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Show Me the Muscle! Materials Computer Pencil Show Me the Muscle worksheet Standards Indiana Academic Standard for Science-2010 Core Standard: Design a.

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Presentation on theme: "Show Me the Muscle! Materials Computer Pencil Show Me the Muscle worksheet Standards Indiana Academic Standard for Science-2010 Core Standard: Design a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Show Me the Muscle! Materials Computer Pencil Show Me the Muscle worksheet Standards Indiana Academic Standard for Science-2010 Core Standard: Design a prototype that replaces a function of a human body part. 5.4.1 Investigate technologies that mimic human or animal musculoskeletal systems in order to meet a need. 6.4.11 2000 Describe that human beings have body systems for obtaining and providing energy, defense, reproduction and the coordination of body functions. NOISE LEVEL 1 PBL Connection: Prosthetics & Prototypes Directions: 1.Listen to the leader read the task sheet. 2.Read through the list of questions to be answered on the “Show Me the Muscle” worksheet as a collaborative group. 3.Go to the links under Prosthetics & Prototypes on Mrs. Spear’s website. 4.Use the links under each web resource to answer the questions on your worksheet. 5.When the group is done, compare your answers. 6.Turn your work into the rotation basket when done. Extension: Visit the other links under Prosthetics & Prototypes to learn more!

2 PASSPORT TO READING How far have you traveled? Noise Level 0 Standards: 5.3.2 Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Literary Text: Identify the main problem or conflict of the plot and explain how it is resolved. 5.3.3 Contrast the actions, motives, and appearances of characters in a work of fiction and discuss the importance of the contrasts to the plot or theme. 5.3.1 Identify and analyze the characteristics of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction and explain the appropriateness of the literary forms chosen by an author for a specific purpose. Directions: 1.Listen to the leader read the task sheet. 2.Review your passport and fill in the book information for each genre you completed during this school year to date. 3.Review the project choices and the rubrics for each project for the Passport on my website link “Passport to Reading.” 6.Choose a project from my webpage to complete for a book you read this year. Choose a product you have not done yet. 7.You can use this time to work on your project, or read your book quietly to prepare for a project. 8.Clean your table and return materials to the container at the end of the rotation. Materials Passport to Reading Pencil Computer Book to read PBL Connection: Passport to Reading

3 “Show Me the Muscle” Web Search Student ______________________________ Date _____________ Directions: Use these Web sites to answer the questions listed below each site. (ALL of the website links are located on Mrs. Spear’s webpage under “Prosthetics and Prototypes.” KID’S HEALTH Search and discover: How many muscles does the human body have? What are the three types of muscles? Name 3 places in the body where you would find smooth muscle. Is the heart a muscle? If so, what is it called? BRAINPOP Log in using: username: lincolnbp password: brainpop Click on Health Chose Body Systems Choose “Muscles”

4 What’s your Angle Noise Level 1 MA.5.4.1 2000 Measure, identify, and draw angles, perpendicular and parallel lines, rectangles, triangles and circles by using appropriate tools 1.Listen to leader read directions for task. 2.Lay pictures out on the table. 3.With a partner, look at each picture and measure the angle of the designated limb. 4.You might need to reenact some of the angles to get a better measurement. 5.Fill out the Angles Report and turn into proper bin. 6.Clean up area and return station items to proper location. Extension Activity: Think of other angles you might use doing sports and add to the bottom of the Angles Report. Materials Needed Sports Pictures Angles Report Protractor Pencil Project Connection Columbus Prosthetics connection Project Connection Columbus Prosthetics connection

5 Angles Report Names: _________________ __________________ Angle Type Degree Action Sport 123456789 1011121314151617181920

6 1.Angle of Left Knee 2.Angle of Right Arm 3. Angle of Right Knee 4. Angle of Right Wrist

7 5. Angle of Throwing Arm’s Elbow6. Angle of Kicking Leg’s Knee

8 7. Angle of # 2’s Right Knee 6. Angle of Hips after Brady threw an Intercepting

9 9. Angle of Right Elbow 10. Angle of Right Knee 11. Angle of Left Elbow

10 12. Angle it Takes to Hug Someone 13. Angle of First Runners Right Knee 14. Angle of Second Runners Left Elbow

11 15. Angle of Right Knee 16. Angle it Takes to Cradle a Football 17. Angle of Right Arm of Tennis Player in Pink 18. Angle of other Tennis Players Left Leg

12 19. Angle of Left Knee 20. Angle of both Knees

13 1.Listen to manager read this task list. 2.In your Science book go page 54. 3.As a group, read 54-59. 4.Now, each student needs to answer questions 1-6. Extension Activity: Go to and explore this website. Try to discovery new information we could use for this project. INTERACTIVE SCIENCE SCI.5.4.1 2010 Investigate technologies that mimic human or animal musculoskeletal systems in order to meet a need. SCI.5.4.2 2010 Investigate the purpose of prototypes and models when designing a solution to a problem and how limitations in cost and design features might affect their construction. Noise Level 1-2 Project Connection Columbus Prosthetics connection Material Needs Science Text Pencil Laptop for extension

14 Acuity 1.Listen to manager read this task sheet. 2.Log on to Acuity. 3.Click on study and practice working on needed skills. 4.Continue until you have completed all assigned work. Extension Activity: If you complete all assignments you may work on other assignments such as Passport to Reading or Treasures Genre Story. Noise Level 0 No Project Connection Standards individualized per student Materials needed Laptop

15 Noise Level 1 Standards 5.3.2 Write simple algebraic expressions in one or two variables and evaluate them by substitution. 5.3.4 Identify and graph ordered pairs of positive numbers. Materials Algebraic Equations Card Game Instructions Algebraic Equation Score Sheet Coordinate Graph Pencil Directions: 1.Listen to the leader read the task sheet. 2.Read the directions to play the Algebraic Equations Game using the instruction sheet. 3.Record your answers on your worksheet for each card you draw. 4.Plot your coordinates on the large group coordinate graph when you have completed a game sheet. 5.Turn your Algebraic Equation Score Sheet into the rotation basket when you are done. Extension Activity: Visit this link on Mrs. Spear’s website under Linear Equations. If you REALLY want a challenge, visit the other links on the same page.

16 y = 5x + 3 - 2 y = 6(x + 1) – 10 y = x/2 + 5 y = 10 + 2(x – x) + 4

17 15 – x + (3 * 1) = y 10 + 1 – (4* x) = y (4 + x) – (4 + x) = y 8 * 2 + x – 5 = y

18 y = (2*x) – (1*x) 2 y = x y = 3x y = x + x - 4

19 2 y = x – (3*x) y = 10 – x + 2x y = x*x 2 y = 4 + x – 1

20 (3 + x) * (x – 5) = y 2 x + 1 = y 2 (x + 1) – (3*7) = y 2(x) + -5 = y

21 (5 + x) * (8 – x) = y 3x – (4*5) = y 3 2 5 - x + 0 = y 10 – x + (3*2)- x = y

22 Algebraic Equations Name _____________________ Directions: 1.Draw an equation card from the pile. 2.Draw a number card. 2.Substitute the number card for the x in the equation. 3.Write your equation with the value for x under the equation column. 4.Solve for y. 5.Then plot the coordinates on the coordinate graph. Algebraic equation: _____________________ X = _________ EquationXy Work space.

23 Algebraic Equations Card Game Materials: Pencil Deck of cards (ace =1 thru 5) Algebraic Equations Cards Algebraic Equations Worksheet Coordinate Graph Worksheet Directions: 1.Place the card deck & the algebraic equation cards upside down. 2.Draw a card from the card deck. This card represents the “x.” 3.Draw an algebraic equation card. 4.Solve for the equation using the number card you drew for “x.” 5.Write your solutions on the table on your worksheet. 6.Plot your coordinates on the coordinate graph. 7.Staple the coordinate plane to your Algebraic Equation worksheet. 8.Play as many rounds as you can until the rotation ends. You will need a new sheet for each round.

24 Y = X + 5 X + 5 – 3 = Y Y = 2 * X X * 3 + 4 = Y X + 10 – 2 * 1 = YY = 7 - X 12 – X = Y X + 3 – 2 = Y 2 + X – 2 = Y X * 3 + 5 = Y

25 5 – X = Y 12- X = Y Y = 2 * X + 13 – X + X = Y Y = 6 – X + 4Y = 8 – X + 3 (3 * X) +2 – 1 = Y 16 - (2 * X) – 4 = Y

26 8 - X = Y 7 – X + 3 = Y Y = 3 * X - 15 – X + X = Y Y = 4 + X + 2Y = 10 - X - 3 (4 * X) – 4 = Y 10 - (2 * X) + 3 = Y

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