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August 16, 2012 1 Collaboration. 2 3 Data Retreat Clarifying Retreat Commitment Retreat Data Findings CSIP DRAFT GOAL Hypotheses of Practice CSIP Goal.

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Presentation on theme: "August 16, 2012 1 Collaboration. 2 3 Data Retreat Clarifying Retreat Commitment Retreat Data Findings CSIP DRAFT GOAL Hypotheses of Practice CSIP Goal."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 16, 2012 1 Collaboration

2 2

3 3 Data Retreat Clarifying Retreat Commitment Retreat Data Findings CSIP DRAFT GOAL Hypotheses of Practice CSIP Goal & Objectives Improvement Plan Details Goal Review Roll-Out Measures Continuous School Improvement Plan Monitoring

4 4 CSIP Goals should address each of the ASPIRING traits

5 5 Site Team Task In pairs/triads read through your school’s ASPIRING goal(s) for 2012-13. Use the Criteria for Aspiring Goals rubric (pink) to highlight and label each element within your school’s goal(s) (A =assessable, S=Specific…)  We did this same activity with an exemplar at the Clarifying Retreat.  See example of highlighting and labeling of an ASPIRING goal (yellow)

6 6 Debrief the ASPIRING goal labeling task as a building team. Reach consensus  Do you have clearly aspiring goals? As a team, make revisions that you feel will strengthen and/or clarify your goal statement(s).

7 7 * One copy (may be in draft form) of your CSIP plan(s) must be emailed to Chris Webster before 11 am today. 

8 8 Discuss/list what you did that went well with your 11-12 CSIP Roll-out. Include specifics such as who, when, where, and how.

9 9 Identify how you will help the staff take ownership of the CSIP in 2012-13. How will we:  engage the staff in discussions, observations, hypotheses and idea generating focused upon the data?  invest staff in the goals?  invest students and families in the goals?  connect staff with the improvement tasks and culture of improvement? How can existing committees enter into the CSIP?  prepare for potential pitfalls? Those who fail to plan … plan to fail.

10 10 1. Each team member write roll out plan ideas/activities (1 per post it note). 2. Place post-its in center of table. 3. Cluster post-its by similar activities. 4. Prioritize clusters. 5. Complete CSIP roll out plan tailored to your school community.  Template of roll out plan is on resource table and can also be accessed on the CSIP webpage.

11 11 Team Task Review your roll-out plans using the following: S trengths W eaknesses O pportunities T hreats (use the green handout as your guide)

12 12 Consider these final steps … 1. Communicate the plan. 2. Create the culture and climate for success. 3. Reflect upon your data retreat and improvement planning experience. 4. Celebrate your hard work and accomplishments!

13 13 1. Each team member individually list : The 3 most important things about our 2012-13 Continuous School Improvement Plan are… 2. One person click on the following link: 3. Click on create and enter ALL text from ALL members in the space provided as team members share out. 4. Click Go! 5. Admire your Wordle.  What concepts are key to your plan this year? 6. Name your Wordle and save to public gallery. 7. Consider sharing with your staff as you roll out your plan.

14 14 * Send a copy of your Continuous School Improvement Plans to Chris Webster by 11am. * ACI and SPED directors and coordinators will be reviewing goals and providing further feedback.

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