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Modern World History Maps Topic 1: Pre-Renaissance.

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1 Modern World History Maps Topic 1: Pre-Renaissance


3 First and Third Crusades This map shows the routes taken by some of the major European armies during the First and Third crusades. The First Crusade began in 1096 and ended in 1099. Key European leaders in the crusade included Robert of Flanders, Raymond of Toulouse, Godfrey of Bouillon, and Bohemond of Taranto. The crusaders traveled from Europe toward Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey) and then marched toward Jerusalem. They succeeded in capturing Jerusalem. They also established the crusader states: Edessa, Antioch, Tripoli, and Jerusalem. The Third Crusade began in 1189 and ended in 1192. Important European leaders of the Third Crusade were Frederick I of Germany, Philip II of France, and Richard I of England. The crusaders failed to recapture Jerusalem. But they recovered the Palestinian coastline and won an agreement with the Muslims to permit Christians to visit Jerusalem.

4 World History 300-1500

5 Holy Roman Empire c. 1250 C.E.

6 Empire of Genghis Khan

7 Empire of Kublai Khan

8 Yuan Dynasty

9 Mongol Empire

10 World known by Europeans in 1300

11 Africa in the 1400s

12 Kingdom of Mali 1337 C.E.

13 Topic 2: Renaissance & Reformation

14 Renaissance Italy

15 Italy in 1500

16 Ottoman Empire

17 1300 C.E.

18 1500 C.E.

19 Bohemia

20 Religious Trends in Europe c. 1560

21 Topic 3: Exploration

22 Ancient and Medieval Exploration Routes

23 Exploration by the Vikings

24 Marco Polo’s Routes The map is hyperlinked to the map’s web site. Click it while running the slide show to see Magellan’s route animated.

25 Silk Road

26 Routes of European Explorers

27 Line of Demarcation

28 Da Gama’s Route to India

29 Magellan’s Circumnavigation The map is hyperlinked to the map’s web site. Click it while running the slide show to see Magellan’s route animated.

30 Drake’s Circumnavigation Click on map for animated route web site

31 European Exploration of Africa

32 Kingdom of Benin 1500 C.E.

33 Songhai Empire c.1500

34 Early Exploration of Latin America

35 European Exploration

36 Voyages of Columbus Show in slide show mode to display animation of voyages.

37 Cortes’ Expeditions

38 Northwest Passage

39 Land of the Maya

40 Aztec Empire

41 Aztec Controlled Area

42 Indians: Andes Cultural Area This map shows where the American Indians of the Andes cultural area lived. The Andean Indians lived in the highlands of the Andes Mountains of South America and in nearby coastal areas. This large region includes southwestern Colombia, central Ecuador, coastal Peru, most of Chile, and parts of western Bolivia and Argentina. Next to the map is a list of the Indian groups that lived there. Major groups included the Inca, Mapuche, Nazca, and Moche. Each of the underlined groups has a separate article in World Book.

43 Incan Empire

44 Ponce De Leon’s Exploration Route

45 Indians: Caribbean This map shows where the American Indians of the Caribbean cultural area lived. The area includes the southern half of Central America, the northern parts of what are now Colombia and Venezuela, and the islands of the Caribbean Sea. Next to the map is a list of the Indian groups that lived there. Major groups included the Arawak, Carib, and Chibcha. Each of the underlined groups has a separate article in World Book.

46 Champlain’s Exploration

47 Vespucci’s Exploration

48 Coronado’s Expedition

49 Pizarro’s Expeditions

50 Exploration of North America

51 Portugal’s Empire

52 Spanish Empire 1588

53 Latin America c.1790

54 North American Slave Trade

55 Canary Islands

56 Trade Winds

57 Native American Cultural Regions

58 Indians: California This map shows where the American Indians of the California cultural area lived. The area includes much of California. The area extends from the southern edges of Oregon in the north to Baja, in Mexico, in the south. It stretches from the Sierra Nevada in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. Next to the map is a list of the Indian groups that lived there. Major groups included the Chumash, Miwok, Pomo, and Wintun. Each of the underlined groups has a separate article in World Book.

59 Indians: Great Basin

60 Indians: Middle Americas

61 Indians: Northeast

62 Indians: Northwest

63 Indians: Plains

64 Indians: Plateau

65 Indians: South America

66 Indians: Southeast

67 Indians: Southwest

68 Indians: Subarctic

69 Inuit Lands

70 Indians: Tropical Forest

71 Exploration of Australia

72 Antarctic Exploration

73 Indians: Arctic Area

74 Topic 4: Absolutism Challenged

75 Hapsburg Lands

76 Sweden: Wars of the 1500s & 1600s

77 Swiss Expansion 1291-1815

78 English Civil War

79 Low Countries

80 Dutch Land Reclamation

81 Prussia

82 1700 C.E.

83 Asian Empires 1500s -1700s C.E.

84 Ottoman Empire mid 1500s

85 Ottoman Empire in 1683

86 Russian Expansion

87 Poland 1772

88 Poland 1793

89 Poland 1795

90 Topic 5: Napoleon and French Revolution

91 13 British Colonies

92 Treaty of Paris of 1783

93 France under the Old Regime

94 French Revolution

95 Napoleon’s Empire: 1812

96 Napoleon’s Empire II

97 Topic 6: Industrial Revolution

98 England in 1701 and 1911

99 Industrial Revolution England: 1800s

100 Coal Deposits Eastern Hemisphere

101 Coal Deposits Western Hemisphere

102 Iron and Steel: Eastern Hemisphere

103 Iron and Steel: Western Hemisphere

104 Topic 7: Nationalism

105 Europe in 1800

106 Unification of Germany

107 Germany in 1871

108 Unification of Italy

109 Unification of Italy II

110 Latin America c. 1800

111 Modern Latin America

112 Romania in 1861

113 Europe in 1900

114 Topic 8: Imperialism

115 British Empire Under Victoria

116 Colonial Empires

117 The British Empire This map shows territories held by the British colonial empire and those held by the United Kingdom today. England held the American Colonies from the early 1600's until the 1770's. From the mid-1700's to the early 1900's, the British Empire expanded to include Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, islands in the Pacific Ocean and in the Caribbean Sea, and many territories in Africa. This map also shows those areas that are overseas territories of the United Kingdom today, including the British Antarctic Territory, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Gibraltar, and Pitcairn Island.

118 British Commonwealth

119 British India

120 French Colonial Empire

121 British East India Company

122 Colonialism in the Americas

123 Colonialism in Asia

124 Mughal Empire 1526 C.E. This map shows the location of the Mughal Empire. Central Asian Muslims established the empire in 1526. By about 1600, the Mughals controlled most of what are now north and central India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. The empire lasted until the 1700's.

125 Expansion of Egypt

126 Expansion of Greece (1832-1947)

127 African Imperialism and Exploration

128 Africa in 1914

129 African Exploration by Stanley and Livingstone

130 Great Trek

131 Suez Canal

132 Indochina Peninsula in1900

133 Crimea

134 Colonial Migrations This map shows the paths of global migrations during three time periods: 1500-1814, 1815-1914, and 1915-1960. The vast majority of migrations during these periods were from Europe to areas colonized by European nations.

135 Foreign influence in Asia 1914

136 Asian Countries: Independence Dates

137 Indian Independence

138 Topic 9: WWI & Russian Rev.

139 Balkan Peninsula before Balkan Wars (1912-1913)

140 Europe before World War I

141 Austria-Hungary 1914

142 WWI Battlefronts

143 WWI Eastern Front

144 WWI Italian Front

145 WWI Western Front 1914-1917

146 WWI Western Front 1918

147 Balkan Peninsula Today

148 Dardanelles

149 Bosporus Strait

150 Gallipoli Peninsula

151 Topic 10: Interwar Years

152 Europe After WWI

153 Soviet Republics

154 Ruhr River Valley

155 Alsace-Lorraine

156 Decline of the Ottoman Empire

157 British Mandate of Palestine in 1922

158 Europe After World War I

159 Germany after World War I

160 Polish Corridor

161 Czechoslovakia 1918-1938

162 Spanish Civil War

163 China in 1934

164 Manchuria

165 Poland 1918

166 Romania in 1939

167 Topic 11: WWII

168 World War II Overview

169 Japanese Empire:1919

170 World War II in Europe 1939-1942

171 World War II in Europe 1943-1945

172 World War II in Pacific 1939-1942

173 World War II in Pacific 1942-1945

174 France During WWII

175 Japanese Empire in 1942

176 Concentration Camps

177 Strait of Dover

178 WWII Normandy Invasion

179 Normandy Invasion Detail

180 Czechoslovakia in 1945

181 Germany After WWII

182 Berlin Sectors after WWII

183 Topic 12: Cold War & Modern World

184 Soviet Influence in Eastern Europe

185 Palestine in 1947

186 Soviet Sphere of Influence in Europe

187 1948 Arab-Israeli War

188 Yugoslavia 1946-2003 This map shows Yugoslavia as it existed from 1946 to 2003. In 1946, Yugoslavia became a federal state with six republics. From northwest to southeast, these republics were Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia. In 1991 and 1992, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Bosnia- Herzegovina declared independence. Serbia and Montenegro then formed a new Yugoslavia. In 2003, the country adopted a new constitution and changed its name to Serbia and Montenegro. Serbia and Montenegro split into independent countries in 2006.

189 Korean War: Chinese Invasion

190 Korean War: North Korean Offensive

191 Korean War: U.N. Armistice

192 Korean War: U.N. Advance

193 Korean Armistice Line

194 Vietnam War

195 Arab World

196 Israel and its Neighbors

197 Israel and Palestine Today

198 Six Day War

199 Sinai Withdrawal

200 Persian Gulf War of 1991

201 Chernobyl Fallout

202 Persian Gulf War: Troop Movements

203 Asian Countries: Independence Dates

204 September 11

205 September 11-Ground Zero

206 Afghanistan Battles

207 Europe in 2000

208 European Union

209 Second Iraq War

210 Kurdish Homeland

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