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International Federation for Business and Professional Women BPW International Leadership Summit CSW New York 7-8 February 2015 Dr Amany Asfour First Vice.

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Presentation on theme: "International Federation for Business and Professional Women BPW International Leadership Summit CSW New York 7-8 February 2015 Dr Amany Asfour First Vice."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Federation for Business and Professional Women BPW International Leadership Summit CSW New York 7-8 February 2015 Dr Amany Asfour First Vice President for Membership Chair of Membership

2 Historical Year 2015 At level of United Nations End of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Post 2015 Development Agenda Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Beijing +20 Beijing Platform for Action

3 MDGs Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015) 1-Eradicate Extreme Poverty & Hunger 2-Achive Universal Primary Education 3-Promote Gender Equality & Empowerment Women 4-Reduce Child Mortality 5-Improve Maternal Health 6-Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases 7-Ensure Environmental Sustainability 8-Develop a Global Partnership for Development

4 Post 2015 Development Agenda Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 Pillars -Economic - Social -Environmental

5 Beijing Platform for Acton Biejing +20 A. Women and poverty B. Education and training of women C. Women and health D. Violence against women E. Women and armed conflict F. Women and the economy G. Women in power and decision-making H. Institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women I. Human rights of women J. Women and the media K. Women and the environment L. The girl child

6 Celebration of 85 Years of BPW International

7 Dr Lena Madison Philips Founder of BPW International


9 Empowerment of Women EMPOWERMENT" OF WOMEN is now speaking of " EMPOWERMENT" OF WOMEN, of discovering one’s own strength, of teaching women how to exert their influence “Political changes without fundamental changes in moral and social norms remain temporary victories"

10 What is Power ?

11 The right definition of Power Power is potency - the capacity to act, to implement.

12 Triad of Empowerment People ( Investment in Human Resources including Women and Youth ) Policy Product Procedures Empowerment POWER

13 Circle of Empowerment

14 Strategy of Membership for 2014-2017 Triad of Membership (Triple SSS) Members are the SOUL Of our organization

15 Strategy of Membership for 2014-2017 Triad of Membership (Triple SSS) Strengthening Existing Clubs and Federations Spreading and Services for Expansion of Member Membership Countries and Increasing Members Of Clubs and Federations Membership Triple SSS

16 1-Strengthening : 1-Visibility :raising the profile of BPW International 2-Value Adding Partnerships 1-Profiling( Websits,Social Media,Brochures,Give aways) 2-Projects 3-Partnership

17 2-Spreading : Solid bases to start a club Quality not Quantity Complete understanding of BPW constitution and Knowledge of BPW objectives

18 2-Spreading : Be Chased and not Chase

19 3-Services for Members Data Base for members -Google map -Pool of experts Dialogue with members -Continuous information and attendance to inquiries Dues payment - On Time payment - Actual members

20 3-Services for Members Membership Services Director Duties and Responsibilities -Continuous Communication and assistance to VP Membership -Check email address -Reading and forwarding emails to whom it may concern. Keeping a record of all communications and follow them up.

21 3-Services for Members Keep up to date: - BPW International data base. - Historical Archives: collecting and storing digital information. - - International Dues Payment List

22 3-Services for Members Membership Services Duties: 1- Assistance to VP membership regarding opening new clubs and federations and communication with existing clubs and federations,friends and fellows according to instructions of VP 2- Submit monthly reports regarding - Membership (affiliation, disaffiliation) - Important news of Federations and Associated Clubs. - Special cases, complaints and any other important note. - Send out invoices and receipts from Finance Director.

23 Friends and fellows

24 Members are our Priority - Communication with members - Collaboration among members -Commitment to members -Celebration 85 Years -

25 Members are our Priority Making a difference through Leadership and Action 2014-2017

26 Members are our Priority 1- Information 2- Incentives 3- Internal reforms 4-Intergenerational dialogue(YBPW) 5-Integration of members -

27 Activities of VP Membership Dr Amany Asfour -

28 Women Vendors Forum Kigali-Rwanda VP Dr Amany Asfour with Ms Arancha Gonzalez ITC Executive Director

29 President Dr Yasmin Darwich and VP Amany Asfour in Visit to Rome for BPW Italy

30 President Dr Yasmin Darwich, VP Amany Asfour and PP Liz Benham in Visit to Taipie to BPW Taiwan

31 President Dr Yasmin Darwich, VP Amany Asfour and PP Liz Benham in Visit to Taipie to BPW Taiwan at the Museum of Dr Shee

32 President Dr Yasmin Darwich, VP Amany Asfour and PP Liz Benham in Visit to Taipie to BPW Taiwan during Candle Light Ceremony

33 President Dr Yasmin Darwich, VP Dr.Amany Asfour and Regional Coordinator Susan Jones in Nepal during the First South Asia Sub-Regional Meeting

34 Congress on Entrepreneurship in Bahrain Making a difference through Leadership and Action 2014-2017

35 President Dr Yasmin Darwich, VP Dr.Amany Asfour,and Beatrice Rosa from BPW Brazil representative for UNIDO

36 Visit to Newly Launched BPW Beirut-Lebanon

37 Meeting with the President of the Newly launched BPW Sanaa –Yemen

38 Visit to Juba –South Sudan for Potential Establishment of BPW-Juba-South Sudan Meeting with Minister of Gender of South Sudan

39 Visit to Juba –South Sudan and Meeting with Potential Members for BPW Club Juba_ South Sudan

40 Attendance of the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa –Ethiopia

41 Attendance of Bejing +20 Consultation Congress in Addis Ababa –Ethiopia

42 Advocay and Lobbying of BPW International during African Union Summit in Addis Ababa for Government Procurement Policies for SMEs and Women Entrepreneurs On the High Level Panel H.E president of South Africa and H.E Prime Minister of Algeria

43 Executive in a meeting with H.E The Minister of Tourism of Egypt Presenting an Award to Dr Yasmin Darwich BPW International President

44 Executive at the foot of the Pyramids for Inspection Visit in Cairo

45 Executive at the foot of the Pyramids for Inspection Visit in Cairo at the Mena House Hotel

46 Executive at the Sphinx for Inspection Visit in Cairo

47 Mena House Hotel

48 Invitation to Cairo Women Empowerment Summit 28-30 April 2015


50 Welcome to BPW International Congress 2017 Cairo-Egypt


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