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Strategic Planning is our Only Business Since 1978 THE CAMBRIAN GROUP Strategic Planning is our Only Business Since

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1 Strategic Planning is our Only Business Since 1978 THE CAMBRIAN GROUP Strategic Planning is our Only Business Since 1Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group

2 2 We believe that: Every person has inherent value. A person’s health does not determine the limit of his/her success. Every person deserves to be safe. Education is a fundamental human right. The strength of a community is the health of its people. Working together optimizes results. Each person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Each person is holistically unique. Diversity is an asset. Relationships are based on truth and integrity.

3 The mission of CSNO, the leading force for excellence in student healthcare, is to ensure school nurses optimize student health and enhance learning through a network distinguished by: Facilitating grassroots efforts within regional sections; Developing and providing professional learning communities; Fostering the development of leaders; Conducting research and using evidence based practice; Providing standards of care; and Advocating for school health services. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group3

4 4 The health, well-being and safety of the student will always be our highest priority. We will not compromise the quality of our care and services. We will respect the worth and dignity of each person.

5 Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group5 Objective #1 100% of school nurses will have the skills and resources needed to provide exceptional school health services. Objective #2 Every student will have access to a qualified school nurse every day. Objective #3 100% of students will have optimal health and attend class ready to learn.

6 I.We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership. II.We will provide policies and procedures that are aligned with current law and standards of practice. III.We will identify and engage with groups, organizations, and agencies for mutual benefit. IV.We will form a collaborative practice-based research network. V.We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives. VI.We will advocate for our students and families to optimize health and learning. VII.We will create a brand that establishes the school nurse as the essential school health expert. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group6

7 1.1 Increase new members feelings of belong and inclusion into the organization. Identify needs and characteristics of members to create commonalities. 1.2 Branding of the School Nurse to create a known identity and well understood role within the school community. 1.3 Meet the social networking needs of the younger members by creating opportunities for personal profiling and career opportunities 1.4 Utilize an efficient and cost effective method to manage membership, enrollment, and renewals 1.5 Develop member relationships with experienced School Nurses while supporting career development. 1.6 Create professional support to increase working knowledge of organization, provide practice support to increase knowledge base and practice competency. 1.7 Connect with new members to aid in development of relationships by sharing of personal and professional information. 1.8 Increase the comfort of the membership with one another, further connections to one another and organization. 1.9 Obtain listing from CTA Credentialing of all credentialed School Nurses in State to email information regarding CSNO benefits and activities. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group7 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership.

8 Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group8

9 1.1 Specific Result: Increase new members feeling of belonging and inclusion. Identify needs and characteristics of member to create commonalities. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1. Each section president will call each new member and welcome them to CSNO and to their section 2. Develop an interview tool to support each Section President to use in a personal call to each new member and then use information to introduce new member to group. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group9 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership.

10 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time of President to make call and have conversation. 2.Time of new member to speak with President 1. Create relationships Develop professional connections Intangible 1. Intrusion of personal space1. Professional connections and developments Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group10 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership. 1.1 Specific Result: Increase new members feeling of belonging and inclusion. Identify needs and characteristics of member to create commonalities.

11 1.2 Specific Result: Branding of the School Nurse to create a known identity and well understood role within the school community. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1. Create a powerful and descriptive video presentation to explain, educate, to tell the world how School Nurses can support schools and education and SN are valuable. Stipulation: Create flexible design that works towards identified audiences. 2. Contract with a professional agency for maximum quality of video. Use on website and make available for all members to access to use as a marketing tool. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group11 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership.

12 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Money 2.Time 3.Creative screen 4. $750-$1,000 per minute or $1,500- $7,000. Cost will vary depending on who writes script and the length, Consider 5- 10 minutes making it very usable for multiple venues. 1. Increased understanding of role and value Intangible 1. Considerable work1. Professional growth Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group12 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership. 1.2 Specific Result: Branding of the School Nurse to create a known identity and well understood role within the school community.

13 1.3 Specific Result: Meet the social networking needs of the younger members by creating opportunities for personal profiling and career opportunities. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1. Change mode of communication to web-based and social media. 2. Create online survey aimed at understanding the membership needs. 3. Create job boards for postings and other career opportunities 4. Build CSNO Capacity to interface with the array of social media modalities. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group13 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership.

14 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Probably no monetary cost 2.Time to post information 1. Access to a greater audience Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group14 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership. 1.3 Specific Result: Meet the social networking needs of the younger members by creating opportunities for personal profiling and career opportunities.

15 1.4 Specific Result: Utilize an efficient, cost effect method to manage membership, enrollment and renewals ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Contract with a cost effective multifaceted web management system that will help increase membership by managing member database, processing payments/dues/renewals, managing events, calendar, website construction, and automated email reminders/communication tools. Stipulation: CSNO board can assess other sources. 2.Need to establish a list of any potential member in CA. 3.Using other databases that we may have access to contact others. Wild Apricot All-in-One Membership Management Made Easy "TML Career Center - Texas Municipal League." 2013. 11 May. 2015 Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group15 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership.

16 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Approximately $100/month based on membership numbers. Next increase at 5,000 members 1. Increase access and increase audience 2. Potential for greater scope of use. 3. Company up to date and progressive. 4. Company goal to aid in recruitment of new members & retain current members therefore could increase membership. 5. Potential to increase revenue. Intangible 1. Time to structure roll over current database and construct website. 2. Consultants and website templates available. 3. Seems simple 1. Could propel to a much greater audience. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group16 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership. 1.4 Specific Result: Utilize an efficient, cost effect method to manage membership, enrollment and renewals.

17 1.5 Specific Result: Develop member relationships with experienced School Nurses while supporting career development ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1. Create academies to support new nurses and to promote leadership skills within the organization and within districts. Stipulation: consider different types of learning modalities--hybrid Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group17 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership.

18 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Stipend paid by CSNO to participating group presenters and cost determined by wage and time. 1. Professional growth for all involved. 2. Increased camaraderie and networking of all who participate. 3. Opportunities for retired nurses to give back and be involved Intangible 1. Time expenditure by those who participate. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group18 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership. 1.5 Specific Result: Develop member relationships with experienced School Nurses while supporting career development

19 1.6 Specific Result: Create professional support to increase knowledge of organization, provide practice support to increase knowledge base and practice competency. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Provide each new member with both a mentor and an invitation to serve on a committee. 2.Create academies to support new nurses and to promote leadership skills within the organization and within districts. (Action Item #5). Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group19 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership.

20 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Member time1. Professional growth opportunity 2. New members find supportive community and develop new relationships. Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group20 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership. 1.6 Specific Result: Create professional support to increase knowledge of organization, provide practice support to increase knowledge base and practice competency.

21 1.7 Specific Result: Connect with new members to aid in development of relationships by sharing of personal and professional information. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Each Section President will introduce each new member in attendance at the first opportunity to the membership using the information obtained in the new member interview. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group21 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership.

22 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time1.Connections 2.Feelings of being personally welcomed, valued, and receive recognition Intangible 1. Some members will be uncomfortable with this approach, could indicate on application that they would welcome the contact. Otherwise just welcome with a letter and personal questionnaire. 1. Feeling valued Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group22 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership. 1.7 Specific Result: Connect with new members to aid in development of relationships by sharing of personal and professional information.

23 1.8 Specific Result: Increase the comfort of the membership with one another, further connections to one another and organization. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1. Conduct team building activities at each conference to encourage the members to connect by getting to know one another on a personal as well as professional level while having fun. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group23 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership.

24 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Creativity and Camaraderie1.Having fun getting to know people and creating connections. Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group24 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership. 1.8 Specific Result: Connect with new members to aid in development of relationships by sharing of personal and professional information.

25 1.9 Specific Result: Increase outreach to prospective members not accessed previously both actively working SN’s and retired SN’s. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Obtain listing from CCTC Credentialing of all credentialed School Nurses in State to email information regarding CSNO benefits and activities (move to 1.4) as well as other entities. 2.Consider expanding membership recruitment (Associate membership) opportunities (Charter & Private and Parochial School nurses). 3.Conduct an exit interview to get a sense of why member is not renewing (membership/BMAL?). Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group25 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership.

26 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time to request data base. 2.Uncertain $ cost 3. Time to load new data base 1.Improved access to all School Nurses Statewide with potential increase in membership 2.Increase awareness and possible greater 3.Increase knowledge of role, legal issues, practice attributes of SN throughout the conferences Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group26 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership. 1.9 Specific Result: Increase outreach to prospective members not accessed previously both actively working SN’s and retired SN’s.

27 1.10 Specific Result: Validate the current “section” structure meets the needs of our members ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Examine the current structure of the respective CSNO Sections. 2.Send surveys and conduct focus groups of nurses in existing sections to see if restructuring sections would better meet their needs. 3.Change Bylaws as needed based upon member input. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group27 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership.

28 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time1.Improved access to all School Nurses Statewide with potential increase in membership Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group28 Strategy I: We will aggressively recruit and retain school nurses for membership. 1.10 Specific Result: Validate the current “section” structure meets the needs of our members.

29 Thank you LTC Thibodeau! Ten Huh! Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group29 Thank you so much!!!!!! Rachel McClanahan Kelly Dirks

30 Strategy II: We will provide policies and procedures that are aligned with current law and standards of practice. 2.1 Specific Result: Highly efficient CSNO board with relevant recommendations for policy and procedures development. 2.2 Specific Result: CSNO will have current position statements and a process for ensuring they maintain current. 2.3 Specific Result: CSNO will have current, relevant, resources for CSNO members that are aligned with current law and standards of practice. 2.4 Specific Result: CSNO will serve as the conduit for fortifying expertise in standards of practice. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group30

31 2.1 Specific Result: Highly efficient CSNO board with relevant recommendations for policy and procedures development. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Re examination of CSNO Board and the assessment of “committee chair positions” with respect to relevancy to policy and procedures and role on board. 2.Efficient use of CSNO Board time together; a paradigm shift where CSNO will use. organizational experts to help develop positions. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group31 Strategy II: We will provide policies and procedures that are aligned with current law and standards of practice.

32 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time 2.Save money 1.Productivity 2.Resources to members 3.Membership engagement Intangible 1. Change is difficult1. Will have a “full board” rather than empty slots. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group32 Strategy II: We will provide policies and procedures that are aligned with current law and standards of practice. 2.1 Specific Result: Highly efficient CSNO board with relevant recommendations for policy and procedures development.

33 2.2 Specific Result: CSNO will have current position statements and a process for ensuring they remain current. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Analyze existing process for updating position statements and reconfigure to a more effective means 2.Use technology and CSNO board time together to update position statements. 3.Examine additional position statements needs and bridge gaps. 4.Continuously develop new position statements as needed. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group33 Strategy II: We will provide policies and procedures that are aligned with current law and standards of practice.

34 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time1.Productivity 2.Resources to members 3.Membership engagement Intangible 1. Change is difficult Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group34 Strategy II: We will provide policies and procedures that are aligned with current law and standards of practice. 2.2 Specific Result: CSNO will have current position statements and a process for ensuring they maintain current.

35 2.3 Specific Result: CSNO will provide current, relevant, resources for CSNO members that are aligned with current law and standards of practice. ACTION STEP ASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Analyze existing resources and identify needs. 2.Re-evaluate product offerings (ie modules instead of entire publication) 3.Packages products differently (in modules rather than an entire book) 4.Assign needed resources to sections for their project (re-examine current process) 5.Be proactive rather than reactive with the development of policy, procedures and resources. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group 35 Strategy II: We will provide policies and procedures that are aligned with current law and standards of practice.

36 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time1.Productivity 2.Resources to members 3.Membership engagement Intangible 1. Change is difficult1. Meeting the needs of our members. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group36 Strategy II: We will provide policies and procedures that are aligned with current law and standards of practice. 2.3 Specific Result: CSNO will have current position statements and a process for ensuring they maintain current.

37 2.4 Specific Result: CSNO will serve as the conduit for fortifying standards of practice. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.CSNO will have a skills based lab at every state CSNO conference. 2.CSNO will develop academies for new and seasoned nurses to refresh their skills. 3.CSNO will develop webinars for members as needed. 4.CSNO will use organizational experts Ie. Epinephrine autoinjector. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group37 Strategy II: We will provide policies and procedures that are aligned with current law and standards of practice.

38 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time 2.Money for project development 1.Productivity 2.Resources to members 3.Membership engagement 4.Increased student safety Intangible 1. Meeting the needs of our members. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group38 Strategy II: We will provide policies and procedures that are aligned with current law and standards of practice. 2.4 Specific Result: CSNO will serve as the conduit for fortifying expertise in standards of practice.

39 Jump On It! Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group39 Way to go!!!! Thank you Kathleen Taylor Margaret Jolly Kathleen Rrindahl Sharon Sinclair Denette Davis

40 Strategy III: We will identify and engage with groups, organizations and agencies for mutual benefit 3.1 CSNO will have organization liaisons to organizations, groups, & agencies most beneficial to CSNO. 3.2 Electronic mechanism in place, which allows urgent liaison reports prior to each board meeting. 3.3 Increased school nurse membership to obtain benefits from liaison relationships. 3.4 Increased school nurse membership to obtain benefits from liaison relationships. 3.5 Liaisons will have the skills and knowledge to be able maximize benefits from relationships. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group40

41 3.1 Specific Result: CSNO will have organization liaisons to organizations, groups, & agencies most beneficial to CSNO. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1. Evaluate current Organization Liaison relationships. (See Appendix A)—Need more info. 2. Evaluate relationships annually to determine if relationship should be eliminated. (Need to define groups) 3. Determine goals for specific outcomes annually. (What services or resources does a particular organization have that can be obtained/ utilized by CSNO) 4. Establish an internal mechanism which shows the specific beneficial activities (resources received, bills supported, funding received, etc) throughout the year Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group41 Strategy III: We will identify and engage with groups, organizations and agencies for mutual benefit.

42 CostsBenefits Tangible Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group42 Strategy III: We will identify and engage with groups, organizations and agencies for mutual benefit. 3.1 Specific Result: CSNO will have organization liaisons to organizations, groups, & agencies most beneficial to CSNO.

43 3.2 Specific Result: Electronic mechanism in place, which allows urgent liaison reports prior to each board meeting. ACTION STEP ASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1. Create an online liaison reporting mechanism so that urgent or time sensitive information can be reported prior to each board meeting. Report should be submitted in writing within 2 weeks of contact with the liaison organization. 2. Assign an individual who is responsible for monitoring and summarizing the liaison electronic reports received and assuring that the reports are made available at each board meeting. 3. Post summary report on the CSNO website for members only and create mechanism so that they are posted in a timely manner with CSNO Executive Committee approval. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group43 Strategy III: We will identify and engage with groups, organizations and agencies for mutual benefit.

44 CostsBenefits Tangible Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group44 Strategy III: We will identify and engage with groups, organizations and agencies for mutual benefit. 3.2 Specific Result: Electronic mechanism in place, which allows urgent liaison reports prior to each board meeting.

45 3.3 Specific Result: Increased school nurse membership to obtain benefits from liaison relationships. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1. Create an online liaison reporting mechanism so that urgent or time sensitive information can be reported prior to each board meeting. 2. Assign an individual who is responsible for monitoring the liaison electronic reports received and assuring that the reports are made available at each board meeting. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group45 Strategy III: We will identify and engage with groups, organizations and agencies for mutual benefit.

46 CostsBenefits Tangible Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group46 Strategy III: We will identify and engage with groups, organizations and agencies for mutual benefit. 3.3 Specific Result: Increased school nurse membership to obtain benefits from liaison relationships.

47 3.4 Specific Result: Increased school nurse membership to obtain benefits from liaison relationships. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1. Share with members the gains received from liaison relationships. 2. Develop an area on the CSNO website which highlights the liaison organization contributions and reflect how CSNO members benefited. 3. Have a mechanism in place which allows members to share possibly beneficial organizations, groups and agencies. (Ex: Possibly on conference evaluation forms) Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group47 Strategy III: We will identify and engage with groups, organizations and agencies for mutual benefit.

48 CostsBenefits Tangible Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group48 Strategy III: We will identify and engage with groups, organizations and agencies for mutual benefit. 3.4 Specific Result: Increased school nurse membership to obtain benefits from liaison relationships.

49 3.5 Specific Result: Liaisons will have the skills and knowledge to be able maximize benefits from relationships. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1. Provide each liaison with the annual goals for each partnership organization or assure liaison is able to develop goals. 2. Provide an over view of each organization. 3. Provide recommendations & training on how to establish and maintain relationships with partnership organizations. 4. Give opportunities for liaisons to interact to share successes and failures in establishing and maintaining relations. 5. Determine which organizations should only be serviced by CSNO Leadership and which organizations can successfully be managed by a liaison. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group49 Strategy III: We will identify and engage with groups, organizations and agencies for mutual benefit.

50 CostsBenefits Tangible Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group50 Strategy III: We will identify and engage with groups, organizations and agencies for mutual benefit. 3.5 Specific Result: Liaisons will have the skills and knowledge to be able maximize benefits from relationships.

51 Loving the Liaison Linkages!!!! Thank you for your hard work! Jacquella (Angel) Payne Dr. Liz Dietz Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group51 Liaison CSNO

52 Strategy IV: We will form a collaborative practice-based research network. 4.1 A collaborative practice based research database will be in place that members can contribute to and use on an ongoing basis. 4.2 Growth of Step Up and Be Counted Tool that is under development. 4.3 The collaborative practice-based research network will support school nurses in best practices and quantifying the work school nurses perform. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group52

53 4.1 Specific Result: A collaborative practice based research database will be in place that members can contribute to and use on an ongoing basis. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Best methods of data collection and dissemination will be identified- Literature review; Other state practices; NASN past & present experience; practice based informal research network from schools of nursing (Harvard) 2.Establish technology based system to monitor, retrieve and compare contributions of practice based research. 3.Identify network members & who to include in database. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group53 Strategy IV: We will form a collaborative practice-based research network.

54 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time 2.Money for project development 1.Productivity 2.Resources to members 3.Membership engagement Intangible 1. Meeting the needs of our members. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group54 Strategy IV: We will form a collaborative practice-based research network. 4.1 Specific Result: A collaborative practice based research database will be in place that members can contribute to and use on an ongoing basis.

55 4.2 Specific Result: Growth of Step Up and Be Counted Tool that is under development; Create a state specific data collection tool. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Advance the technology of the data collection process (revise current tools, identify data collection priorities, identify practice-based research). 2.Data analysis-use expert to make tool user friendly. 3.Increase marketing: existence and use- identify where database may be attractive to school-districts. 4.When possible, use the COE/districts as data gathering centers for the state to CSNO. (well defined) Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group55 Strategy IV: We will form a collaborative practice-based research network.

56 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time 2.Money for project development 1.Productivity 2.Resources to members 3.Membership engagement Intangible 1. Meeting the needs of our members. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group56 Strategy IV: We will form a collaborative practice-based research network. 4.2 Specific Result: The collaborative practice-based research network will support school nurses in

57 4.3 Specific Result: The collaborative practice-based research network will support school nurses in best practices and quantifying the work school nurses perform. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.CSNO will share data with members to impact individual student care and program improvements. 2.CSNO will quantify the work school nurses do. 3.Analyze and disseminate the findings to the membership. 4.Develop a policy on how data are disseminated. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group57 Strategy IV: We will form a collaborative practice-based research network.

58 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time 2.Money for project development 1.Productivity 2.Resources to members 3.Membership engagement Intangible 1. Meeting the needs of our members. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group58 Strategy IV: We will form a collaborative practice-based research network. 4.3 The collaborative practice-based research network will support school nurses in best practices and quantifying the work school nurses perform.

59 Kudossss!!!! UR the Jenny Zettler Rhodes Sandra Johnson Kelly Miller Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group59

60 Strategy V: We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives. 5.1 Membership will be personalized for each member. 5.2 CSNO will promote standard, recognizable image to distinguish from other nurses on campus, ie; LVNs, other non-S.N. R.N.s 5.3 CSNO will provide high quality relevant professional development 5.4 CSNO will provide professional development. 5.5 Increased revenue for CSNO 5.6 Increased Leadership Growth/Development. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group60

61 5.1 Specific Result Membership will be personalized for each member. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Section Presidents will call, email or text to provide outreach to new or joining members and have personalized conversation to share resources, information. 2.Contact the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to obtain lists of new school nurse credentials. 3.Develop methods to reach all school nurses in COE, DO/HR, & School Health & other industry lists. 4.Global messaging will inform members of pressing issues or legislation (Edu-Link, social media-text, FB, CSNO Blog) 5.CSNO to take back membership process Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group61 Strategy V: We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives.

62 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time1.Increase connectedness 2.CSNO member will feel valued. 3.Member perception of CSNO as a valuable, relevant resource. Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group62 Strategy V: We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives. 5.1 Specific Result Membership will be personalized for each member.

63 5.2 Specific Result CSNO will promote a standard, recognizable image to distinguish the Credentialed school nurse from others. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Monogramed CSNO Lab coat provided to new CSNO members. 2.CSNO will also provide monogramed lab coat members to standardize school nurse image 3.Create a CSNO a image (ie. identi-badge that states RN in Large letters, Credentialed school nurse, and CSNO logo.) 4.Create a possible other health care badge. 5.Make the product complimentary for all members and the charge for replaced Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group63 Strategy V: We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives.

64 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Money 2.Lab Coat Resources 1.Recognition as health care professional. Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group64 Strategy V: We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives. 5.2 Specific Result CSNO will promote standard, recognizable image to distinguish from other nurses on campus, ie; LVNs, other non- S.N. R.N.s

65 5.3 Specific Result CSNO will provide professional development. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.CSNO conference information will be sent to school administrators during early bird registration. 2.Promote a support for school nurses day. 3.Promote mandatory education (advocate for CH) 4.New School Nurse orientation will be revived for new nurses using multiple modalities. 5. Develop academies and leadership summit to build member capacity; provide CEU’s or University Credit. 6. Bulk review could be done online To build member capacity; provide CEU’s or University Credit. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group65 Strategy V: We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives.

66 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Money 2.Time 1.Student safety 2.Confident delivery of health care Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group66 Strategy V: We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives. 5.3 Specific Result CSNO will provide professional development.

67 5.4 Specific Result: Funding for credentialed school nurse included in all school budgets. ACTI0N STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1. CSNO will develop a school nurse video to present to administrators for budget inclusion. 2. CSNO will develop a tool kit for approaching admin for funding. 3. Step by step guide for outlining LCFF and LCAP process; state, federal and local funding sources to leverage an increase in school nurses 4. School Nurse/ CSNO liaison will visit schools to advocate for and secure funding during budget planning. 5. Continue monitor legislation for funding sources and be proactive in supporting school nurses with implementation. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group67 Strategy V: We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives.

68 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time 2.Money 3.Personal travel time 1.Increase in school nurses. 2.SN services aligned with LCFF priorities Intangible 1. SN will be proactive in funding. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group68 Strategy V: We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives. 5.4 Specific Result: Funding for School Nurse included in all school Budgets

69 5.5 Specific Result: Increased revenue for CSNO. ACTI0N STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.CSNO will partner with new financial partners and donors to strengthen fiscal standing 2.CSNO will continue to develop product to sell ie diabetes training, funding advocacy, new school nurse academy 3.Will examine ways to cut costs ie. Examine contracts, location, etc Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group69 Strategy V: We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives.

70 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time 2.Personal travel time 3.Project development 1.Increased revenues 2.Increased visibility 3.Growth of organization Intangible 1. Increase value of membership Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group70 Strategy V: We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives. 5.5 Specific Result: Increased revenue for CSNO.

71 5.6 Specific Result: Leadership Growth/Development. ACTI0N STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Create leadership and other academies to support school nurse professional development. 2.Partner with financial institutions to offer lower interest rates on loans to school nurses pursuing credentials. 3.Seek partners who specifically to provide resources to school nurse education. 4.Negotiate with school district to offer tuition reimbursement/loan forgiveness. 5.Work with legislation for school nurse loan forgiveness. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group71 Strategy V: We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives.

72 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Tuition reimbursement 2.Personal time 3.Project development 1.Increased in school nurses and school nurse administrators 2.Strong CSNO leaders 3.Path to Leadership-sellable project Intangible 1. Increase value of CSNO amongst members 2. Increased value of school nurse amongst school administrators 3. Increased value of school nurse amongst community leaders. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group72 Strategy V: We will expand the organizational capacity of CSNO to accomplish our mission and objectives. 5.6 Specific Result: Leadership Growth/Development.

73 Thank you girls!!!! You did a berry, berry good job! Sherri Vitali Bonita Mallory Sanja Ognjenov Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group73

74 Strategy VI: We will advocate for our students and families to optimize health and learning 6.1 Credentialed California School Nurses provide health services for students in their school 100% of the time 6.2 Credentialed California School Nurses are recognized in the school community as a student /family advocate. 6.3 Credentialed California School Nurses are up-to-date on current research and are comptent in delivering evidence-based practices. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group74

75 6.1 Specific Result: Credentialed California School Nurses provide healthservices for students in their school 100% of the time. Health services will be provided by Calfornia Credentialed School nurses at ratio recommended by NASN. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.CSNO will advocate for the presence of a full- time credentialed school nurses 100% of the time. 2.CSNO will identify funding streams to promote school nurses. 3.CSNO will develop a marketing tool kit that helps defines the role of the school nurse 4.CSNO will work with PTA to advocate for school nurses in school settings. 5.CSNO will partner with PTA and other community and state organizations to advocate for credentialed school nurses in schools. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group75 Strategy VI: We will advocate for our students and families to optimize health and learning

76 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time 2.Money for project development 1.Delivery of health services by a health care professional 2.Recognition by parents, students, administrators and staff as health care expert in school community. Intangible 1.Reduction in workload and decreased ratio of school nurse to students. 2.Improved morale Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group76 Strategy VI: We will advocate for our students and families to optimize health and learning 6.1 Specific Result: Credentialed California School Nurses provide healthservices for students in their school 100% of the time.

77 6.2 Specific Result: Credentialed California School Nurses recognized in the school community as a student /family advocate. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.CSNO will work with PTA and other educational groups to share role and capacity of school nurses. 2.CSNO will develop a marketing tool that members can use to share the role of the school nurse. 3.CSNO members will present at conferences for parents and other educators to share role of school nurse. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group77 Strategy VI: We will advocate for our students and families to optimize health and learning

78 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time 2.Money for project development 1.Delivery of health services by a health care professional 2.Recognition by parents, students, administrators and staff as health care expert in school community. Intangible 1.Reduction in workload and decreased ratio of school nurse to students. 2.Improved morale Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group78 Strategy VI: Credentialed California School Nurses are recognized in the school community as a student /family advocate. 6.2 Specific Result: Credentialed California School Nurses are recognized in the school community as a student /family advocate.

79 6.3 Specific Result: Credentialed California School Nurses are up- to-date on current research and are competent in delivering evidence-based practices. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.CSNO will provide information at conferences, academies and other online learning modalities to keep school nurses up to date. 2.CSNO will foster skills based learning during conferences to allow for seasoned and new nurses to practice. 3.CSNO will ensure that information and resources are available for members provide information and resources which are current and easily accessible. 4.CSNO will promote the expanded role of the school nurse. school nurse as the health care experts. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group79 Strategy VI: We will advocate for our students and families to optimize health and learning.

80 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Time 2.Money 1.Delivery of health services by a health care professional 2.School nurse confidence in health care delivery 3.Student safety Intangible Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group80 Strategy VI: Credentialed California School Nurses are recognized in the school community as a student /family advocate. 6.3 Specific Result: Credentialed California School Nurses recognized in the school community as a student /family advocate.

81 Thank you to the so cool, So Cal Crew!!! Carolyn Amberry Vanessa Forsythe Mary Stewart Maggie West Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group81

82 Strategy VII: We will create a brand that establishes the school nurse as the essential school health expert. 7.1 Credentialed school nurse are recognized as the essential school health expert Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group82

83 7.1 Specific Result: Credentialed school nurse are recognized as the essential school health expert ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 1.Adopt and promote a professional symbol that provides instant recognition of the credentialed school nurse as the essential school health expert. 2.Stakeholders (parents, educators, teachers, school nurses, other professional organizations and other health care providers) are educated about the role of the credentialed school nurse as the essential school health expert. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group83 Strategy VII: We will create a brand that establishes the school nurse as the essential school health expert.

84 7.1 Specific Result: Credentialed California School Nurses are up- to-date on current research and are comptent in delivering evidence-based practices. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 2. A powerful, short tag line ie. (“Who’s taking care of your child at school?” or “The leading expert in school health.”) to support the logo and that the credentialed school nurse as the essential school health expert. 3. Marketing materials will be created for use by the credentialed school nurse to assist with branding of the credentialed school nurse as the essential school health expert. (PSAs, brochures, flyers, videos, etc) Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group84 Strategy VII: We will create a brand that establishes the school nurse as the essential school health expert.

85 7.1 Specific Result: Credentialed California School Nurses are up- to-date on current research and are comptent in delivering evidence-based practices. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 4. Parent, educator, health provider and school personnel will have a portal for information directed specifically for them on the CSNO web-site to promote the credentialed school nurse as the essential school health expert. 5. Web-site ready materials will be provided to the credentialed school nurse to use on their web-sites to promote the credentialed school nurse as the essential school health expert. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group85 Strategy VII: We will create a brand that establishes the school nurse as the essential school health expert.

86 7.1 Specific Result: Credentialed California School Nurses are up- to-date on current research and are comptent in delivering evidence-based practices. ACTION STEPASSIGNED TO START DATE DUE DATE COMPLETED DATE 6. CSNO will provide educational opportunities on how to use the materials to promote themselves as the credentialed school nurse as the essential school health expert. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group86 Strategy VII: We will create a brand that establishes the school nurse as the essential school health expert.

87 CostsBenefits Tangible 1.Hiring someone to develop logo and materials. 1.Improved recognition and awareness of what school nurses do. Intangible 1.Improved image of credentialed school nurses. Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group87 Strategy VII: We will create a brand that establishes the school nurse as the essential school health expert. 7.1 Specific Result: Credentialed California School Nurses are up-to-date on current research and are comptent in delivering evidence-based practices.

88 Muy Bueno!!! Muchas Gracias!!!! Debbie Wood Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group88

89 Prioritization StrategyYear 1 (2015-2016)Following Years I1.1; 1.7; 1.81.2; 1.4; 1.5; 1.6; 1.9; 1.10; 1.3 II2.12.2; 2.3; 2.4 III3.1; 3.23.4; 3.5 IV4.24.1; 4.3 V5.2; 5.15.3; 5.5; 5.6; 5.4 VI6.1; 6.36.2 VII7.1 Copyright 2014 The Cambrian Group89

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