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Laboratory Safety / Quiz Rev. Please complete the Admit Slip to receive your check. Mrs. Bunker.

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Presentation on theme: "Laboratory Safety / Quiz Rev. Please complete the Admit Slip to receive your check. Mrs. Bunker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laboratory Safety / Quiz Rev. Please complete the Admit Slip to receive your check. Mrs. Bunker

2 Admit Slip: What rules do you think are important for a chemistry laboratory?

3 Today’s Objectives: Students will be able to: Define matter, mass, volume, and density Calculate density and use it to identify substances State laboratory safety rules

4 Agenda: Admit slip Homework Check/Review Lab Safety Rules Quiz Review Exit Slip

5 Laboratory Rules 1. Perform laboratory work only when the teacher is present. Unsupervised lab work is not allowed. 2.Read the directions of the lab before starting. Think about safety before starting. 3.Learn where the safety equipment is in the lab and how to use it. This equipment includes the safety shower, eye wash, first-aid kit, fire extinguisher, and fire blanket.

6 Eye wash and Safety Shower

7 Laboratory Rules 4.Wear protective glasses or goggles for all lab work. Wear closed-toed shoes (no sandals) and long pants. Roll up long sleeves and tie back loose hair. Lab coats or aprons may be required. 5.Clear the bench top of all books, jackets, and other unnecessary materials. 6.Check chemical labels twice to make sure you have the correct substance. Read and follow the hazard classifications shown on the label.

8 Laboratory Rules 7.You may need to transfer some chemicals from its original bottle to your own test tube or beaker. Take only what you need and DO NOT return any extra material to its original container as this may cause contamination. 8.Avoid unnecessary movement and talk. 9.Never taste laboratory materials and avoid touching chemicals. Gum, food, and drinks should not be brought into the lab. If you have to smell a chemical, do so only by fanning the vapor towards your nose. Don’t stick your nose in the container.

9 Laboratory Rules 10.Never look directly down into a test tube; look at it from the side. Never point the open end of a test tube towards yourself or others. 11.Any laboratory accident should be reported immediately to the teacher. 12.In case of a chemical spill on your skin or clothing, rinse the affected area with plenty of water. In case of chemicals in your eyes, you will need to wash them out with the eye wash for 10 to 15 minutes.

10 Laboratory Rules 13.Minor skin burns should be placed under cold, running water. 14.When discarding used chemicals, carefully follow the instructions provided. 15.Return equipment, chemicals, aprons, and protective glasses to their designated locations. 16.Before leaving the laboratory, ensure that the water faucets are shut off.

11 Laboratory Rules 17.If in doubt, ask!

12 Homework: Study for the Matter and Density Quiz! There will be a Laboratory Safety Quiz!

13 Extension How would you measure the mass and the volume of a substance in the lab?

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