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Cycle 1 2012-13 EYFS Lower KS2 Upper KS2 KS1 Cycle 2 2013-14 EYFS Lower KS2 Upper KS2 KS1 The Elm Park Curriculum is mapped out as a 2 year rolling cycle.

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1 Cycle 1 2012-13 EYFS Lower KS2 Upper KS2 KS1 Cycle 2 2013-14 EYFS Lower KS2 Upper KS2 KS1 The Elm Park Curriculum is mapped out as a 2 year rolling cycle. The new EYFS has been introduced this year. In years 1-6, learning is linked around our central themes: The World Around Us, Looking At The Past and How Things Work. Click on the phases to access our topic webs.

2 Cycle 1 2012-13 AutumnSpringSummer KS1 ‘Winterbourne and Bristol’Winterbourne and Bristol’ ‘Bright Sparks’ ‘Explorers; Old and New’ Lower KS2 ‘Wonderful Winterbourne’Wonderful Winterbourne’ ‘Infinity and Beyond’ The Romans Upper KS2 ‘Natural Disasters’ The ‘Tudors’ ‘Young Apprentice’

3 Key Stage 1 The World Around Us Winterbourne and Bristol Term 1 and 2 Literacy We will be linking our literacy with our topic work when we write our stories with a familiar setting, thinking about our local environment and the school. We will also be writing instructions for our bridges that we make and also creating information books about Bristol. We will link Fairy tales to our work on houses and will also be thinking about poetry linked to the stars. Numeracy We will be collecting data about traffic and organising it in tables and graphs. In addition to this we will be developing our calculation skills, problems solving skills and thinking about shape space and measure. Art and DT We will be painting pictures of the local landmarks and landscapes after our walk around Winterbourne. We will design and create models of the suspension bridge after looking closely at pictures. We will look at the work of Banksy and develop our own Brick wall using repeated printing patterns and then create our own graffiti tags. Geography We will be looking carefully at our local area and going on a walk around Winterbourne. From this we will look at maps and think about how they are made and then create our own maps of Winterbourne. We will use and follow maps, completing a treasure hunt around the school and complete a traffic survey in our local area. We will link this with data handling work in maths and draw conclusions from what we have found. PSHE and RE Our PSHE will be linked to New Beginnings and we will be thinking about ourselves, our feelings and how we can solve problems. In Term 2 we will move on to thinking more closely about Getting on and Falling out, focusing on friendship, working together and it will be Anti- Bullying week, so we will be doing some work on this. In RE we are learning about Stories and Sacred Writings, and also looking at the festivals of Harvest and Christmas. Science Our science this term is all linked to Health and Growth – we will be thinking about balanced diets, keeping healthy and medicines. We will then move on to thinking about plants and animals in our local environment, looking at and recognising different plants and animals and thinking about why animals live in certain environments. PE and Dance In our dance sessions we will develop our movement skills and then think about dancing linked to transport. We will be focusing our games sessions on throwing, catching and kicking this term. French This term we will be focusing on greetings and general introductions. ICT We will be using ICT lots during our topic work for research and presentations. We will be creating photo stories linked with our stories with familiar settings. We will also be communicating ideas using texts and images and using ICT to handle information. History We will be thinking about our homes and how they have change over the past 100 years. We will look at how Brunel influenced Bristol through his engineering work and more about Brunel himself. Music In Music we will be exploring duration and linking this to firework music. We will think about songs linked to water and transport, and we will also be preparing for our Christmas play.

4 Wonderful Winterbourne Literacy We will use locations in Winterbourne to inspire our writing. We will engage with a range of classic and modern literacy which has parallels with Winterbourne. Science We will identify native tree species. We will explore the different habits in Winterbourne and the species within them. Geography We will develop our map reading skills. We will create our own maps of Winterbourne. We will develop an understanding of the geography, topography and human geography of our local area. We will study Winterbourne as a settlement and contrast it to other on a local, national and global scale. History We will be researching about Winterbourne throughout history. We will create a timeline of key local events. We will compare present day Winterbourne to the past. We will identify evidence of Winterbourne’s past that survives today. Drama We will use drama to explore the lives of people who once lived in Winterbourne. RE We will develop an appreciation and understanding of the range of festivals that are celebrated locally. We will learn about the faiths of our local area. We will consider the identify of the people of Winterbourne. Art We will be sketching local features.

5 Natural Disasters Literacy - We will be learning about and writing adventure survival stories, natural disaster themed poetry, journalistic writing and explanations. PSHE - We will be learning about new beginnings by considering our place in the community, exploring the feelings of ourselves and others and developing social and problem solving skills. We will link this understanding to empathising with the victims of natural disasters. Science - We will be investigating and experimenting the causes and effects of forces such as gravity, air resistance, thrust, friction and buoyancy. Art and Design – We will be making 3D art sculptures using natural disaster style debris. PE – We will be learning to construct a volcano dance. Topic - We will be finding out about a variety of different natural disasters such as tsunamis, volcanoes, tornadoes etc. and their effects on the lives and communities of people. We will then use the information to complete group projects and present our work. This will incorporate ICT, literacy, art, geography and history. MFL – We will be learning about storms and shipwrecks in French. Music – We will be learning about rhythm and tempo

6 TUDORS Design and Technology - We will make costumes in the style of Tudor clothing to wear during class performances of our Tudor plays. Literacy/Drama - We will look at Shakespeare as a significant author and write/perform a playscript around the Spanish Armada. French - We will be studying Henry VIII as part of our French unit. P.E. - We will be learning and performing some Tudor Dance in P.E. History -We will re-enact the Battle of Bosworth. -We will create a timeline. -We will complete research projects in groups comparing lives of rich and poor in Tudor times. -We will look at the impact events and individuals had on society. - We will be doing a variety of writing activities for example a recount, rap/rhyme, playscript etc. I.C.T. - We will be using ICT to research the Tudors and communicate our findings. Art - We will study portraits of Tudor monarchs and then draw and paint our own self-portraits in the same style.

7 Key Stage 1 How Things work: Bright Sparks Term 3 and 4 Literacy Our topic will be introduced this term through the use of the story Mrs Armitage’s car. During our literacy lessons we will be thinking about Pattern and Rhyme, performing and developing our own rhyming and patterned poems. We will be writing recounts linked to our trip and developing our own information books linked to electricity. We will also create adverts for our cars and instructions for how they were built. PE and Dance In our dance sessions we will be creating dances linked with movement and transport. In gym we will think about rolling. During our games sessions we will developing our striking and kicking skills and releasing and dribbling. Science Science will take a lead focus during this topic as we explore different materials and their properties and how they are selected when building cars. We will be learning about different types of materials and testing out their different properties. We will be creating circuits and learning about electricity, making lights for our own cars and also thinking about forces, and how the movement of a car can be affected by them in different ways Art and DT In our DT sessions we will think about how we can make cars move and joining wood to make a frame for our cars. We will revisit wheels and axels and learn how these help things to move. In art we will explore using different techniques to blend colours together and show movement. We will explore printing to create a logo and use cameras to capture movement. Geography We will be thinking about how road maps are created and their features. We will talk about the layouts of roads and which landscapes are best for cars. History During our history sessions we will learn about the invention of cars and how they have changed over time. Numeracy We will collect data linked to forces and record these in tables and graphs. We will think about the shapes needed to make cars and the different costs that will be involved. In our numeracy lessons we will explore number, calculation, shape and space, measures and problem solving, and continue developing our investigative skills. PSHE and RE Our PSHE will be linked to Going to Goals and we will be thinking about how we can achieve new things and be resilient, even when it’s tough! In Term 4 we will move on to thinking more closely about how it’s ‘Good to be Me’ and talking about feeling proud of ourselves and others, and also how to stand up for ourselves in the right way. In RE we will be exploring a Church and a Mandir, special places of Worship for Christians and Hindus. We will also consider how Hindus worship at home and the special Christian celebration of Easter. Music During our music sessions we will be exploring pulse and rhythm. We will do this through singing and exploring different instruments. French This term we will be focusing on learning our numbers and colours. ICT We will use ICT links throughout our learning. In our ICT lessons we will think about internet safety in T3. Then in T4 we will be having a go at making a simple animation.

8 To Infinity and Beyond! Geography We will develop an understanding of the water-cycle. Art We will use art to interpret the stars, constellations, planets and the sun. Science We will develop our investigation skills. We will spot constellations. We will learn about the planets of our solar system. We will explore our galaxy. We will study the role of our sun in the solar system. We will identify constellations. We will experiment with the different states of matter. We will investigate how light travels. We will study earth on a global scale. We will learn about our moon. Literacy We will use science to inspire our writing. We will engage with biographies. We will develop our research skills. We will write for a range of purposes. We will perform a play set in space. French We will learn a variety of French words related to space. Design Technology We will make scale models of the planets. We will design and make aerodynamic rockets. We will construct a sun dial. Mathematics We will create timelines. We will learn about distances. We will use shape vocabulary. We will develop our investigation skills. History We will study famous scientists. We will retrace the space-race. ICT We will develop our research and presentation skills.

9 Invaders and Settlers Geography We will learn about the extent of the Roman Empire. We will learn about where Romans, Vikings, Anglo Saxons and Celts originate from. We will learn about roads and towns. History We will learning about the Romans, Vikings, Anglo Saxons and Celts. We will learn to use AD and BC. We will use time lines to organise events chronologically. We will visit remains of the Roman Empire. We will learn about Roman soldiers and their clothing. We will learn about Roman towns and cities in Britain. We will learn about Roman engineering in Britain e.g. bridges, sewers, architecture etc. We will learn about the impact on Britain when the Romans left. We will interpret historical artefacts. Literacy We will learn about Myths. We will write a recount of our visit to Caerleon. We will develop our research skills. We will write for a range of purposes. French We will learn numbers and time. We will learn about Roman settlements in France. We will perform a role play in French. Design Technology and Art We will design and make catapults and aqueducts. We will evaluate our work. We will make a mosaic. Mathematics We will learn about Roman Numerals. We will develop our problem solving skills. ICT We will develop our research and presentation skills.

10 Cycle 1 2013-14 AutumnSpringSummer KS1 ‘London’‘In to the Forest’ ‘The Seaside’ Lower KS2 ‘The Ancient Egyptians’The Ancient Egyptians’ ‘Let’s make a Change’ ‘Greetings from Ghana’ Upper KS2 ‘WW2 and Britain since 1930’ ‘Young Apprentice’ ‘Brazil’

11 Key Stage 1 London Term 1 and 2 Literacy Literacy this term will begin with a focus on stories with a familiar setting. We will read stories set by the seaside, and use the children’s personal memories to begin this unit. We will then link this to London, writing a story about getting lost in the city. We will read shape poems, and write our own poems linked to the Gunpowder Plot and read and write our own stories with patterned language. We will write information texts about London and write instructions linked to Christmas. Geography We will be thinking about where we have been on our holidays this summer and identify locations on a large world map in each classroom. We will also identify where London is on a map of the UK and think about ways that we could travel there. We will look at a range of different landmarks in London and identify them on simple maps. PE and Dance In our dance sessions we will be creating dances linked to fire and fireworks. In gym we will develop our rolling and floor work skills. In our games sessions, we will be working outside to develop our throwing and catching using a variety of apparatus. French In French this term we will be learning greetings and our numbers to 30. ICT: We will be using ICT lots during our topic work for research and presentations. We will be using story maker to retell the story of The Great Fire of London. We will also be communicating ideas using texts and images and using ICT to handle information. History History is the main focus of our topic based learning this term. We will be learning about the Great Fire of London, with a special visit from Fresh Water Theatre Company to launch this section of our learning. We will look at Samuel Pepys’ diary and imagine what it would be like to have been alive during the Great Fire. We will talk about different sources and think carefully about how we learn from the past. We will put events and Kings and Queens into chronological order, using ICT to support this. During term 2, we will learn about the Gunpowder Plot. We will consider how it is still remembered today. We will consider how London has changed and compare images of London in the present to London in the past. Music We will be learning songs linked to London and Bonfire night, whilst exploring pitch and duration. PSHE and RE Our PSHE will be linked to New Beginnings and we will be thinking about ourselves, our feelings and how we can solve problems. In Term 2 we will move on to thinking about Getting on and Falling out, focusing on friendship, working together and it will be Anti-Bullying week, so we will be doing some work on this. In RE we will be ‘Thinking about God’. We will read the Christian creation story and other Christian stories, and discuss how faith stories help people to understand God. During the run up to Christmas, we will think about how Christians celebrate Christmas and read the Christmas story. Art and DT In our DT sessions we will be exploring different types of materials and creating a class collage of the Great Fire of London. We will learn needle work skills to join different fabrics together to add to the collage. In art we will use salt dough to create items to sell in our class bakeries and use paints to explore colour mixing. We will create collages and look carefully at portraits of Kings and Queens. We will then draw ourselves in the style of a royal portrait. Science Our Science this term is based around changes. We will learn that there are different types of changes, reversible and irreversible. We will investigate these different changes. After half term we will be learning about electricity and its uses and potential dangers. We will create circuits and investigate switches. Numeracy We will link our numeracy to our topic, when we think about telling the time and sequencing events. During our numeracy sessions we will also develop our number and calculation skills. We will link London buildings to our 2D and 3D shape work and develop our measuring skills. We will be collecting information and learning ways to organise and present this. We will develop our investigative and problems solving skills.

12 Literacy This term we will be learning about stories form other cultures. We will be reading, analysing and making predictions with stories linked to Africa culture. We will also be writing are own stories before we turn our attention to becoming journalists reporting live from Egypt at the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb. Geography Through our Ancient Egyptian’s topic, we will be learning about the climate and culture of Egypt, the importance of the River Nile to farming and the nature of the landscape. PE and Dance In PE we will be learning to create an entertaining routine which is linked to our Ancient Egyptian topic. The children will be performing in front of the Pharaoh. In Games, we will be developing our ‘invasion skills’ through netball, tag rugby and hockey. French The children are learning formal and informal introductions, time and number. ICT In ICT, we will be learning to communicate information by using presentation software and film /animation. The children will be presenting their learning across the Ancient Egyptian topic through the medium of ICT. The children will also be using ICT to research and enquire about Ancient Egyptian life. Maths We will be further developing our understanding of place value, mental arithmetic strategies including a concentrated effort with our multiplication tables and division facts. We will also be learning efficient use of written methods of calculation for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. History Our main topic is the Ancient Egyptians. We will be learning about how Ancient Egyptians lived, their worship of Gods and Goddesses, the role of the Pharaoh and how Egyptian society worked. The children will be discovering tombs with Howard Carter and investigating mummification and the importance of the ‘after life’. We will also be visiting Bristol Museum’s Egyptology department, enjoying a range of hands-on workshops and following up this exciting opportunity in class. Music As well as enjoying learning to sing new songs, the children will be learning to play the fife! Science Our Science learning will focus on investigating forces such as gravity, push and pulls, air resistance, water resistance and friction. The children will be making observations and taking measurements to draw conclusions. We will also be learning through investigations about Rocks and Soils and Sound. Art and DT Our Art and DT will link to our Ancient Egyptian topic. The children will be designing and creating and evaluating Egyptian headdresses. PSHE and RE The children will be learning about New Beginnings, and Getting on and Falling Out in PHSE. This unit focuses on changes that children may experience and developing strategies to cope with such change. The children will also be considering that some changes can of course be positive! Our RE learning will focus on rules for living, looking at how different cultures and religions organise their cultural groups. The Ancient Egyptians

13 Going Back Through Time (WWII onwards) Literacy -We will research and write autobiographies of war heroes and famous figures from the era. - We will study fiction novels based around WWII. -We will look at the power of imagery in war poetry. - We will write war themed recounts. Music - We will look at popular WW2 songs and compose our own songs with a WW2 theme. French -We will learn French through a programme of themed work called ‘Going Back in Time’. Topic -We will research changes to daily life throughout modern history. We will work collaboratively in teams to present our findings. - We will learn about how WWII affected daily life for children and communities. -We will participate in a trip to Bristol to further our topic learning. ICT - We will use the internet and presentation packages to research and present our topic across the decades. Art and D.T. -We will be studying pop art in the style of Andy Warhol as a focus on the 1930s. - We will make Anderson Shelters in D.T. PSHE - We will discuss the emotional effects of war on combatants and civilians. PE -We will learn and choreograph a soldier dance.

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