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Computer Rules  Wait for directions  Do NOT play on keyboard  Do NOT click mouse  Do NOT change settings.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Rules  Wait for directions  Do NOT play on keyboard  Do NOT click mouse  Do NOT change settings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Rules  Wait for directions  Do NOT play on keyboard  Do NOT click mouse  Do NOT change settings

2 there’s no better time to plan for your future. Junior High...

3 F RANKLIN J R. H IGH C OUNSELOR Ms Horn The Counselor can help … Socially Academically Personally EMAIL:

4 How do I see my counselor?  Fill out Form  Email  Stop by!

5 What do I already know? What am I wondering about? In May, we will ask you ”What did I learn this year?” “kwl”

6 In 7 th Grade:  Learn About the Power Of Technology  All About Career Clusters  Discover a Career that Fits You!  Create an Educational Plan for 8 th Grade  Reflect In 8 th Grade:  Learn About the Power Of Technology  Create an ECAP  Discover Your Skills  Research Careers 4 U!  Create an Plan for Graduation  Create an Educational Plan for 9 th Grade  Reflect What will I learn this year???

7 TOPIC:  MyMPS  ECAP/Navigator  Email DO: Create passwords and analyze sites

8 Student Portal ECAP/Navigator Student Email

9 Utilize your MyMPS

10 What can I view on MYMPS? Attendance Class Schedule Course History Course Request Fees Gradebook Health Report card Student Information

11 Why use MyMPS? MyMPS is your access to your schedule, teacher emails, grades, transcripts, registration, attendance and more. Keep your information in a safe place. You should check your MyMPS each week. If your account becomes disabled, contact your school. User name: __________________________ (type “st” and your 6 digit ID number) Password: _________________________ (secret you will remember) Complete Worksheet User Name: st123456 Password: __________

12 Open your “MyMPS”

13 What if my MyMPS gets “disabled” or locked? You must request that your account be “reset” or unlocked. Check with your counselor!

14 Student MPSConnect is electronic mail (email) provided free to you by Mesa Public Schools. It consists: Google E-mail Google Calendars Google Docs Google All-files storage

15 Username: Your first initial, middle initial, last name Your birth month (two-digit number) Your birth day (two-digit number) Angie Michelle Horn was born April 18 amhorn0418 Password: Your first name initial (capital) Your last name initial (lowercase) Your student’s six-digit ID Ah123456

16 Open your EMAIL

17 You are the CLASS of 2018

18 What is ECAP/Navigator? EDUCATION & CAREER ACTION PLAN. ECAP is stored on NAVIGATOR ECAP is an electronic portfolio ECAP will help you plan for your future ECAP is required for high school graduation

19 What’s in my ECAP/Navigator? Career Assessments Academic Assessments Career Research Results Resume 4 Year Educational Plan Record of awards/activities Personal Goals

20 Entering Your ECAP/Navigator Career Planning System “Educational and Career Action Plan” The NAVIGATOR Career Planning System is your access to planning for your future. Your ECAP (Educational & Career Action Plan) will be stored here. You must have an ECAP to graduate from high school. You will complete interest and career assessments, learn about getting a job, explore careers, find out about financial aid, develop a resume and more. You can access your ECAP at MY MPS – click on ‘Career Planning’ User name: _______________________ (type “st” and your 6 digit ID number) Password: _______________________ (secret you will remember) FIND IN YOUR PLANNER User Name: st123456 Password: mesa (or a secret password you remember)

21 Create your ECAP for Graduation

22 Open your “ECAP/NAVIGATOR”

23 August 2012 My academic goal is to________ My personal goal is to_________ For example: My academic goal is to keep my backpack clean. My personal goal is to do 100 sit ups each morning.

24 T ODAY ’ S TICKET O UT THE D OOR Complete your worksheet for your username & password for: MyMPS ECAP Email

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