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T EAMWORK Youth Leadership Workshop. A GENDA Introduction Four Stages of Team Development How to be an effective team member Common problems.

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Presentation on theme: "T EAMWORK Youth Leadership Workshop. A GENDA Introduction Four Stages of Team Development How to be an effective team member Common problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 T EAMWORK Youth Leadership Workshop

2 A GENDA Introduction Four Stages of Team Development How to be an effective team member Common problems

3 I NTRODUCTION What is teamwork? Why are we here? Educate ourselves in how to use our energy more efficiently. Learn the skills of proper teamwork. Minimize frustration. Get a uniformed idea of what good teamwork is.

4 A GENDA Introduction Four Stages of Team Development How to be an effective team member Common problems

5 Forming Excitement, expectations, anxiety Storming Different opinions, conflicts and tensions, competitiveness and defensiveness Norming Increased satisfaction, trust, sharing responsibility, making decisions Performing Approaching the goals, members comfortable, optimism Norming

6 Get start Organizing work Understanding & managing the group Background and experience Ideas about how to proceed as a group. Leader? Discuss and clarify the goals Allocate responsibility Time-line Contribution Expectation each meeting Allocation responsibility and deadlines Check the process of the group

7 A GENDA Introduction Four Stages of Team Development How to be an effective team member Common problems


9 T HE GOOD LEADER Encourage everyone's contributions Maintain a positive atmosphere Must anticipate what information the group need Responsible for beginning and ending on time Discussion: participation as an equal Concerns about members’ anxiety Find out what people are good at and then assign roles accordingly.

10 T HE EFFECTIVE GROUP Including everyone and their ideas Take turns by going around the group Generate ideas through brainstorming Focus on the direction of the group

11 D E B ONO ’ S H ATS The White Hat – objective and fact-finding The Red Hat – clarifies emotional reactions to the issue The Black Hat – find all the bad aspects of the project The Yellow Hat – focus on the benefits The Green Hat – develop the creative ideas The Blue Hat – planning, organizing and keeping track

12 H AT EXERCISE - C HAOTIC - LAND A beautiful country that used to be visited by many tourists has had a terrorist attack a year ago and since then it has not had enough tourists.

13 H AT EXERCISE C HAOTIC - LAND Task: Your group has to make a travel brochure about Chaotic-land to attract tourists. Everything is possible, it is all up to you!

14 H AT EXERCISE – C HAOTIC - LAND Discussion: What are the purposes of the different hats? Did it work? Any problems/conflicts? Can you relate the work you just had in the group with the four stages?

15 B ELBIN ’ S GROUP ROLE TEST Purpose Identify team members strong and week sides Understand group collective capacity Create most suitable group combination

16 B UILDING - EXERCISE Build a tower out of Lego Everybody will get a piece of paper with a hidden agenda. You are not allowed to talk to each other during the exercise. You have 5 minutes to finish the assignment.

17 A GENDA Introduction Four Stages of Team Development How to be an effective team member Common problem

18 P ROBLEM 1 Some people are making fun and goof around in the middle of an important discussion and it is difficult to reach a solution because of them.

19 P ROBLEM 2 One member of the group is very dominant and wants to be heard all the time, telling lengthy stories and not letting others finish.

20 P ROBLEM 3 In the group there are 2-3 persons who never say anything in the meetings and never volunteer for assignments.

21 P ROBLEM 4 One person in group the is less patient than the others. This person may pressure the group to move before the others are ready.

22 S UMMARY Four Stages of team development How to be an effective team member

23 W ORKSHOP E VALUATION What did you learn? Can you use any of this? What was the best/worst part? Improvement suggestions?

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