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Organised by Income Equality Aotearoa New Zealand Inc More equal societies work better for everyone.

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1 Organised by Income Equality Aotearoa New Zealand Inc More equal societies work better for everyone

2 Subject: FW: Chat up line At a bar...



5 New Zealand’s Problem Increased wealth but ↑health/social problems crime/violence/imprisonment drugs/alcohol mental disorders health/obesity/infant mortality education other……….. WHY?

6 Authors Wilkinson – economics ( LSE ) - epidemiology ( Nots, London, York ) Pickett – physical anthropology ( Cambridge ) - nutritional sciences ( Cornell ) - epidemiology ( Berkeley )


8 Source of Data World Bank WHO UN OECD


10 Selection of Countries Richest 50 countries ( World Bank 2004 ) Flat portion of curve Exclude - no data - <3 million Dataset = 23 countries













23 Education Performance Bigger GAP = worse performance Finland - at the top 1. Free ( illegal to charge fees), compulsory (7-16 yr), no selection of students, no national testing, no league tables, no inspections 2. Teachers: “The most sought after profession”- Master’s degree, prestige, competitive++ “Teachers are academics and well trained, so we trust them” ( Prof Lavonen ) 3. Narrow income gap (Little social mobility) [Free tertiary education]

24 Statistical Associations Cause & Effect? Correlations between countries & States Robust correlations Changes with time in parallel - USSR to Russia - Japan vs USA post WWII - Post-Berlin Wall

25 Explanations “Stress” Social status Trust (lack of..) Anger & frustration Physiology-to-pathophysiology Impaired broad view - society, foreign aid Imperfect Understanding




29 The GAP in New Zealand “ It is no coincidence that the biggest increases in income inequalities have occurred in economies such as those of America, Britain and New Zealand, where free-market economic policies have been pursued most zealously” The Economist 1994

30 The GAP in New Zealand “Income disparities are widening and they will widen much more. That doesn’t worry me” Minister of Finance 1995

31 The GAP in New Zealand 2009-2010 INCOME Chief Executives – 14% rise All New Zealanders – 1.7% rise Business Herald 2010

32 Considerations for the Rich 1. Reducing the GAP benefits the rich ( as well as the poor ) 2. Can the GAP expand further? “ As we watch the fervor across the Arab world – where a fraction of the population controls the lion’s share of wealth – we must ask: when will it come to America” Joseph E Stiglitz (2011)

33 ACTION: Reduce the income GAP Hypothesis: Reducing the GAP will: Improve health indices Reduce infant mortality Reduce crime & imprisonment rates Reduce obesity Reduce mental illness Reduce teenage pregnancies Improve education performance Improve wellbeing….etc etc Save $$$ long-term

34 How to Reduce the GAP Tax/Welfare – Scandinavian model Decrease Income GAP – Japan model Oversight of ministries etc (remove blinkers) Close tax havens ($$ trillions) (Treasure Islands Nick Shaxson) Public / Political will

35 The Fight Against Organised Misery But stand up, you, stand up, but stand up with me and let us go off together to fight face to face against the devil’s webs, against the system that distributes hunger, against organised misery The Captain’s Verses Pablo Neruda 1972

36 Income Equality Aotearoa New Zealand Inc. started in 2011, based on Wilkinson and Pickett in their book “The Spirit Level”. aim is to convince a sufficient number of New Zealand of the merits of the argument get politicians to take notice, make reducing the Income Gap in New Zealand a top priority and work out ways of accomplishing that goal. attempting to do this through a variety of channels the most important of which is our website Facebook Twitter

37 Where to from here? NEW ZEALAND Living Wage Campaign SFW Union Poverty Action Waikato UK

38 we need: political consensus that expresses a vision of a socially fair and just society a fair, all encompassing progressive tax system. lift bottom incomes –Enough well paid jobs –A well educated workforce –Better educational results for the bottom 20% –Better homes, preschool, and schools A safety net welfare system which provides proper adequate support.

39 Warren Buffet : It has been class warfare over the last 20 years and at the moment the rich are winning” Stephen Hessell It is time for Outrage We must have everybody winning.


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