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Pyramids. Egyptians built pyramids to protect the bodies of dead pharaohs. The pyramids also contained items the pharaohs might need in the afterlife.

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Presentation on theme: "Pyramids. Egyptians built pyramids to protect the bodies of dead pharaohs. The pyramids also contained items the pharaohs might need in the afterlife."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pyramids

2 Egyptians built pyramids to protect the bodies of dead pharaohs. The pyramids also contained items the pharaohs might need in the afterlife. A pyramid took thousands of people and years of labor to build.

3 Pyramids Egyptians used astronomy and mathematics to create the pyramids. To build a pyramid, Egyptians first selected a site. Then, they searched for stone. The artisans cut the stone into blocks, and other workers tied the stone to sleds and pulled them to the Nile.

4 Pyramids

5 At the river, workers loaded the stones onto barges and floated them to the site. There, the blocks were unloaded and dragged or pushed up ramps. While studying the skies to create pyramids, Egyptians created the 365-day calendar that became the basis for our calendar today.

6 Pyramids The Great Pyramid is the largest pyramid in Egypt It was built for King Khufu and is located near the city of Cairo.

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