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Chapter 1: The Nature of Science

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1 Chapter 1: The Nature of Science
1.1 : The Methods of Science 1.2 : Standards of Measurement 1.3 : Communicating with Graphs

2 1.1 The Methods of Science

3 Science A method for the study of the natural world
A process that uses observation and investigation to gain knowledge about events in nature

4 Categories of Science Life Science – involves the study of living things Earth Science – involves the study of Earth and Space Physical Science – involves the study of matter and energy

5 Scientific Investigation
Investigations can be done many different ways: Observations – simply looking at/watching an object(s) and recording what is taking place Experiments – testing the effect of one thing on another

6 Hypothesis not supported
Scientific Method State the Problem Gather Information Form a Hypothesis Test the Hypothesis Analyze Data Draw Conclusions Hypothesis not supported Hypothesis supported

7 Scientific Method An organized set of 6 steps that scientists use to guide their investigations State the problem – Why/How? Gather Information – Learn as much as possible about the problem Some sources of scientific information are not accurate Form a hypothesis – a possible explanation for a problem using what you know/observe Test the hypothesis – Observations/Experiments

8 Scientific Method When testing the hypothesis:
Independent variable – the variable “you” change to see how it will effect the dep. variable Dependent variable – value changes according to changes in other variables. [Cause and Effect Relationship] Constant – A factor that does not change Control – the standard by which the experimental results can be compared All other variables should be help constant so that 1 variable is tested at a time

9 Scientific Method Analyze Data – all data gained in the investigation should be recorded, not just the data you like or think is right This data can be organized into tables and graphs so that it is easier to read Draw conclusions – Ask yourself if the data that you gained from the study supports or does not support your hypothesis If your hypothesis is supported, you must repeat your study to further prove that it is supported If your hypothesis is NOT supported, you may want to go back and reconsider the hypothesis One should conduct repeated trials to limit random error in measurements

10 Scientific Bias Bias occurs when what the scientist expects changes how the results are viewed Findings are supportable when others can do the same experiment and get the same results

11 Models Models represent an idea, event, or object to better help people understand it Why create models? Models are created in cases where objects are Too large (ex. The solar system) Too small (ex. Animal cells, the atom) Too dangerous (ex. Computer models of nuclear explosions)

12 Scientific Theory vs. Scientific Law
A theory can be used to explain a law!

13 Activity Get into groups of four
On a sheet of paper to be turned in, put: The problem Information gathered (if applicable) Form a hypothesis How you would test your hypothesis (Include dependent/independent variables, constant, control) How you would analyze the data Draw a conclusion and decide whether you support your hypothesis or not

14 EXAMPLE Problem – (Stated as a question) Does the temperature of a room affect the # of dreams you have? Hypothesis An educated guess A possible answer to the problem My hypothesis: If the room is hot, a subject will have more dreams

15 EXAMPLE 3. Designing an Experiment Control – 74° F
Constants – type of clothing, type of mattress, lighting, same type of meal before bed, etc. Independent variable - 45° F, 85° F, 95° F Dependent variable – Number of dreams recorded the next morning, or recording of brain activity

16 EXAMPLE 4. Analyzing the Data Data Table – temperature vs. number of dreams ex. I could then place the information on a graph Temperature Number of Dreams 74° F 2 45° F 4 85° F 7 95° F

17 EXAMPLE 5. Draw a conclusion My data supports my hypothesis because the number of dreams increased as the temperature of the room increased Next, I would repeat the experiment several times to see if I get the same results

18 1.2 Standards of Measurement

19 Units and Standards Standard – an exact quantity that people agree to use to compare measurements Ex. Using Feet/Hands to measure distance across the room A measurement MUST include a number and a unit English Metric SI

20 International System of Units (SI)
Le Systeme Internationale d’Unites SI standards are accepted and understood by scientists around the world Each type of measurement has a base unit Ex. Meter is the base unit for length, Liter for volume, Gram for mass, second for time, kelvin for temp. Based on multiples of 10, prefixes are used with the names for the units to indicate the multiple of 10 ex. kilo – 1,000, so 1 kilometer = 1,000 meters

21 SI Base Units and Common SI Prefixes
Quantity Measured Unit Symbol Length meter m Mass kilogram kg Time second s Electric current ampere A Temperature kelvin K Amount of substance mole mol Intensity of light candela cd Common SI Prefixes Prefix Symbol Multiplying Factor Kilo- k 1,000 Deci- d 0.1 Centi- c 0.01 Milli- m 0.001 Micro- μ Nano- n

22 Dimensional Analysis Sometimes quantities are measured using different units To convert from one quantity to another conversion factors are used 1,000 mL/1 L = 1 Ex: Convert L to mL Ex: Convert 3,075 mm to cm Ex: Convert11 cm to mm Ex: Convert 1 kg to g

23 Measuring Distance Length – the distance between two points
Choosing a Unit of length – the size of unit depends on what you are measuring What measurement would you use to measure the length of a pencil? How about the distance to your house? By using the correct unit, you avoid large numbers and numbers with many decimal places

24 Measuring Volume V = l x w x h = units3
Volume (solid object) – the amount of space occupied by an object V = l x w x h = units3 Volume (liquid) – the capacity of the container that holds the amount of liquid 1 mL = 1 cm3 (Easy to measure if you remember this when you use a graduated cylinder) Ex. Convert 1.5 L to cm3

25 Measuring Matter Mass – a measurement of the quantity of matter in an object (golf ball vs. ping pong ball) Density – the mass per unit of volume of a material Objects may have the same volume such as cylinders of aluminum, wood, or plastic Even though they occupy the same space, the matter within them is packed differently Density = Mass/Volume Derived Unit – a unit obtained by combining different SI units (g/cm3) / an SI unit multiplied by itself (m3)

26 Measuring Time & Temperature
Temperature is a measure of how hot or how cold something is Celsius – common for measuring temperature Fahrenheit Kelvin – the SI unit of temperature - 0 K is the coldest possible temp (absolute zero) - Doesn’t use degrees - Celsius = (F – 32)/1.8 - Kelvin = Celsius + 273

27 1.3 Communicating with Graphs

28 Graphs A graph is a visual display of information or data Line Graphs
Graphs make it easier to see patterns or trends in experimental data Line Graphs Bar Graphs Circle Graphs

29 Line Graphs Show any relationship where the dependent variable (y-axis) changes due to a change in the independent variable (x-axis) Best for showing continuous data Can you show more than one event on the same graph? Yes! As long as the relationship between the variables is the same

30 Classroom Temperature (C°)
Line Graphs Time* Classroom Temperature (C°) A B C 16 5 17 16.5 10 19 15 20 21 17.5 23 18 25 18.5 *minutes after turning on heat

31 Constructing Line Graphs
Choose a scale with intervals on each axis in equal measurements Use the x-axis for the independent variable, just long enough to fit data Use the y-axis for the dependent variable with 2 data points more than is needed Use the same unit of measurement May need to show a break in the axis if your data is very large

32 Implications of Graphs
Direct proportion – one variable increases as the other increases OR one variable decreases as the other decreases Usually a straight line with a positive slope Shows a direct relationship that changes at a constant rate What would a greater slope mean?

33 Implications of Graphs
Inverse proportion – the product of two quantities is a constant EX. V = f λ Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional As one quantity increases, the other decreases

34 Bar Graphs Bar graphs are useful for comparing information collected by counting Each bar represents a quantity counted at a particular time Where should you plot independent and dependent variables? Points are not connected because the data is not showing how a change in one variable affects the other

35 Bar Graphs

36 Circle Graphs A circle (pie graph) is used to show how some fixed quantity is broken down into parts Circle represents the total Slices represent the parts, usually a percentage of the total

37 Making a Circle Graph Start with the total of what you are analyzing
For each type, divide that amount by the total Multiply that decimal by 360° to determine the angle Ex. Total buildings = 72 18 of the buildings use steam 18 ÷ 72 × 360° = 90° Then, you would measure 90° on the circle to show 25%

38 Technology Technology is NOT the same as science
Technology is the application of scientific discoveries to meet human needs and goals through the development of products and processes Engineering focuses on these processes by applying science to make products and design processes

39 Technological Design 4 Stages of Technological Design Requirements
Problem identification Solution design of a process or product Implementation Evaluation Requirements Cost and time effectiveness Materials that meet criteria (price, avaiblity, durability, not harmful, etc.) Benefits must exceed the risks

40 Scientific Investigation vs. Technological Design
Identifies a problem – asks a ? Identifies a problem or need Researches related information Designs an investigation/experiment Designs a process or product Conducts the investigation or experiment – repeated trials Implements the design or the process – repeated testing Analyzes the results Evaluates the conclusion – did the results refute or verify the hypothesis Evaluates the process or product – did it meet the criteria Communicates the findings Communicates the product or process

41 Science Labs and Safety Procedures

42 Labs In science labs, one uses various instruments to conduct investigations You must be able to identify and know how to use certain instruments You must always PUT SAFETY FIRST!!!

43 Graduated Cylinder – used to measure the volume of a liquid
Meniscus – the curve at the tip of a liquid in a graduated cylinder Measurements are read from the BOTTOM center of the meniscus

44 Thermometer – a device that measures temperature

45 Bunsen Burner Beaker Erlenmeyer flask Funnel Pipette

46 Measurements The last digit recorded is always estimated
The more decimals in the recorded measurement, the greater the precision of the instrument EX. A 100 mL graduated cylinder marked in 1 mL increments measures exactly to the ones place A 10 mL graduated cylinder marked in 0.1 mL increments can be read exactly to the tenths place Which graduated cylinder is more precise?

47 Precision and Accuracy
Precision – a measure of the degree to which measurements made in the same way agree with one another Accuracy – the degree to which the experimental value agrees with the true or accepted value It is possible to have high precision with low accuracy if the same error is involved in repeated trails of the experiment

48 Precision and Accuracy

49 Lab Safety Personal Safety – Follow only designated lab procedures
Understand safety symbols Wear proper clothing/shoes Wear proper protective equipment (goggles, aprons) Tie back loose hair No eating/drinking Use proper techniques for smelling, etc.

50 Lab Safety Work area safety – Keep work area clear, uncluttered
Turn off burners/hot plates when leaving lab Know locations and proper use of the fire extinguisher, safety blanket, eyewash station, emergency shower, first aid kit Disconnect electrical devices Clean up Report incidents, spills, etc. to teacher IMMEDIATELY!


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