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Presentation on theme: "Micronutrients."— Presentation transcript:

1 Micronutrients

2 Micronutrients Known as the “regulatory nutrients”
Essential in regulating body processes They are needed by the body is small amounts

3 Vitamins Do not provide the body with energy
Your body can make its own vitamins But most must be supplied by what you eat There are two classes: Fat-soluble vitamins Water-soluble vitamins

4 Fat-Soluble Vitamins Can be stored by the body
Absorption of these vitamins is done through dietary fat Low-fat or low-calorie products can prevent absorption of these vitamins Vitamins A, D, E, and K

5 Vitamin A Maintains healthy skin, bones, teeth, and hair
Aids in vision Sources: colorful, yellow, orange veggies and dark green vegetables

6 Vitamin D Maintains bones and teeth
Helps in the use of calcium and phosphorus Best source is direct sunlight, but can also get it from fortified foods “Sunshine vitamin”: all you need is minutes per day

7 Vitamin E Aids in maintenance of red blood cells, vitamin A, and fats
Good for the skin Sources: vegetable oils, nuts/seeds, wheat germ, peanuts, soybeans, and avocados

8 Vitamin K Aids in blood clotting
Sources: green leafy vegetables, soybeans, and canola oils

9 Water-Soluble Vitamins
Found in fruits, vegetables, and other sources Can NOT be stored by the body This means it is important to eat foods that supply them every day Vitamin C and all the B vitamins

10 Vitamin C Aids in bone, teeth, and skin formation
Resistance to infection Iron uptake Need mg

11 Help release energy from CHO, fats, and proteins
B Vitamins Energy generators Help release energy from CHO, fats, and proteins

12 Antioxidants Vitamins that help protect healthy cells from damage caused by the normal aging process and certain types of cancer Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin E

13 Minerals Nutrients that occur naturally in rocks and soil
24 minerals have been shown to be essential for good health You need 7 minerals in significant amounts: Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Chlorine, and Sulfur

14 Calcium Most abundant mineral in the body
Essential in formation and maintenance of bones and teeth Good sources are milk and other dairy products Some green leafy veggies are sources too Lack of calcium can lead to osteoporosis (condition in which the bones gradually weaken) You need 1,300 mg/day

15 Sodium People often consume too much sodium
Too much sodium can cause a blood pressure problem Important in functioning of the heart and water balance General recommendation (<2300 mg/day) For those at risk for high blood pressure (<1500 mg/day)

16 Potassium Works with sodium to maintain water balance
Important for nerve conduction People that get enough tend to have lower blood pressure

17 Iron Necessary for healthy red blood cells
Girls need extra because they lose iron during menstruation Adolescents need it to help build muscle mass If a person does not include enough iron, they could develop anemia Condition in which the red blood cells does not contain enough hemoglobin Causes you to be weak, tired, and become sick easily

18 Supplements A nutrient deficiency can occur if someone is not getting enough of a nutrient Too much, or excess, of a vitamin or mineral can damage your health Beware of megadosing (taking 10 times or larger amounts of a nutrient than your body needs) Who may need supplements (they should consult their doctor): Elderly, pregnant, people with very low calorie diets, smokers, strict vegetarians, and excessive alcoholics

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