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Chapter 9: Protecting the Consumer Consumer Laws Ms.McGlynn.

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1 Chapter 9: Protecting the Consumer Consumer Laws Ms.McGlynn

2 Reasons for Consumer Protection Unsafe Unsafe or Low Quality Goods Overcharging Overcharging and incorrect weights Misleading Misleading Advertisements Faulty Faulty goods Slick Slick sales methods, e.g. special offer Ms.McGlynn

3 Consumer Laws Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 Consumer Protection Act 2007 Consumer Protection Act 2007 Ms.McGlynn

4 Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 1. Merchantable Quality 2. Fit for their purpose 3. As described 4. Correspond to sample 5. Suppliers of services must be qualified Ms.McGlynn

5 It is the seller's responsibility to put things right if there are problems.

6 Consumer Protection Act 2007 Protects consumers against false or misleading claims about goods, services and prices Protects consumers against false or misleading claims about goods, services and prices E.g. stating wrong weight on product E.g. stating wrong weight on product Ms.McGlynn

7 Consumer Protection Act 2007 EU Directives concerning pyramid schemes EU Directives concerning pyramid schemes EU Directives on unfair, misleading or aggressive commercial practises. EU Directives on unfair, misleading or aggressive commercial practises. Ms.McGlynn

8 Consumer Protection Act 2007 Deals with the National Consumer Agency Deals with the National Consumer Agency o Informs consumers of their rights o Investigates complaints Ms.McGlynn

9 Food Labels Clear, legible and understood Clear, legible and understood Show name of food Show name of food Show actual selling price Show actual selling price Show use by, sell by and best before date. Show use by, sell by and best before date. Ms.McGlynn

10 Bar Codes Series of lines on goods that allow computers to identify products Series of lines on goods that allow computers to identify products Scanned at check outs Scanned at check outs Less mistakes Less mistakes Records stock Records stock Ms.McGlynn

11 Symbols Symbols of quality Symbols of quality It tells the buyer that the good is of good quality It tells the buyer that the good is of good quality Ms.McGlynn

12 Unit Pricing Unit pricing shows the price per kilo/litre Unit pricing shows the price per kilo/litre It enables a consumer to decide what is the best value. It enables a consumer to decide what is the best value. Food labels must show the price per kilo/litre rather than overall price. Food labels must show the price per kilo/litre rather than overall price. Consumers can compare prices the best prices per kilo/litre rather than total price by using the formula Consumers can compare prices the best prices per kilo/litre rather than total price by using the formula Price Price______ Quantity Quantity Ms.McGlynn

13 Consumer Protection Agencies 1. Enterprise Ireland 2. Trade Associations 3. National Consumer Agency 4. Small Claims Court/Procedure 5. Consumer Association of Ireland (CAI) 6. The Ombudsman: State, Financial, Insurance 7. The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI) Ms.McGlynn

14 1. Enterprise Ireland State Organisation that sets new standards for safety and quality for goods & services and issues reports State Organisation that sets new standards for safety and quality for goods & services and issues reports Operates the National Standards Authority of Ireland NSAI Operates the National Standards Authority of Ireland NSAI Ms.McGlynn

15 2. Trade Associations Suppliers of goods and services are members of organisations which lay down standards of conduct for their members Suppliers of goods and services are members of organisations which lay down standards of conduct for their members These associations try to settle disputes between members and customers These associations try to settle disputes between members and customers E.g. Irish travel agents association ITAA, SIMI E.g. Irish travel agents association ITAA, SIMI Ms.McGlynn

16 3. National Consumer Agency Informs consumers of their rights. Publishes booklets advising consumers of their rights – publishes a shoppers’ rights card. Informs consumers of their rights. Publishes booklets advising consumers of their rights – publishes a shoppers’ rights card. Enforces consumer laws – investigates complaints. Enforces consumer laws – investigates complaints. Ms.McGlynn

17 4. Small Claims Court Deals with consumer claims up to €2,000 Deals with consumer claims up to €2,000 Handles claims speedily – no solicitors needed Handles claims speedily – no solicitors needed Fee of €15 Fee of €15 Need to try settle dispute with seller before going to the small claims court Need to try settle dispute with seller before going to the small claims court Ms.McGlynn

18 5. Consumer Association of Ireland Voluntary Body Voluntary Body Advises consumers about goods and services and laws affecting them Advises consumers about goods and services and laws affecting them Consumer Choice magazine Consumer Choice magazine Ms.McGlynn

19 6. Office of the Ombudsman Investigates complaints by members of the public against state organisations Investigates complaints by members of the public against state organisations E.g. government departments, HSE, An Post E.g. government departments, HSE, An Post Ms.McGlynn

20 7. Ombudsman for Credit Institutions Deals with complaints against banks and building societies. Deals with complaints against banks and building societies. Try to deal with the dispute with the bank before you call upon the ombudsman Try to deal with the dispute with the bank before you call upon the ombudsman Ms.McGlynn

21 8. Insurance Ombudsman of Ireland Deals with complaints against insurance companies about overcharging and compensation payments Deals with complaints against insurance companies about overcharging and compensation payments Ms.McGlynn

22 The MEDIA Joe Duffy Show Joe Duffy Show  Highlights complaints  Embarrasses people into solving the problem The Consumer Show The Consumer Show Watchdog Watchdog Rogue Traders Rogue Traders Ms.McGlynn

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