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Community Based Intervention - Curative Strategy : Sneha Shivir (VHNCCS) - Preventive Strategy : 20 Counseling sessions, IEC Sessions VHNDs VIDEO CONFERENCE
NIN (2010) Prevalence of low birth weight 23.4 19.1 Initiation of Breast feeding with in 1 hour 13.3 26.4 Pre-lacteals given 58.7 16.1 Exclusive Breastfeeding (0-5 months) 46.3 21.6 71.0 Initiation of compl. feeding At 6 months 55.8 - 23.5 % Full Immunization ( months children) 43.5 31.5 84.2 Coverage of 9-59 months children for Massive Dose Vitamin A Supplementation (%) 81.7 Coverage of Pregnant women for IFA Tablet Distribution (%) 78.0 Coverage of months children for IFA Tablet/Liquid Distribution (%) 25.0 Nutrition status (Based on WHO Child Growth Standards ) Underweight 45.9 60.0 51.9 Stunting 38.4 50.0 48.9 Wasting 35.0 25.8
Age Group wise Percentage of Underweight Children (0-5 years) M. P
Age Group wise Percentage of Underweight Children (0-5 years) M.P. v/s India (NFHS-III ) Undernutrition in the first 5 years (esp. first 2 years) of life needs special emphasis. Lifelong adverse impact on growth and development Higher risk of dying in infancy Consequences are severe & often irreversible Lifelong cognitive and physical deficits and chronic health problems Data Source: NFHS-3 ( )
VISION 2018 iks"k.k lq/kkj ds çHkkoh gLr{ksi
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“SuPoSHaN” Abhiyan “SuPoSHaN” OBJECTIVES Supportive Programme on
fpagkfdr vfrde otu ds cPpksa dk leqnk; dh fuxjkuh esa iks"k.k izca/ku ekrk&firk dks LokLF; ,oa iks"k.k Lrj dks lq/kkjus gsrq ijke'kZ nsdj muds O;ogkj esa ifjorZu ykuk & leqnk; dks xzke esa vfrde otu ds cPpksa gsrq "SuPoSHaN" dk;Z;kstuk cukus ,oa fdz;kUo;u gsrq l{ke cukuk & dqiks"k.k eqDr xzke ds fy;s leqnk; dks l{ke cukuk Supportive Programme on Sustaining Health and Nutrition “SuPoSHaN”
Only 15% needs facility care WHO Growth Standards (2006): MODERATE = Median <-2 SD to ≥ -3 SD & SEVERE = Median <-3 SD
“SuPoSHaN” ABHIYAN ‘Abhiyan' for reduction and prevention of undernutrition Conceptualized as a community based programme Targeted convergent approach Targeted to (70% undernutrition) AWCs - 4 or more SUWs Rastriya Bal Swasthya Kariyakram (RBSK) and C-NRC of NRHM “Sneha Shivir” , Mangal Diwas, IEC, ABM Adapted from globally acknowledged Positive Deviance Approach
izFke pj.k ds izLrkfor vkaxuokM+h dsUnz
ftyk dqy vkaxuokM+h dsUnzz SUW>=4 izFke pj.k ds izLrkfor vkaxuokM+h dsUnz 1 bankSj 234 64 28 Vhdex<+ 150 57 2 [kaMok 219 59 29 neksg 101 58 3 [kjxkSu 1151 75 30 iUuk 115 44 7 nsokkl 430 65 31 gks'kaxkckn 77 62 8 uhep 265 38 32 vyhjktiqj 441 46 9 eanlkSj 369 33 /kkj 1425 141 10 jryke 915 66 34 cqjgkuiqj 399 11 'kktkiqj 329 35 v'kksduxj 136 12 vkxj 195 20 36 Xokfy;j 143 48 13 xquk 277 45 37 ujflagiqj 41 14 nfr;k 102 ckyk?kkV 67 97 15 f'koiqjh 628 76 39 eaMyk 54 72 16 fHk.M 53 84 40 flouh 17 eqjSuk 236 82 Hkksiky 202 18 ';ksiqj 161 42 lhgksj 89 19 dVuh 471 61 43 jhok 111 fNanokM+k 100 108 lruk 424 112 21 tcyiqj 144 flaxjkSyh 285 22 fM.MkSjh vuwiiqj 23 jktx<+ 400 87 47 'kgMksy 133 50 24 jk;lsu 92 55 Nrjiqj 342 25 fofn'kk 49 lkxj 290 88 26 lh/kh 208 cSrwy 27 mefj;k 205 51 gjnk
“SuPoSHaN” ABHIYAN ‘Abhiyan' for reduction and prevention of undernutrition Conceptualized as a community based programme Targeted convergent approach Targeted to (70% undernutrition) AWCs - 4 or more SUWs Rastriya Bal Swasthya Kariyakram (RBSK) and C-NRC of NRHM “Sneha Shivir” , Mangal Diwas, IEC, ABM Adapted from globally acknowledged Positive Deviance Approach
What is Positive Deviance?
Every community has certain individuals or groups whose uncommon behaviors and strategies enable them to find better solutions to problems than their peers, while having access to the same resources and facing similar or worse challenges. Based on problem-solving and community-driven approach that enables the community to discover these successful behaviors and strategies and develop a plan of action to promote their adoption by all concerned.
Participatory Micro Planning at Village level
STRATEGIES Participatory Micro Planning at Village level Community Mobilization Facilities improvement Weighing drive Village Mapping Screening of children Presence of health worker at 1st screening Provision of 1st round of medication during special VHNDs (17th – 24th) Steered by AWW, Gram Swasthya Samiti and Poshan Mitra Team
Participatory Micro Planning at Village level
STRATEGIES Participatory Micro Planning at Village level Curative Community Mobilization Facilities improvement Weighing drive Village Mapping Screening of children Presence of health worker at 1st screening Provision of 1st round of medication during special VHNDs (17th – 24th) Steered by AWW, Gram Swasthya Samiti and Poshan Mitra Team Entry point to the village for accelerated reduction in moderate and severe under nutrition in children Steered by Supervisor and Poshan Sahyogini
Curative Strategy Sneha Shivir + C-NRC
1st & 30th day Doctor completes screening, tracks status 12 days camp for children Supervisors and Poshan Sahyogini conduct the camp 3 Supervised feeding of children Focused counseling session of mothers with PD exemplars Demonstrating local nutritious recipes - Mothers Learn by doing Day to day child profiling Poshan Mitra, ASHA, AWW follow up by 18 home visits Monthly follow up and weighing of children for 6 months If required re-organize camp
Participatory Micro Planning at Village level
STRATEGIES Participatory Micro Planning at Village level Curative Preventive Community Mobilization Facilities improvement Weighing drive Village Mapping Screening of children Presence of health worker at 1st screening Provision of 1st round of medication during special VHNDs (17th – 24th) Steered by AWW, Gram Swasthya Samiti and Poshan Mitra Team Entry point to the village for accelerated reduction in moderate and severe under nutrition in children Steered by Supervisor and Poshan Sahyogini Empowering community to catalyze behavior change for taking out the village from the undernutrition trap Steered by AWW, Gram Swasthya Samiti and Poshan Mitra Team
Preventive Strategy Life cycle approach for improving nutrition
Continuum of care beginning with adolescent girls to first 1000 days and till 5 years of age
FIRST 1000 DAYS Pregnancy (9 months 30 x 9 = 270)
Birth – 24 months ( 24 x30 = 720 days) Total = 1000 days To increase children’s chances of survival, improve development and prevent stunting, nutrition interventions need to be delivered during the mother’s pregnancy and the first two years of the child’s life.
Preventive Strategy Life cycle approach for improving nutrition
Continuum of care beginning with adolescent girls to first 1000 days and till 5 years of age Strengthen and streamline delivery of ICDS Universal survey and enrolment of beneficiaries at AWC Vajan Mela every every month 1st to 4th Screening of children by health care providers and referrals Swachhata Abhiyan every month 5th to 7th Targeted activities Monday to Friday
Targeted activities Monday to Saturday
Days Targeted Activities Monday Regular dialogue with community - Special VHNDs + Poshan Meetings with gram swasthya samitis and poshan mitra Tuesdays Lakshit Mangal Diwas themes along with sanitation campaign Wednesday Intensive home visits targeted to Pregnant women Thursdays Intensive home visits targeted to lactating mothers of children 0 to 6 months Fridays Advocacy and dialogue with community for behavioral change - 25 IECs Saturday Intensive home visits targeted to lactating mothers of children 6 months to 2 years
Support - "SuPoSHaN“ Abhiyan
Village level Sector Level Block Level District Level AWW AWH ASHA Gram Sabha Swasth Gram Tadarth Samiti Poshan Mitra Team PRI Supervisor ANM NGO nominated by District officials BMO CEO JP Project Officer Mobile health team CEO ZP EE PHE CMHO DD Agri/Horti Food Officer DPO AWTC DTO (Health) Home science faculty
OUTCOME Sr. no. Out come indicators Target 1
Weight gain of children after 12 days 75% children will show minimum 200 gm weight gain 2 Weight gain of children after 30 days 75% children will show minimum 400 gm weight gain 3 Weight gain of children after 2 months Growth curve of 75% of children will on positive trajectory 4 Weight gain of children after 3 months 50% children will show positive change in nutritional status 5 Nutritional status of children after 6 months 80% children will show positive change in nutritional status
Phase Out Strategy Success in a village will be assessed
by complete elimination of SUW decrease in MUW Exit strategy after 1 year of implementation of Sneha Shivir in any village Weighing all eligible children (0-5 yrs) Third party would conduct the “audit” If no cases of severe under nutrition and borderline moderate cases for a period of one year it may be decided to phase out Sneha Shivir Remaining MUW children would be rigorously monitored and care givers counselled on best practices at regular health education sessions and during home visits
IMPERATIVES Active involvement of Health, Panchayats, PHE,
Agriculture, Food Community participation through poshan mitra team, gram sabha swasth gram tadarth samiti Sensitive Poshan Sahyogini Quality training Good Micro-planning and implementation Intensive monitoring Adequate and timely resources
TIME LINES March - 3035 camps in 1st phase in 2 cycles
Cycle 1 : March 1 to March 12 Cycle 2 : March 24 to April 4 January and February Selection of villages, Poshan Sahyogini and Poshan Mitra Trainings at all level Microplanning Preliminary screening of children and medication April - Preparation for 2500 camps in May (1-12th) May - Phase 2 camps and Preparation for 2500 camps in June (1-12th)
Expectations From Collectors
Build and mobilize for enabling environment and community participation Strengthening convergence with Health for screening and monitoring Panchayat for infrastructure, facilities and participation - employment PHED for Safe drinking water and sanitation campaign MDM for improved Hot supplementary nutrition given at AWC Agriculture for minikits / Food for PDS Monitor ICDS to ensure : Universal survey, identification and weighing Quality of training and inputs of Abhiyan Delivery of services including THR Provide administrative, technical and financial sanctions for the optimum usage of resources
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