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Nutrition and Digestion Companion Animals Chapter 6.

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2 Nutrition and Digestion Companion Animals Chapter 6

3 Nutrition Intake of a properly balanced diet so animals will grow, maintain, reproduce and supply or produce. Work Egg, Milk, Meat Production Offspring (purebreds) Fur, Pelts Championship

4 Nutrient Single food group with the same general chemical composition that supports life Body does not function without proper amounts- pets will suffer without proper diet! Basic Nutrients 1. Water 2. Carbohydrates 3. Fats 4. Proteins 5. Minerals 6. Vitamins

5 Water Contained in every cell in the body! 55-65% of animal body is made up of water 90% of blood is water 72-78% of muscle is water

6 Water Necessary for: Biochemical reactions in the body Respiration, digestion etc. Transport of other nutrients Maintains body temperature Give body form/shape Carry waste from body

7 What happens if water is lost? Loss of water from blood Failure of proper circulation Decrease Oxygen carrying capacity Tissues become dehydrated Body becomes overheated Basically: Cells are starved of oxygen Slows regular body functions Resistance to disease decreases

8 How is water absorbed? Water is absorbed through the walls of the stomach Helps medicine absorption to the bloodstream Bacteria that can cause disease or illness

9 Proteins Composed of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen Protein in feeds are broken down into amino acids during digestion AA are then transported by blood to the rest of the body

10 Protein Necessary for: Repair and development of body organs and tissues, muscles, nerves, skin, hair, hooves, and feathers Production of milk, meat, eggs Development of fetus Generation of hormones Development of antibodies (defense)

11 Amino Acids Building blocks of protein 25 types found in feeds- 2 categories Essential Cannot be produced by body, must be supplied –10-11 AA Nonessential Not needed in diet- body can manufacture Animals require various amounts of AA depending on life stage

12 Carbohydrates Contain C, H, O Necessary for: Bodily functions Breathing, digestion, exercise Production of heat to warm body Storage of energy Made up of sugars, starches and fiber

13 Fats Made up of CHO- in different combinations Contain 2.25 times as much energy as the same amount of CHO or protein Necessary for: Energy Absorption of fat-soluble vitamins Source of fatty acids- essential in animal diets Most animals require less than 3% in diet

14 Vitamins! Organic substances required in very small amounts

15 Vitamins! Necessary for: Regulation of digestion, absorption and metabolism Development of normal vision, bone, external coverings (hair, feathers) Regulation of body glands Formation of new cells Protection against disease Development of nervous systems

16 Classification of Vitamins Based on solubility Fat-soluble Can be stored and accumulated in the liver or other fatty tissue A, D, E, & K Water- soluble Limited amounts can be stored anywhere in the body C, B1, B2, Niacin, Folic Acid

17 Fat-Soluble Vitamins Vitamin A Prevents poor vision Carotene converts to Vitamin D “Sun vita” Aids in Ca and P absorption Dairy products Vitamin E “Reproduction Vita” Prevents abortions, miscarriages, and low fertility Required in many animals for proper gestation and sterility Vitamin K Blood coagulation!!

18 Water Soluble Vitamins Vitamin C Naturally produced in digestive system Monkeys and Guinea pigs need extra to prevent scurvy Vitamin B1 “Thiamin” Decrease appetite, weak muscles, paralysis Source- whole grains Vitamin B2 “Riboflavin” Poor hatchability, crippled young, eye problems in rabbits Sources: Quality hay, green forages

19 Water Soluble Vitamins Niacin Digestive disorders and stunted growth Supplementation sometimes required Folic Acid “pregnancy” Required for normal cell development Most formulated feeds good source

20 Minerals Essential to support the animal, but do not contribute to tissue development Main function Build skeleton Produce enzymes and hormones Classification of minerals Macro-mineral Micro-mineral

21 Minerals Macro-mineral Needed in the largest quantity Most likely to be lacking in diet Generally must be added Examples Calcium Phosphorus Potassium Salt (Sodium/chloride) Micro-mineral Needed in trace amounts and can be found in diet Examples Selenium Iron Cobalt Iodine Zinc Manganese

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