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ASCOS ice camp Oden ”Met Alley & Ocean ”Open Lead” 5700 meter 3200 meter.

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Presentation on theme: "ASCOS ice camp Oden ”Met Alley & Ocean ”Open Lead” 5700 meter 3200 meter."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASCOS ice camp Oden ”Met Alley & Ocean ”Open Lead” 5700 meter 3200 meter

2 Sband cloud and precipitation radar 449 MHz wind profiler Kband MMCR cloud radar CTD-container (not used) Storage & lab space NOAA remote sensing container Main lab 4 th deck aerosol & atmosperic chemistry labs Pump container Inlet masts7 th deck Instruments NOAA celiometer

3 Main lab NOAA container Kband MMCR cloud radar Sband cloud and precipitation radar 449 MHz wind profiler Dual band microwave radiometer Main lab Cloud celiometer

4 Gas terminals Storage Trace gas Insbruck Main aerosol lab DMS, SO 2 & filterpack analysis MISU Pump container Inlets FSSP

5 Gas phase atmospheric chemistry

6 Particulate chemistry & physics

7 M-AERI Weatherpack w/ radiation Radon monitor Ships weather station 60MHz scanning radiometer High- volume sampler PM10 low-volume samplers Fog water collector All-sky camera Fog water collectors Sounding station UVB sensor  - spectro- meter

8 FMI visibility sensor Ships celiometer FMI celiometer M-AERI MULid Lidar Sounding antennas Sounding launch station

9 Sodar Radiation & ice temperature 30-meter mast 15-meter mast Tethered station w/ winch Oceanography hut w/ CTD & microstructure probe Tethered system Power lines Microbarographs Under-ice momentum and heat- flux mast

10 Underwater bubble camera system Water sampling platform Micro-layer sampling boat WinchOpen Lead Station safety & electronics hut OOTI Aerosol flux station Gill sonic Licor hygro- meter Aerosol inlet

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