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IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing1 What Is TCP/IP? A large collection of networking protocols and services The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) handles reliable.

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Presentation on theme: "IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing1 What Is TCP/IP? A large collection of networking protocols and services The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) handles reliable."— Presentation transcript:

1 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing1 What Is TCP/IP? A large collection of networking protocols and services The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) handles reliable delivery for messages of arbitrary size, and defines a robust delivery mechanism for all kinds of data across a network The Internet Protocol (IP) manages the routing of network transmissions from sender to receiver, along with issues related to network and computer addresses, and much more

2 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing2 Origins of TCP/IP In 1969, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), a branch of the United States Department of Defense (DoD), funded an academic research project for a special type of long-haul network with following objectives: –A desire to withstand a potential nuclear strike –A desire to permit different kinds of computer systems to easily communicate with one another –A need to interconnect systems across long distances A packet-switched network, which is known as ARPANET, was built as a result of this project

3 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing3 IP Addressing An IP address is a numeric identifier assigned to each machine on an IP network IP address consist of 32 bits divided in to four sections (octets) Usually depicted in one of three formats Decimal: Binary: 10101100.00010000.00011110.00111000 Hexadecimal: AC 10 1E 38 2 32 =4,294,967,296 possible number of addresses

4 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing4 Binary-to-Decimal Conversion Decimal Binary 120,321101010 10 0 ×1=1 10 1 ×2=20 10 2 ×3=300 10 3 ×0=0 10 4 ×2=20,000 +10 5 ×1=100,000 120,321 2 0 ×0=0 2 1 ×1=2 2 2 ×0=0 2 3 ×1=8 2 4 ×0=16 +2 5 ×1=32 58 2 0 = 0 2 1 = 2 2 2 = 4 2 3 = 8 2 4 = 16 2 5 = 32 2 6 = 64 2 7 = 128 2 8 = 256 00000000= 0 10000000= 128 11000000= 192 11100000= 224 11110000= 240 11111000= 248 11111100= 252 11111110= 254 11111111= 255 Practice: Write IP address 10101100.00010001.00011000. 01010011 in decimal numbers.

5 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing5 Hierarchical Addressing IP addressing is a hierarchical addressing Hierarchical addressing makes sure efficient routing IP Pool Network Host Network Sub-net Host

6 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing6 Network Address Ranges Class A: the first bit of the first byte is always 0 (0xxxxxxx.) –Range minimum 00000000. =0. maximum 01111111. =127. –Format: network.node.node.node –Valid Network Addressing 00000000.- is reserved for the default route for the network 01111111.- is reserved for diagnostics What is the maximum usable number of Class A network addresses? –Valid Host Addressing -.0.0.0 is reserved for network address -.255.255.255 is the broadcast address What is the maximum usable number of Class A node (hosts) addresses?

7 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing7 Class B: The first byte is always 1 and the second byte is always 0 (10xxxxxx.) –Range minimum 10000000.=128. maximum 10111111.=191. –Format: –Valid Host Addressing -.-.0.0 is reserved for the network address -.-.255.255 is the broadcast address What is the maximum usable number of Class B node (hosts) addresses? Class C: The first two bytes are always 1 (11xxxxxx) –Range 11000000. = 192 11111111. = 223 –Format: –Valid Host Addressing -.-.-.0 is reserved for the network address -.-.-.255 is the broadcast address What is the maximum usable number of Class A node (hosts) addresses? Class D: Reserved for multicast address (224-239) Class E : Reserved for scientific purposes (240-255)

8 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing8 Subnetting Breaking a large network into smaller networks Benefits –Reduced traffic –Optimize network performance –Simplified management –Helps expending the network To create subnetworks, bits from the host portion is revered to define the subnet address

9 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing9 Subnet Mask 32-bit information to distinguish the network and host portions of the IP address

10 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing10 Subnetting Class C BinarySubnet maskShorthandSubnets on the network Hosts per subnet -.00000000255.255.255.0Default Subnet mask -.10000000255.255.255.128/25 -.11000000255.255.255.192/26262 -.11100000255.255.255.224/27630 -.11110000255.255.255.240/2814 -.11111000255.255.255.248/29306 -.11111100255.255.255.252/30622 Subnetting formulas x=number of masked bits Number of subnets on the network= 2 x -2 Number of hosts per subnet=2 8-x -2 Last two digits are reserved for hosts

11 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing11 Example Network address= Subnet mask= Subnet 64 01xxxxxx Subnet 128 10xxxxxx 01 000000=64The network ( 01 000001=65The first valid host ( 01 111110=126The last valid host ( 01 111111=127The broadcast ( 10 000000=128The network ( 10 000001=129The first valid host ( 10 111110=190The last valid host ( 10 111111=191The broadcast (

12 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing12 Fast Way: Subnetting a Class C 1.Find the network addresses Subnet mask=192 256-192=64 based number and.64 is the first subnet 64+64=128 the second subnet.128 is the second subnet 128+64=192 (subnetmask. Stop) 2. Find the broadcast address for each subnet The number immediately preceding next subnet number 3. Find the valid host addresses Valid host are numbered between the subnets.

13 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing13 Example Network address= Subnet mask= The numbers of subnets and host? Network and Broadcast Addresses for each subnet? Valid Host Addresses?

14 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing14 Subnetting Class B BinarySubnet maskShorthandSubnets on the network Hosts per subnet -.0000000.00000000255.255.0.0Default Subnet mask -.10000000. 00000000255.255.128.0/17 -.11000000. 00000000255.255.192.0/18216,382 -.11100000. 00000000255.255.224.0/1968,190 -.11110000. 00000000255.255.240.0/20144,094 -.11111000. 00000000255.255.248.0/21302,046 -.11111100. 00000000255.255.252.0/22621,022 -.11111110. 00000000255.255.254.0/23126510 -.11111111. 00000000255.255.255.0/24?? -.11111111.10000000255.255.255.128/25510126 -.11111111.11000000255.255.255.192/261,02262 -.11111111.11100000255.255.255.224/272,04630 -.11111111.11110000255.255.255.240/284,09414 -.11111111.11111000255.255.255.248/298,1906 -.11111111.11111100255.255.255.252/3016,3822 Number of subnets on the network= 2 x -2 Number of hosts per subnet=2 16-x -2

15 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing15 Example Network address= Subnet mask= Subnet 64 01xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx Subnet 128 10xxxxxx.xxxxxxx 01000000.000000=64.0 The network (180.168. 64.0) 01000000.000001=64.1 The first valid host (180.64.1) 01111111.111110=127.254 The last valid host ( 01111111.111111=127.255 The broadcast ( 10000000.000000=128.0 The network (180.168. 128.0) 10000000.000001=128.1 The first valid host (180.128.1) 10111111.111110=191.254 The last valid host ( 10111111.111111=191.255 The broadcast (

16 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing16 Example Network Address= Subnetmask= The numbers of subnets and host? Network and Broadcast Addresses for each subnet? Valid Host Addresses?

17 IST 228\Ch3\IP Addressing17 Example Network Address= Subnetmask= (/26) The numbers of subnets and host? Network and Broadcast Addresses for each subnet? Valid Host Addresses?

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