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Anthropometric Assessment of Special Populations bpk 303.

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Presentation on theme: "Anthropometric Assessment of Special Populations bpk 303."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anthropometric Assessment of Special Populations bpk 303

2 What is a Special Population? One that can not be assessed by orthodox methodology Body Composition Tend to be very sample specific Anthropometric Assessment Are standardized techniques still valid in special groups

3 Which Measures are OK? Validity & Feasibility Can the standardized measurement position be achieved Recumbent or seated subjects Can other conditions of standardization be achieved Deformities or Contractures

4 Seniors who can not stand Predicting Height from Knee Height Men 64.19 - (0.04 x age) + (2.02 x Knee Height) Women 84.88 - (0.24 x age) + (1.83 x Knee Height) Predicting Weight from Girths & Skinfolds Men 1.92 (arm girth) + 1.44 (calf girth) + 0.25 (subscapular skinfold) - 39.97 Women 0.92 (arm girth) + 1.50 (calf girth) + 0.42 (subscapular skinfold) - 26.19

5 Norms Available? Cerebral Palsy vs Down’s Syndrome Which groups warrant their own norms

6 Treatment and Rehabilitation of Children with cerebral palsy, brain injuries and other neuromotor problems


8 Pediatric Anthropometry Assessment of nutritional status of children. Children with developmental disabilities are at increased nutritional risk because of:  feeding problems,  abnormal levels of physical activity  and altered weight and growth patterns.

9 Cerebral Palsy Two main problems:  presence of muscular contractures, spasms and scoliosis often lead to inaccuracy for measurements of height or recumbent length  body part splints, braces or wheelchair accessories do not permit easy access for anthropometric measures.

10  S.H.A.P.E.S. custom computer software  serial plotting  anthropometric profile

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