, special capabilities, and specialized skills. Stephanie Cox, the Schlumberger’s director of personnel for North and South America, uses a company planning program called PeopleMatch to help pinpoint Managerial talent. Suppose that she needs a manager for Brazil. She types in the qualifications someone who is mobile, can speak Portuguese, and is a “high potential” employee. Using the planning program, 31 names of possible candidates pop up with in a minute. 3/7/10
What are the duties of a Level 3 Accountant who works for Kodak?
Job Analysis – an assessment that defines jobs and the behaviors necessary to perform them. What are the duties of a Level 3 Accountant who works for Kodak? What minimal knowledge, skills, and abilities are necessary to be able to adequately perform this job? How do these requirements compare with those for a level 2 accountant or for an accounting manager? Information can be gathered by directly observing individuals on the job, interviewing employees individually or in a group, having experts identify a job’s specific characteristics. With Information from the job analysis, managers develop or revise job descriptions and job specifications. Job description – A written statement that describes a job. (job content, environment and conditions for employment). Job Specification – statement of the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to perform a given job succesfully. 3/7/10
Meeting future human resource needs
Determined by the organization’s mission, goals and strategies. Demand for employees is a result of demand for the organization’s products or services. At Corning Inc. the company’s expansion into some markets in developing countries was being slowed by the lack of capable employees in manufacturing. To continue its strategic growth, it needs more employees with those skills and now has a plan to meet those needs. 3/7/10
- locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants Source Advantages Disadvantages Internet Employee Referrals Company web site College recruiting Professional recruiting organizations Reaches large numbers of people; can get immediate feedback Knowledge about the organization provided by current employee; can generate strong candidates because a good referral reflects on the recommender Wide Distribution; can be targeted to specific groups Large Centralized body of candidates Good knowledge of industry challenges and requirements Generates many unqualified candidates May not increase the diversity and mix of employees Limited to entry-level positions Little commitment to specific organization 3/7/10
DECRUITMENT - Reducing an organization’s workforce. 3/7/10 Option
Description Firing Permanent Involuntary termination Layoffs Temporary involuntary termination; may last only a few days or extend to years Attrition Not filling openings created by voluntary resignations or normal retirements Transfers Moving employees either laterally or downward; usually does not reduce costs but can reduce intraorganizational supply-demand imbalances Reduced workweeks Having employees work fewer hours per week, share jobs, or perform their jobs on a part-time basis Early Retirements Providing incentives to older and more senior employees for retiring before their normal retirement date Job sharing Having employees share one full-time position 3/7/10
Selection - Screening job applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired. Later Job Performance Selection Decision Accept Reject Successful Correct Decision Reject Error Unsuccessful Accept Error Any selection decision can result in four possible outcomes. Two outcomes would be correct, and two would indicate errors. 3/7/10
Types of selection DEVICES
1. Application Forms -a form containing a comprehensive history profile, detailing the person's activities, skills and accomplishments. Strengths: Relevant biographic facts that can be verified have been shown to be valid performance measures for jobs When items on the form have been weighted to reflect job relatedness Weaknesses: Usually only a couple of items on the form prove to be valid predictors of job performance and then ony for a specific job 3/7/10
Types of selection devices
2. Written Tests -include tests of intelligence, aptitude, ability, and interest. Strengths: Tests intellectual ability, spatial and mechanical ability, perceptual accuracy, and motor ability Intelligence tests are reasonably good predictors for supervisory postions Weaknesses: Intelligence and other tested characteristics can be somewhat removed from actual job performance, thus reducing their validity. Types of selection devices 3/7/10
Types of selection devices
3. Performance-Simulation Tests -made up of actual job behaviors. (i.e. Work Sampling and Assessment Centers) Work Sampling – a type of job tryout in which applicants perform a task or set of tasks that are central to it. (for jobs where work is routine or standardized) Assessment Centers – evaluating managerial potential through job simulation activities. Strengths: Based on job analysis data and easily meet the requirement of job relatedness Have proven to be valid prdedictors of job performance Weaknesses: Expensive to create and administer. Types of selection devices 3/7/10
Types of selection devices
4. Interviews Strengths: Must be structured and well organized to be effective predictors. Interviewers must use common questioning to be effective Weaknesses: Interviewers must be aware of legality of certain questions Subject to potential biases, especially if interviewers are not well structured and standardized. Types of selection devices 3/7/10
Types of selection devices
5. Background Investigations Verifications of application data and Reference Checks Strengths: Verifications of background data are valuable sources of information Weaknesses: Reference checks are essentially worthless as a selection tool. 6. Physical Examinations Strengths: Has some validity for jobs with certain physical requirements Done primarily for insurance purposes Weaknesses: Must be sure that physical requirements are job related and do not discriminate. Types of selection devices 3/7/10
Orientation Introducing a new employee to his/her job and the organization 2 TYPES: 1. Organization Orientation Informs new employee about company’s goals, history, philosophy, procedures and rules. 2. Work unit orientation familiarizes the employee with the goals of the work unit, Clarifies how his/her job contributes to the unit’s goals Includes an introduction to his/her new-coworkers 3/7/10
Employee training Types of Training 1. General
Communication Skills, computer systems application and programming, customer service, executive development, management skills and development, personal growth, sales, supervisory skills, and technological skills and knowledge. 2. Specific Basic life/work skills, creativity, customer education, diversity/cultural awareness, remedial writing, managing change, leadership, product knowledge, public speaking, safety, ethics, sexual harassment, team building, wellness and others. 3/7/10
Training Methods 1. Traditional 3/7/10
On-the-job – Employees learn how to do tasks simply by performing them Job Rotation – employees work at different jobs in a particular area, getting exposure to a variety of tasks. Mentoring and Coaching – employees work with an experienced worker who provides information, support, and encouragement; also called an apprentice in certain industries. Experiential Exercises – employees participate in role playing, simulations, or other face-to-face types of training. Workbooks/manuals – employees refer to training workbooks and manuals for information Classroom lectures – employees attend lectured designed to convey specific information. 3/7/10
2. Technology-based CD-ROM/DVD/videotapes/audiotapes
-employees listen or watch selected media that convey information or demonstrate certain techniques. Videoconferencing/teleconferencing/satellite TV -employees listen to or participate as information is conveyed or techniques demonstrated. E-learning -internet-based learning where employees participate in multimedia simulations or other interactive modules. 3/7/10
THE END 3/7/10
Laspiñas, Zari Mirasol, Dianne Montealegre, Mia Sacmar, Frances
Presentation by: Laspiñas, Zari Mirasol, Dianne Montealegre, Mia Sacmar, Frances Vargas, Cristine Virata, Bethel 3/7/10
Quiz Prepare your 1/4 3/7/10
2-4. Factors that influence HRM Process
1. Ensures that the company has a high-quality work force and enough people to fill important management roles. 2-4. Factors that influence HRM Process 5. The process by which managers ensure that they have the right number and kinds of capable people in the right places and at the right times. 6. Is the process of Screening job applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired. 7.True or False. Decruitment is the process of locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants. 8-9. Give at least 2 Selection devices. 10. True or False. Job Rotation is part of the Traditional Training Method. 3/7/10
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