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Congenital and perinatal disorders of brain

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1 Congenital and perinatal disorders of brain
Genetic disorders During pregnancy

2 Cerebral palsy Neurodevlopmental nonprogressive lesion of the motor development of the child durineg prenatal, perinatal or postnatal damage of the brain Affected - perception, cognition, communication, behaviour, epilepsy, musculosceletal problems

3 Cerebral palsy Prevalence: 2 – 3/1000 The most risk children –
Premature babies — particularly those who weigh less than 3.3 pounds (1,510 grams)

4 Cerebral palsy 1. Prematur babies
2. Intrauterine infections (toxoplazmosis, rubeola, cytomegalovirus, herpes, etc....), 3. Developmental anomalies 4. Intrauterine intoxication (alkohol, opiats, kokain, Pb, ....)

5 Cerebral palsy 5. Fetal hypotrophy – chronic intrauterine
hypoxy and malnutrition (mother´s hypertension, mother´s malnutrition,..) 6. Intracranial bleeding Unmaturated children – periventricular Maturated children – hemispheral – hemispheres, thalamus, brainstem, cerebellum

6 Cerebral palsy 7. hypoxic-ischemic damage periventricular leukomalacia
Maturated - subcortical or parasagital leukomalacia

7 Cerebral palsy Forms: Spasticc – 65%
Dyskinetic-dystonicá (extrapyramidal) – 20% Ataktic – 5% Mixed forms

8 Cerebral palsy Spastic form
Central motoneuron Diparetic – 30% Hemiparetic – 30% Kvadruspastic – 5% - mental retardation, epilepsy

9 Diplegia spastica

10 Cerebral palsy Dyskinetic-dystonic form
Hyperkinetic – 20% Dystonic – tonic contraction of extremity or all of the body Bazálne ganglia No mental retardation

11 Cerebral palsy Ataktic form
cerebellum hypotonic syndrom, apathy, psychomotiric retardation

12 Cerebral palsy 25% improvement 50% improvent after physiotherapy –
Physiotherapy –Bobath and Vojta

13 Malformations and genetic abnormalities of brain

14 Dandy-Walker syndróm Cystic enlargment of 4th ventricle, hydrocephalus
Atresion of foramen Luschkae and Magendii, dysgenesis of cerebellar vermis

15 Arnold-Chiari malformation
Part of brainstem and cerebellar tonsils are below the level of foramen magnum Sometimes hydrocephalus, spina bifida Clinical feature – in adult age, bilateral pyramidal signs, lesions of cranial nerves, brainstem syndromes, syringomyely

16 Arnold-Chiari malformation

17 Arnold-Chiari malformation

18 Microcephalus Mental retardation Loss of hearing Spinocerebellar signs
Risc for malignity

19 Meningoencephalocele, meningomyelocele
Development of neuronal tube – 19th day of devolopment of faetus, occlusion of cranial and spinal end in the end of the 1st month Meninges and parts – from mesenchyma

20 Meningoencephalocele, meningomyelocele
Non connestions of bone spina bifida occulta (risc – low level of fol acid) Herniation of meninges through defect in bone – meningocele Brain and spine tissue in herniation – encefalo(myelo)meningocele Part of ventricles in herniation – encefalo(myelo)meningocystocele




24 Meningoencephalocele, meningomyelocele
Neuronal tube is open, not covered– open anencephalus Clinical feature – depends on localisation and severity Spinal cord lesions - paraparesis - paraplegia below the pathology of spinal cord incontinentia Brainn lesions – depends on localisation

25 Meningoencephalocele, meningomyelocele
therapy Surgery Brain – meningocele and encefalomeningocele, Spinal cord – good prognosis - operation during 1st day



28 Meningoencephalocele, meningomyelocele
alfafetoprotein (child albumin in mother´s blood) Malformation in 1 from 15 pregnancy with high levels in 1 from pregnancy with normal levels

29 Phakomatoses Group of hereditary diseases affecting he skin and other organs as well as the brain

30 Tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville)
Mental deficit Skin signs (adenoma sebaceum) Brain lesions, lesions of kidney, heart, retina Epileptic seizures Intracranial calcifications Autosomal dominant, chromosome 9

31 Tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville)
Mental deficit – first 2 years Depigmental lesions of skin Naevus Pringle (adenoms) – in 1st year Calcifications on X-ray - first 2 years Epi seazures - first 2 years Retina Brain lesions

32 Tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville)

33 Tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville)
Adenoma sebaceum

34 Encefalofacial angiomatosis (Sturge-Weber)
Cutaneous haematoma in face Seizures Mental retardation Hemiparesis X-ray – kalcifications at the convexity hemisfér (kalcifikácie v of hemisfers P-O Autosomaly dominant

35 Encefalofacial angiomatosis (Sturge-Weber)

36 Encefalofacial angiomatosis (Sturge-Weber)

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