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Safety & Sanitation Ch. 6 Guide to Good Food Cultures & Cuisines Borland.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety & Sanitation Ch. 6 Guide to Good Food Cultures & Cuisines Borland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety & Sanitation Ch. 6 Guide to Good Food Cultures & Cuisines Borland

2 Cuts Keep knives sharp- dull blades may slip & require more force Use knives properly-cut away from yourself Don’t try to catch a falling knife Wash & dry knives separately Store knives separately in silverware drawer Don’t touch beaters or blender blades unless appliance is unplugged

3 Cuts Never pick up broken glass with bare hands Sweep pieces into dustpan- wipe area with wet paper towel (wear rubber gloves)- double bag Don’t try to pull can lids out w/ hands or tip of sharp knife Use care when grating small pieces- cut w/knife

4 TREATING CUTS –cover cut & apply pressure until bleeding stops –wash with soap & water –wear gloves if you have cuts or bandages –dispose any food contaminated with blood

5 Knife etiquette Passing a knife- lay on counter- blade towards you & slide to other cook or let them pick it up let washer know you have a dirty knife or lay it NEXT TO- NOT IN dish water carry knife at your side, point down, blade toward the back wash AND DRY knives individually- do not stand up in drain rack

6 Falls Clean spills immediately!!!! Stay in areas Do not move a victim if neck is injured or have suspected broken bones Use ice for bruises

7 Shock Do not use appliances on a wet counter Do not unplug cords with wet hands Hold plug, not cord, to pull from outlet Unplug appliances when not in use DO NOT TOUCH A SHOCK VICTIM use wood (broom) or fabric to pull victim away

8 Choking Chew food properly before swallowing Don’t talk/laugh with food in your mouth Abdominal Thrusts: pushing on victim’s abdomen –use only if victim is NOT coughing pg. 127

9 Poisoning Keep out of reach of children Wash fruits & vegetables Read all warning labels- have poison control # in kitchen

10 GREASE Do not leave grease unattended Clean burners & bottoms/sides of pans Cook at the correct temperature DO NOT PUT WATER ON A GREASE FIRE!!!!!!! –USE BAKING SODA OR PAN LID –Do not put very wet food in hot fat

11 Fires Turn off range & oven controls & disconnect small appliances when not in use Roll up sleeves & don’t wear loose clothing Don’t put recipes/towels/oven mitts etc. on burners Know where the fire extinguisher is –by orange kitchen & hallway door –fire blanket- in orange kitchen by preschool

12 BURNS Keep long hair tied back & aprons tied Use pot holder/oven mitt to put food IN & OUT of the oven Open oven door ALL THE WAY Do not use WET oven mitts Let foods cool before tasting Open pan lids AWAY from you

13 Burn First Aid Place burn under COLD WATER Do not apply cream/ointment/grease Do not break blisters

14 Lab Rules LISTEN TO & FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY!!! –EVERYONE should pay attention to instructions prior to each lab –Communicate with your group “ask 3, THEN as me”

15 Lab Rules Wash hands (after touching hair, face, pockets etc) –thoroughly & frequently Hot soapy water- remove large jewelry Dry with paper towel Secure hair away from face, off shoulders Wear closed toe shoes

16 Lab Rules Gather ingredients in 1 trip- quickly –Take recipe, tray, measuring equipment, portion cups Stay in assigned kitchen- less traffic= less accidents Use calm, quiet voices- only yell in emergency situations, please! (fire, severe cut or burn, fall, shock, etc.)

17 Lab Rules Clean as you go –don’t save messes for the end of class, and check floor for spills Use equipment properly –And use proper equipment- knives, cutting boards, eating utensils (ONLY for eating) –Unplug mixers when not in use –Put mixer motor (head) down when not in use –Do NOT flip towels NO THROWING…ANYTHING

18 Lab Rules Leave area clean & dry –NOTHING should be on your counter –Dry & store dish drain/board/tub –Run garbage disposal (with water running) –Dry sink with towel –Clean counters & cook top with bleach solution –Sweep (including corners & base of cabinets) –Mop last

19 Lab Rules Do NOT sit, unless you are eating OR everything is finished & clean Group members MUST take turns writing lab plans Duties will rotate EACH lab –Gatherer, washer, cook 1, cook 2, assistant (whatever needs done), cleaner-during & after –In groups of 3- gatherer/assistant, cook 1, washer/cleaner/assistant

20 Lab Rules Leave ON TIME –You may return during your lunch to finish cleaning. –Groups will receive a ZERO if labs aren’t clean by 4 th block. –Each member may receive permission to stay late (less than 5 minutes) to finish- only ONCE!

21 Laundry Rules Full aprons MUST be worn and TIED All laundry must be placed IN the washer –The machine on the right NOTHING should be on the laundry room floor!!! Groups will take turns washing/sorting/folding towels & aprons Aprons should be washed after each lab Dish towels are for…DISHES & sinks

22 FOOD SAFETY “Foodborne Illness”: food poisoning bacteria-single celled microorganism (not all are harmful) –Ecoli & salmonellosis –Toxins (poisonous bacteria)- botulism

23 Other causes Parasites- microorganism needing a “host” –Trichonosis- pork Virus-smallest microorganism –Hepatitis A Protozoa-1 celled –Amebiasis & Giardiasis Natural toxins- mushrooms, leaves of rhubarb

24 4 steps to food safety

25 Clean Sanitation- being clean to prevent illness wash hands for 20 seconds w/ soap & WARM water –before cooking/eating, after sneezing, coughing, touching hair or face, or dirty objects Use PAPER TOWELS to dry hands!!!!!!

26 Clean Use gloves if you have cuts on your hands Use TOWELS ONLY FOR DISHES!!! Thoroughly wash cutting boards & counters Sanitize with solution 1 part bleach to 4 parts water Wash dishes in HOT water, air dry Don’t store food under sinks Wipe tops of cans before opening

27 Separate Keep raw & ready to eat food apart Cross-contamination- harmful bacteria are transferred to another food –examples? –Use produce & meat bags when shopping –do not taste & cook with same spoon

28 Separate Use different cutting boards, utensils, plates, knives for raw & cooked foods –examples? Wash hands frequently Use paper towels for hands/dish cloths only for dishes when in doubt- throw it out!

29 Cook Use a thermometer to check food temperatures DANGER ZONE= 40°-140°F Keep hot foods above 140° –most red meats 160° –chicken 170°

30 Cook Don’t eat partially cooked foods with eggs, meat, poultry, fish (or cookie dough) cook eggs until they are firm, not runny do not eat bulging canned foods (home packed or store bought)

31 Chill Keep cold foods below 40 –fridge temp= 36freezer temp= 0 don’t let food set at room temperature for more than 2 hours refrigerate leftovers quickly, eat within 3 days or freeze thaw foods in microwave or fridge use raw ground meat/poultry within 2 days or freeze

32 Food Safety Guidelines Don’t “double dip”- use tasting spoons ALL leftovers should be COVERED & stored in the fridge Bleach surfaces prior to using (especially when placing food directly on counter Wear gloves over open wounds DO NOT eat food with uncooked eggs –(don’t lick the spoon/bowl)

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